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wichitarick Jul 2016
As I melt into the music forming  a pool all that is left is drool

Arising again with a stronger force of steam lifted  into clouds like a dream

Leaving the sky, roaring of thunder enclosing all that is under, sounds become the rule

Fledgling thought caught from a key soon to enlighten me fulfilling a new scheme

Forming a new opus around us ,enlightened ,fresh, brightened in an emotional duel

Moving mindset,new vote from an enchanting note gaining strength our new theme

Not lying under a chorus of remorse ,opening windows, incoming harmonies now our fuel

Melodies rising, raising awareness ,mingling in our minds,arias adding spirit to our team

Sonnets singing of a new beginning ,refrains make new gains, simple sounds becoming a crown jewel

Broken pictures forming fixtures ,piece by piece they play harmoniously we lean

GLORIOUS,GRANDIOSE stronger language for the new passions no longer coming in rations

a jingle now a manuscript,life is now a symphony,melodies have created another renewal.
Was fun,maybe to much brain food type rock & roll :) or simply cooped up escaping 100plus temps. ?  The visual of a melting vinyl l.p. is a help.
  still new to showing ,even re-reading my ramblings,prose so any in put is appreciated. thank you for reading. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2016
Many  times we are left wondering  with a repetitious answer of whats next.

To much time now the get up & go has just remained still or had vertigo .

Needing to make new memory's yet hesitant, feet firmly planted while a sun sets in the west

Left in isolation or to make a new familiarization   finding a new place to grow

Toughness of youth waning while wisdom is gaining  considering taking a new test.

Familiar creeks calling or possible new bounty finding another row to ***

Meeting in the middle sometimes seen as a crisis ,maybe needing to recall how we are blessed

Making plans so late can we endure finding an untried state,fresh corners  for the wind to blow

More cautious of a crash beginning anew no time for recovery or a good rest .

Still a bit like fishing ,dark waters ,blind bottoms worth risking,playing a hand of tarot

Will winding it all down become harder than the bringing it  up, leaving us all
empty after the passion we have had to invest. R.C.
Daughter going off to college soon:) what do I have left to do?
appreciate the reading and the other contributors ,any input is appreciated. Rick
  Jul 2016 wichitarick
Listening to the sea,
that dark looking glass
like the watchboy they ask
about the night, my brother,
the black mirror you see,
I know almost nothing about,
I heard a dirge of burning longboats
like the songs the dead sing
to put me to sleep, my death,
if I could tell you about it,
my Captain, I would but I slept
right through it, not dreaming.
  Jul 2016 wichitarick
Alif Imran
the sky is filled with heavily condensed water,
and birds flying away taking shelters,
and swaying long grass dancing,
whilst all I can hear is the loud sound of leaves blown by the wind,

No sun,
no shines,
clouds are marching,
soon, very soon,
waters gonna fall,

under the broken bus stop,
with broken rooftop and rusting metal,
I hold my small Carmine coloured umbrella
with the lush green leaves paint the background
the sky cried,
and the tears dropped onto my umbrella,
and millions more followed,

the tense smell of water mixing with the earth,
the smell of rain,
the smell of loneliness
perfectly captured by my friend, nature,
I stood there, looking upward
heavily cloud is darkening and darkening,

it is crying it most heavy downpour,
and all the nature too, silent,
and all the nature too are in deep grieve,
water is rising and drowning my feet,
the ambience is not creepy but tranquillizing
nature most expensive marijuana,

As cold as the ice,
clear like crystal,
so pure, so wild,
the heavenly droplets,

I stood so long at the bus stop,
waiting for the one bus that never arrived,
my feet were numb and start to sore,
move on,
move on,
so I let the rain washed away my uncertainty,

I took the first step,
of my agonizing journey,
through the deserted road,
whilst the rampaging storm is abusing me,
I decide to lose my umbrella to the wind,
and learn how to dance in the rain,

After a storm comes a rainbow,
the saying goes,
I believe in those,
cheap and cheezy echoes,

Rain or shine,
I am fond of them all,
nature is wild
wild is good
good for my unsettling soul,

so let's dance,
dance in this cold unbearable blizzard of rain,
of feelings,
let the healing begin,
aren't we all need healing?
wichitarick Jul 2016
Flowing away  as a twitch, movements made not more than a flinch ,taken as an an annoyance like swatting a fly
Gradually graduating, motions moving unknown reasons not part of the season
Unknown master of the larger apparatus making things happen ,no motive why
Larger jolts coming out like horrendous volts, rising & falling as fast, almost left beaten

Reversal of energy seems to flow at thrice the pace as coming in
Powerful in a hidden spirit like a ghost always in the closet
Readjusting not always possible ,snatching away my grin
Greatest days , beginning new plays so quickly flushed with a new protest

Tiring of new apologies, making excuses for a mindless fantasy
Taken wrong can internally erode leaving the mind to corrode
Delving to deep, looking in while an unknown demon controls our sanity
Stability becomes a fantasy  like an ongoing drama awaiting the next episode

Predomination can not become complete in a strong personality
Not becoming an overbearing passion play ,inner strength the goal
Allowing ourselves time to play has to remain part of the day keeping the veracity
Almost as a gamble but maintaining  the glass 1/2 full is now the constant role. R.C.
Was unsure on this,found buried ,unfinished,probably feelings of "IT" although I am not bothered ,I also spend A LOT of time in constant recovery ,or partially paralyzed basically in a altered state,so "normal" becomes more a fantasy :) can bring about A LOT of emotions. Normally would not offer that much & NEVER consider "it" a disability,but is useful to understand the writing.any input is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2016
So many silly songs about dreaming and leaving floating away into the night.

Making those others wanderings real time replacements of our own is now the task at hand.

Maybe not wanting a futuristic fantasy ,just seeking real time rest and not some real time fright

Daily preferences often end up as night time references ,settling into cracks even when we don't understand.

Simply sleeping  should not be a test,a weight so great it alone decides our fate new visions should remain in sight.

Limitless boundaries to explore why fade back when it can be blown forward,would seem the watchtower is undermanned.

Preparation while honorable is futile,stability's of a daytime mind not to be recognized in kind with an  unknown plight.

Domicile demeanor as fictitious play ,laying back into slumber but steadily the fires are being fanned .

Wincing while also adjusting as stability becomes convincing ,maybe the light is still to bright.

Moments added into hours ,the busy brain just devours burning calories in a mind as many memories are rammed.

Cycling from the first light, almost welcoming the daytime, any weakness hidden like a parasite.

Inner hostility playing pranks &  breaking ranks although placid when resting is the command .

Blind inner ambitions, bask behind barriers breaking out cleverly overnight.

Appeasement is uneasy ,living with a phantom is easier than trying to control
a demon ,much like a subliminal confidante. R.C.
Trying to get sleep patterns back on schedule might have brought this out? :(     I truly appreciate people reading my out put ,rambling. any in put is appreciated. thank you for reading Rick
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