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martin challis
Northern Rivers NSW Aust    Father of 6 (now all adults) Husband to the most beautiful person I know. Lover of poetry that expands thinking, opens the heart and contributes …
M/North Western Oregon    World traveler, Yarn Spinner, Published writer, Front porch philosopher, back porch dreamer. Gentleman Farmer, Devoted Father and Grandfather. Lover of Nature. Proud to have been …
Mercy B
ohio    Our failure and triumphs are not what define us in this lifetime. It is the paths in which we choose to overcome and achieve them …
runu swayam
india    Poetry to me is my self expression, i don't write it, it flows through me. It's the language of the heart and echo of the …
27/F/Not Boston, Almost Hell    ✝ (also known as WistfulHope) Read, message, or whatever • My work is protected under copyright © • HP member since 8-24-14
Wellan Xi
Singapore    🇸🇬 I write to breathe out this toxic waste of space. @Erennwrites
Deborah Brooks Langford
Someone once said today will be yesterday and tomorrow will never come... so love today with all your heart, tomorrow might be too late... Friendship …
Dean Eastmond
Weymouth    English Language and Linguistics student at University of Birmingham. Inspired by Ginsberg, Plath, Murakami and Kerouac. Aspiring "one day" and hopeful "could be". I write …
San Antonio Texas    My poetry is like the wind, it changes directions constantly. I have learned so very much over the past several years which has broadened my …
Karen Newell
Artist, Poet, Dreamer. © all work posted sole propriety of Karen Newell
Elsewhere somewhere.    Sometimes, I pretend to be normal. Instagram: @thekataleya Twitter: @catahleya Copyright reserved for all poems, mention if used. Please no plagiarism.
SG Holter
Fenstad, Norway.    Norwegian. Construction worker at daytime. Poet, musician and artist at night. All poems are the original works and property of © S.G. Holter, unless otherwise …
Tammy Boehm
Michigan    I"m female, 50, "Rubenesque" (google it if you don't know) married and have spawned two male children - one fully fledged and one flapping his …
John Stevens
Idaho moved to Texas    Retired IT Specialist who writes to maintain sanity. Raising two grandchildren and 1 who are a delight of my life. I began writing in the …
calpurnia mockingbird
Cardiff    I work in mental health which is pretty stressful sometimes so my outpourings are my release. Please note that all works posted by me are …
Et cetera
Karachi, Pakistan    My words shall introduce me.
Petal pie
Brighton, England    Loopy lady loves to muse and converse with others, writes amateur odes from time to time. I love flowers, my kids, making things, my job …
Michael Amery
Vancouver    Pablo Neruda is king. I believe people should live life passionately. Poetry is a safe release of that passion. Twitter @mooretosayblog
Joshua Haines
26/M/Father, Husband, Writer    Wear a mask.
Don Bouchard
64/M/Minnesota    Married 43 years (& counting) to the one love of my life
Cadence Musick
Young girl, old heart. A melancholy mix in a world such as this.
Mohd Arshad
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