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Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
Sun flares in smiles
Cause' I was born with convictions
Torn between love addictions
There's no predictions in contradictions
White spots and star fades
And we're falling into misjudged trials
Worded blades and dulled kisses
So, tell me what you're thinking about
Cause' you'll have to tell me again
Who's got the self addressing issues
I'll admit I do, if only you do too
So, let me run away
I promise I'll hide away with you
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
I'm so high
Could either be the drugs or the moment
Either way I
Can't take my eyes off of you
Vinnie Brown May 2019
"In the wake of the late night when you think I'm doing something, often times I'm staring out of my window at the world, coming up with ways that I could possibly defeat immortality."
                                  ~ Vinnie Brown
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
To the desolate
And the lost
You’re not alone on this holiday
For you are in my thoughts
Merry Christmas
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
Going home
And nothing's quite wrong
But nothing really feels right
Trying to decide which to ignite
Either my head or my heart
A fire is kindling
Caught in between
What I want and what I know
Forever lost in changing my mind
We all just ask for one more night
To be honest I wouldn't change a forever in this bed
Although I know our time is ending
Maybe tonight you can make me change my mind
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
My favorite part
Of making deals with the devil
Was how free I never thought I’d be
While I’m burning up never feeling so cold
Yet, Hell was comforting
It felt familiar
So unlike Earth, foreign and misplaced
Sort of emphatically beautiful
Like everyone just took a little more time
To understand that we all had sins
Sharing our hot coals with eachother
Watching the others hands burn
The smell of apple crisp
Seemed to be so homely after all
Vinnie Brown Jul 2018
Did you know Honey never goes bad?
You can reheat it thousands of years later
It’ll taste just as good as it would fresh
If we survive and get out alive
I think that’s the kind of love I’d want
A forever type of thing
So, Honey would you like to be my love?
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
She doesn't know
I've caught her a couple times
Waking before the sun
It's the same routine
Deep long breath
As she hugs herself tight
Does a softening stretch
A faint smile glistening on heated lips
She closes her eyes
Indulging in the silence of lost moments
Slow gentle openings as yesterday's tribulations and trials are now speckled laughs for a day
She has yet to realize that she is hope
Hope for all the helpless
For I am a raven and she is a dove
Yet she bares my heart an olive branch
And beckons me to wake with peck like kisses
Vinnie Brown Feb 2017
Highway love's going to mess me up
Night's like these when I need your touch
I find it funny, that we just keep running
But we just can't seem to catch this horizon
It seems the sun's going down and we're out of time
This feels like an end, I can't seem to rewrite
In this lasting moment
What is once well done is done forever
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
There's an invisible line
Where the waves conspire
To come rushing back again
And perhaps we shall meet again someday
A long long time from now
A little older
And a little less selfish
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
I don’t really want this song to end
I’m sort of addicted to this endless waltz
That you and I have been locked in
It’s not everyday
You get to dance with the devil
Eloquently chained to one another
Flowing heavenly towards sin
I’m held hostage
By the desires you possess
With fire eyes
All the shades of past lovers
Found in one ball room
Up high, snuck past the gates of Heaven
Where we’ll dance
Till the world tears itself apart
Vinnie Brown Oct 2018
I sorta liked the taste of my blood
When you bite my lips
She said it’d be fun to **** in the shower
It wasn’t that great burning alive
It seems one-hundred degree water
Doesn’t wash off the sins we have
Vinnie Brown Mar 2017
Still looking for our innocence
Lost in the number of sins
As the hour meets the minute hand
We'll keep dancing in each others land

Noticed a couple hours passed
Watching as we sift through the hour glass
Started off nothing, but friends
A kiss on the neck is how it all ends

Refusing to give up our fight
The soft patter as it rained all through the night
Falling into each other's body well
We warm until we went to hell

