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took me
losing everything
to finally realize how
much something as small
as a scrambled egg could make  
a difference in the way
you look at people,
nature, things,
even joy
 Oct 2013 Whatyoudon'tknow
In the small hours,
alone with my thoughts of you,
I feel you touching me.

I feel your warm skin softly nestle
next to mine
as Nox wraps us in
her dark embrace.

Breathing as one,
we silently explore
the landscape of us.

There are no words for this learning.
 Oct 2013 Whatyoudon'tknow
When it comes to you,
I'll wait.
You're eyes are bait,
But I won't bite.
I'll sit up straight.
I'll respond,
Not instigate.
I promise,
I'll wait.
I've got time.
I'll need it at this rate.
there was a boy,
sitting under an apple tree
with a calculus textbook on his lap
and headphones dangling

I suppose I fell in love
with the way he nibbled on his chapped fingers
and the way he runs his hands through his messy midnight hair,
his deep sighs as he continues to rub off his mistakes on his calculus homework,
trying to figure out whether x=1 or x= -2.
And I fell in love with the way he snaps his fingers and grins and chuckles softly when victory and justice in that calculus question was prevailed.  

there was something about the way he smiled
that healed her scarred soul

there was something in him that
made the little black butterflies flutter with joy deep inside her

there was something about him
that she simply couldn't explain

something about him that she couldn't figure out, like missing puzzles

He wasn't mine, but I fell in love with him.
You're messed up, your mind needs to confess up
you been drinking again?
Your eyes look like drugs.
no dilation, your hearing voices but its all an imagination
stirring up problems with your pitiful noises you are creating
Pumping venom thru your black heart, since you were 5 you never stopped hating
you pray on the day your father walks past that ally your standing at
with a note patiently waitin
with no hesitation,
I swear this boy has become some sorta satin
the truth is he wasn't always like this
seems the evil angel came in through the night and gave him a dark kiss
he conquers all that's weak and smashes all that's bliss
he's been kicked to the ground so much, he just got up and threw fists
protecting all he's worth
while selling himself short
he been playing this game so long, he's becoming a poor sport
his anger launches his passion
while frustration peruses his pains
don't come close to this monster please know that he is untamed
lockdown his believes and feel the wrath of his broken chains
he's a unconscious killer who has revenge all in his veins
targeting the shallow women who consistently cut him deep
its the love you all want, it's the heart break he now seeks
the sky was his limit, he jumped off the peek
this man is not crazy, nor even insane
he's just a normal man, ya choose to not treat him the same
he's become some sorta addict, he's addicted to his pen
he's addicted to "P.s I love you"
starting with "Dear friend"
tick tock on the clock
seems my talent has slowly stopped
a crossroad in my mind, I've must of hit a Writers block...
Don't need your views. This was for me.
 Oct 2013 Whatyoudon'tknow
I didn't mind stepping on
Grass, dirt, differences,
And broken promises
the whole night
If it meant I could see the faces
That have become all too unfamiliar.

It was like looking at the night sky
For the billionth time
Except the stars that you knew had their places,
No longer did.
But the sky was still beautiful

Your voice
Pierced through me the way it always has
But with words that no longer made sense,
Words that forced it's way
Through a crowd of people you called

There was no problem with that, I tell you
My heart sank to the soles of my feet
In uncertainty
You never liked that word,
You once told me that we were better off

I grasped your hand for the first time
Since the last awkward silence,
And shook it.
Except you returned it with a grip
That felt like it belonged to someone else.
You smiled a smile that wasn't yours
Your teeth shone a light more strobe than candle

You told stories of laughter
But they were no longer about our adventures of fighting dragons and saving the helpless.
They were about jumping into the lakes
Not to enjoy the water
But to show off that new tan and flaunt that new body

And I could have sworn
Amidst the chaos you presence caused
And the enthusiasm of your story telling,
I heard you introduce yourself to me again.
But it sounded like you were saying:
"this my name but this is no longer my personality"

As my heart sank, my hopes followed
Because I was certainly standing before
A person with a piercing personality
A person with the same hands and the same feet
A person who lit up the whole room
A person who was, undoubtedly, beautiful

But that person was no longer
I don't remember exactly what your lips tasted like anymore,
or how your hands felt on my skin
or how you sounded when you told me how much you loved me
I'm starting to forget your smell,
your scars
your words
you are starting to fade,
and I don't know if I'm happy about this
or scared
because part of me wants to hold on to whatever I can of you,
because forgetting you
is like losing you all over again,
but maybe I don't want to remember
 Oct 2013 Whatyoudon'tknow
There was nothing in this vast landscape of delusions, only illusions.
A flower, a friend, a gift, a betrayal, a tear, a shattered mirror and perdition.
The music of the euphoric nothingness enticing the darkness,
calling for the shadows, everlasting, never ending.
I know, I deserve this. Always threw the stone and looked the other way,
the sin, the penitence, the lament, the void, the shallowness, the meaningless.
Living each day a moribund marionette moving through the crowd an empty mess.
The ticking, the hunger, the instrument, the mending of the ending,
but then came you. An unexpected gaze wondering through my maze.
Navigating each passage as if though you knew the way, a hindrance.
Let me corrode here please, go away, I thought. I never said it.
You remained here almost an embodiment of the hope I sought for so long,
Perhaps this is another of my creations, a desire from the dire.
Your hands are tepid, driving the frigidness away, maybe it's real?
An hour, a day, a week, a period of time slowly passes.
You are hope, my hope, my desire, my wish, my light and gentle day.
I found the impatient clock fast-forwarding each hour until the time had come,
to see one another.
Your world was intriguing and vivid everyday was fun, every night a pain.
Without a warning you brought the richness of the paint in to the callousness of mine.
The sky once again blue, the birds with songs, the grass now green my world anew.
Mere words such as “i love you” can't paint paint the picture, for it was more.
And yet here I am again. Alone.
Alive, not dead, back on the path to my journey.
Collecting, standing, walking and eventually running through the paradox.
Anew, exhumed, hope plastered once again against my chest,
and as I cry, tumble, fall and learn;
Each days is new, each meeting a joy and each moment thanking you.
Good-bye! I bid farewell to you, let our past be remembered beautifully,
and the present lived and the future build, as once again;
I construct, destroy, collapse, laugh and dream.  
As today the ticking resumes and I commence from where I stopped.
trembling hands
and cold fingers
longing for something
to hold on to.

the thought of you
runs through my veins
every now and then.

but eventually
it all fade.

the vivid image
of beautiful memories
of yesterday.

like scattered papers
and shattered glasses.
no one wants them back.

not me.

not even you.

now crumbled hopes are
held in my palms
waiting to be buried
in the snowy grave
on a cold dead winter.

may the ghost
of you
be gone
(9.13 pm, 24/5/13)
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