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 Jan 2015 Willow-Anne
Ever catch yourself
caught between
the light and dark?

Has the stark contrast
blinded you, both
from lack of
and abundance of

Ever rounded a night corner
and prayed that the road
materialises beyond you;
that it follows the path
the very way you
imagine it?

And have you ever felt utterly ALIVE in that
frantic millisecond of uncertainty?

I have.
 Jan 2015 Willow-Anne
Val Vogel
Once a lad and growing so
Days spun and spanning into years aglow-
Vitality, vim and vigor strong
Life's sweet pathways sometimes short sometimes long-
Boy-becomes-man journey
Letting go, each, that father-son tourney

Wave spreading in the sun
Smiles scatter warmly in youth's summer fun
Breaking over life’s beach
Sharing nourishment its lessons to teach
Dreams and hopes and coping
Even during seasons pained and molting

Like a dance, almost love
Son’s own rhythm within, below, above
"is nothingness black or white?"
"neither. nothingness is just...nothing."

"what are you waiting for?"
"someone to save me."

"if the stars above us are from the distant past,
do you think, a million years from now, those stars could one day see us?"

"tell me, is it possible to die from heartbreak?"
"no, my love."

"doesn't it scare you that we were born into this world alone,
and will eventually leave this world alone?"
"no, because it's what's in between the two that matters."

"which would cause more pain - a headache or a heartache?"
"that depends on how you live - with your head, or your heart."

"all this while, i've been waiting for someone to save me.
but now, i realize the only person capable of that is me."

"don't you wish you could turn back time?"
"if given the choice, i'd still choose the present."

"good night beautiful world."

"once again, i am nothing."
Bring me to ruins
Drown me in your waves
The tide is too high
Its rough
Its taking me away
Drifting until I sink
Trapped in your haze
Your taste I drink
But its poison
Delicious with no cure
You will destroy me
For that I'm sure
 Jan 2015 Willow-Anne
Ocean Blue
With our untold dreams
On the beach we've built a castle
To put in our sighs, our whims.
Then suddenly, you left the vessel,
To sail your way, offshore.
The walls, made stronger by my tears,
Can now resist the Ocean much more.
Though I have no fears
That, horse riding as a white knight,
As you vanished, you will reappear,
Sooner or later, maybe in the night,
Back to our sand castle,
my Dear.
She keeps appearing and disappearing in my life. No doubt she will appear again   :)
What more do you want from me?
I've given away my time, my hope, my trust,
And you stole everything that remained.
Now nothing is left inside me,
but you came back for more.
I don't have a **** thing,
I'm just as empty as your head,
and as shattered as your soul.
Nothing remains, but the pain of what's lost.
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