The puzzles finally been pieced
It's like our bodies are seeming to cease
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
Fire to Ice
Heaven to Hell
Summer to Winter
Hope to Despair
Needs to Wants
Chaos to Clarity To Chaos
From left to right sounds like breaking a heart
From right to left sounds like you’re learning to love
How curious that must be.
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
The world’s not so subjective
It’s just so critical
And we’re falling a part at the seams
When yesterday’s sins
Are tomorrow’s dreams
Running in never-ending circles
Pushed along with unbalanced chemicals
Skin stained with glorified imperfections
When the secrets tiptoe around your name
While the rain clouds are catching up
On our run for sunshine
Oh, what it means to be human
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
How interesting is it
That the older generations
Don't understand
Our newer styles of music
For we live in heartless times
And simple electronics
Make our bodies feel alive
Feel something
Showing us that we're human
What they truly don't see
Is how we're addicted
To the highs and lows
Attempting to open doors that are closed
Begging for bitter sweets
We're all to young to feel this numb
Vinnie Brown Jul 2018
And lately I've felt like I'm on fire
You just sit back and smile
My brains screaming that you're running the show
I'm feeling fine almost everyday
Except for all the time
Don't have enough energy to even go outside
I've dropped my insecurities
I've left my dignity on the floor
But, you'll pick it up again for me
Allow my humility's to catch up to me once more
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
Rainy mornings waking up with you
We have no plans, we have nothing to do
White holy angel with a devil grin
Asking when I want to start the sins
Telling me all the ways that you like it
Biting lips in silence, fighting to deny it
Out of all the chokers that you own
I’m just trying to be your favorite
Cause’ you’re the sunshine
I’m the hurricane
Tangled up in these sheets
Vinnie Brown Feb 2017
You seared me with the rays you emit
Burned my wings to darken splits
Stressed out all day
Inside my head all night
Trying to make sense of the ever so senseless fights

You've got me barely holding on
Loving from a far
You're the one just making this so hard
I'll take my chances, burning up like Icarus
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
Black and white polaroids
Crossed out eyes
And tongues out
We must’ve been so high
With stars in our eyelids
Lost to the heavens
So close to the Sun
Icarus wings melting
I wonder when my mind decided
I wasn’t worth helping
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
Let me toss you a question, who are you?
Man, the difficulty is resounding
It almost hits like a brick wall
Why though?
I suppose I don't really know
And that's so detrimental within itself
Not, that I don't know why it hits like a brick wall
No, I don't know who I am
I'm ever changing every single second of every single day
When past lovers say a girl or a boy I use to know
And we aren't really in love with people but memories
Of who people use to be
And I'm like lemonade, but today it's too hot out to play
And you're like the sunshine, when it's been raining for days
To the ones we haven't met, take us for what we are
For we are changing and our identity isn't set in stone
We're human and mistakes are what we are
What we crave to be
It's okay, you're okay
The idealism that we have identity
Is that we're all constellations in someone else's eyes
Vinnie Brown Nov 2018
Pretty sure I was doomed from the start
Everything in the world seems to fall apart
So, quickly...sort of love having a broken heart
Even all these drugs can’t fix me
Unless it’s mixed with whiskey
I’m not even sad, sort of just bored
Nothing can excite me anymore
The coast has lost all of its allure
New York use to be so pretty
Now it’s just a city
And all of these people
And all of their friends
Look so good together
And I don’t fit in
Cause’ they’re picture perfect
And I’m on the end
Cut me out the photo
So, they can pretend

Like I don’t exist.
Vinnie Brown May 2017
Been praying to a God I have trouble believing in
        Watch over her in these times
Shine a light wherever she seems to go
Hug her in an embrace and show her she's never alone. Lighten her eyes on days the sun refuses to shine, and on her darkest days let her glow. She thinks she's an absolute mess sometimes, but she's a mess I want to call home. I'm asking you to help her along a path I can't take, and I'm begging you keep her safe. She's going to stumble and maybe even fall, please be the help she needs to stand tall, it can't be me, and so I need you now.
All the words I can't say directly
Vinnie Brown Mar 2017
The news came out, and the world is ending
Tonight is our last night and it's just beginning
Our hands entwined and spinning
The beautiful music just keeps on playing

Just tell me where we need to start
Let me put my hands on your heart
And even if tomorrow doesn't come, we won't be far apart
As for us, only minutes to depart

So, stay right where we are
We've only ever come this far.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
Say the words
Let the hells call for me
Have them come home to thee
Beg for unseen sympathies
Born with empathetic atrophies
We're disaster and catastrophies
Yet, in our hearts we claim to be full of apologies
Our minds just enjoy to devour the blasphemies
Somewhere our souls are searching for lost moralities
How curious, I'll keep you alive with words, I've discovered
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
Not all things
You'll fall in love with
Are going to be perfect
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
To not know who I am, but still know that I'm still good for somebody
Just want a love that I can say I found impossibly
Cause you know I have my many convictions and they're stronger than any addiction
I'm really hoping this won't keep me awake
Cause, I honestly feel like a sunset just about to fade
The greatest violence that I've seen is our recent silence
Reading my mind just as if we were naked
Painted in one another such beautiful art permanently imprinted forever on my heart
Always trying to find my way back to the start
Because it seems to be every time I try and fall in love it falls apart
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
Undoubtedly shaken
In what seems an ocean's current
Grasp of fury and hell
How else does one describe
The rift of mind and body
Torn at the seams
For where loves fire looms
There is sure to be burn victims
And blown out candles
As she asked me of death and dying
To what do I owe the pleasure?
Of chaos and peace
As oblivion reigns
For the way home
Is on the horizon
And we shall be on our way
My inamorata
Vinnie Brown Jan 2019
Looped into these last days of eternity
With all the heavenly unseen
Billowed and plowed in dark crave
Lost in a sea of diluted voice
Becoming and unbecoming just that


Where small memory and blank pages
Define the parameters where nothingness
Disappears into the palm trees
And the first symptom to surface is desire
Denounced to the many hands
Following the map of keys
Tethered to the piano
As sun soaked faces trace contrails
With speckled eyes
We find ourselves in grievanced turmoil
Amongst such lush life
Vinnie Brown Jan 2018
-Don’t do this
-You just have to make it to daylight
  -And we have a chance kiddo
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
Any day now
I've been waiting
Been a long time coming baby
Come closer, please
We don't have to rush
Holding the pieces, let's build it up
Back to the endless summer
Remember the first time I saw you
Most beautiful creature, I've ever saw
I'm not quite sure what will happen
Both our lives hectic chasing passion
Just know that flame I've had for you
Is still ignited, and it's burning up
Vinnie Brown May 2023
I have waited
Paralyzed and viciously reminded
Ever humanly so
As I watch my fingertips burn
Dancing across your ever perfect skin
While your lips sear the taste of strawberry into mine
For I am scorched
Scorched by your scathing gaze
As the pits and folds of my desires
Are blackened by the thoughts of the things I should not do to you
Vinnie Brown Jul 2018
A couple dabs of honey
Pinch of salt
A little bit of vinegar
Just a touch of blood
Maybe a smidge of sugar
Teaspoon of red wine
Don’t forget a moan or two
A hint of selfishness
Make sure the sear is just right
Yeah, sounds a lot like what love would be
At least to me
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
I have tattoos without ink
White and filled with scar tissue
Just as beautiful as can be
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
I hope that you’re the inspiration
To these words that caress my thoughts
Lost to an endless sea
Of what I wish I could say
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
You don't have to run away with me
I could never ask you to change a thing
Just want to catch one last wave with you
Before the tide drags us out to the deep
So, do you wanna go for a ride with me?
We'll change everything
Show em' we'll make some waves
Cause' I feel like drowning in you far out in the deep
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
I want to run with you
Through backyards
Filled with tripwires and clothes lines
Into war zones of innocent love
Where the night sky is alight
Fire stricken with dying stars heartbeats
Where your eyes scream my name
Visible by lightning bug flames
Where hand grenades
Are scribbled letters
Of future desires
Where were battling the summer’s thirst
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
I don't really know where I belong
And you are the light burning in my heart
And I am the storm bringing the shadows
Dancing in the memories

I am the cold, catching all of your breath
And you're the rain, battering my windows
We all have deals made with the devils inside
Saints and sinners we are, clothed in beautiful cages

There's a fire, raging outside
I can't seem to find my way through these busy sunset lights
There's a love burning inside my heart
A nightmare stuck and it's attempting to tear me apart
These troubles in my eyes, and the worries in my room
The nights fallin all around
I'll be waiting without a sound
I have trouble making smart decisions, caught up waiting in the rain, the unsuspected part is to see you waiting there with me
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
Caught me by surprise
Dragging me down to the ocean side
So foreign and I like it
Waist deep and I can't fight it
Whisper in my ear
With her voice from the heavens
Askin' where I want to be
Whisper back wherever you want me
Cause home is you
So, tell me what is it you want to do?
Let's take a ride
Into the night
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
My throat's burning
I can't see straight
I hope I can breathe again
I can't seem to sleep

Can you hear my voice through the storm?
-I need you to tell me that I’m a good person. I know that I can be selfish, and narcissistic, and self-destructive but underneath all that, deep down, I’m a good person, and I need you to tell me that I’m good. Diane? Tell me please, Diane. Tell me that I’m good. - Bojack
Vinnie Brown Mar 2019
And she said some pain feels good
I suppose that’s why I wake up
For some days the pain is inviting
Vinnie Brown Apr 2014
Why do I write? It's not that I want people to think I am smart, or even that I am a good writer. I write because I want to end my loneliness. - Jonathan Safran Foer.
Sometimes the hearts of strangers beat louder than the hearts of people we know and, lately the night time seems to be much brighter than the day time.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
I am stuck
Believing in this romantic driven fantasy
In a world, that just doesn't seem to have the vacancy
As in the times of plagues and pharoahs
Love sat upon bows and arrows
Bring on your forces nature, let the storm rage
Cause' in the eye of the storm, there's a calming stage
As even the color black has iridescence
For her face is my idea of divine quintessence and the corruption of man's hearts can change from love's presence
Such is that of love's essence
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
Ever since I was a little kid
I had a dream of climbing Everest
That maybe at the top I’d see Heaven
Just to get there and find the Devil
I asked why I wasn’t cold
She put her hand on my shoulder
And said “I’m always with you.”
Who knew evil could be so beautiful
On top of the world
Vinnie Brown Apr 2016
Drop of *** on my tongue
I'll be a better man today
I'll be good
I'm trying to love the world like I should

I'm trying to run from my pride
You set fire to my atmosphere
Chasing that sundown so far east I'm west bound
Feeling like the edge of the world is near

Sunset high and our bodies low
Blood rush in your hazy glow
Heart clapped we skipped a beat
Don't stop the music

Just take a lovely walk with me
Give me just a moment, let our bodies be
See if you can get lost in we
Find a place and lose it, you can do it

Take this new start of us, make a spark
Who you were from the start
Find the light in me
Break the dark

Won't you just dance with me?
Somebody new inspired this a long with OH WONDER.
Vinnie Brown Jan 2018
-Even surrounded by friends
-Traveling for adventure
  -You’re still constantly on my mind
Vinnie Brown Sep 2013
It has been a while
Since I saw insanity
It's been a while where I couldn't sleep
That I was chased by nightmares
A wise man once told me that you are as insane as you believe you are
That there are natural born disasters and things in this world that will **** your dreams
Horrors no one should face
I learned that those horrors are us
Us as people we are destroyers of life but also its givers
Horrors as simple as our minds
She told me the other day "I love you."
Her soft whispers caressing the folds of my desires tell me I am not insane
And so it has been a while since I have felt like this
It has been a while truly that I feel I am not insane
Its been what feels like a life time to hear "I love you."
It'll be a while till I can say I am a giver as I have yet to learn not to destroy
But she yeah she...well she's a wondeful teacher.
You're not alone.
Vinnie Brown Dec 2016
There was a couple times where I needed you the most
Getting lost in cruising down that gorgeous east coast
The problem is, I'm just so in love with pretty things
I've cared for a girl once or twice, probably a few too many times

I asked myself a thousand times for just one reason
Tell me who he is, I'm wondering if I can be him
The man in the mirror is just lying wide awake while I'm still sleeping
Both of them can't hide their faces they're just liars
Someday's I just can't feel forgiven

If this is what it means to be in love
I've never felt the ground feel quite this rough
Let's not revel in the not good times
Cause' I don't know love
I'd like to think it involves you though
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
-The year is 2050 and we're on route to the year 2017.
-Time travel has been invented for around 12 years.
-Captain Elsen Decker of the USS Apathy is our commanding officer.
He's a man of 57 and decently handsome, a scar through his right eyebrow and a smirk you'll never forget, his most notable feature although is his stark hazel eyes. Always gleaming and curious through any event we encounter, he's a hard man and almost seems heartless at times, as if some great divide has clouded his heart, seeing  him at times you could even say there's regret.

-I'm not sure our mission objective, although considering we are using time travel I assume it's of some importance. Capt. Decker was chosen specifically for this objective as he is considered to be one of the only people who can change the outcome of the scenarios that unfolded that day.

-We have arrived in the year 2017.

-Capt. Decker stands alone with a young man of the age of 24, he doesn't release any information to us of the man.

-He pulled a stool up to the man alone at the bar and proceeds to whisper softly into the mans ear, gently squeezes his shoulder and leaves.

-We have arrived back in the year 2050, and after our initial screening to see if we have altered the present time, it seems we're in the clear, except Capt. Decker his eyes are gleaming more than before and as we go to depart from such a short non-invasive mission I'm struck with curiosity.

-The year is 2051, a year has gone by and I'm still not sure our objective of that mission, and it haunts me. So, I've found Captain Decker and pleaded with him to tell me everything.

-Captain Decker at the age of 24 could be found in a bar alone, confused and heartbroken. The woman he thought he loved was no longer his to love he recalls, and anger and chaos had consumed his every being. Until one day a man approached whispered sweet nothings into his ears and said "Fear not, for there are a many great loves in life, and she will forever remain one of them, but have faith in love for it is real, and it has taken me till now to believe it."
I wanted to play around with a journal entry style of writing, I hope you enjoy it.
Vinnie Brown Oct 2019
I don’t know the way home from here
But, I have a feeling it’s engraved on my bones
In the ocean swell of people
Different places and faces
My minds a little muddled
And my skin looks a tad more gold
As I breathe for a second
Attempting to recollect
Reconnect and double down
If there is one thing I know
Before we get old
We’ll find our way home
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