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Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
Another plane
Another sea
Flying across the world
So, lost it’s plain to see
Vinnie Brown May 2014
Here to tell you the truth
Tell you I'm nervous
Tell you my story
Tell you I'm worth it
Tell you I'm nothing much more than a man
And tell you I fear I may never find love
Been barely believing in love
I seriously don't even know if I do
But if someone was ever to make me believe then that someone is you
I promise it's you
I'm here to guide you give me your hands
Tell me your thoughts and your dreams and your plans
They told me I never could be what I am
Now look where we stand
We stand for everything we said we'd stand for
When they tried to give us less
We demand more
And we stand tall
That's what I do, I do this for you
I tell you my story to help you get through
And you see that this life is hard
The darkest nights make the brightest stars
I'm bringing y'all with me lets raise the bar
I know y'all can feel this whoever you are
Kindest Regards.
Hello Poetry.
Vinnie Brown Jun 2013
One day born a king
A young man with a heart of gold

This golden heart he forgot to bring
For his soul was sold

A mistress with a heart so cold
Did take this little heart of his to sing

On a day he was feeling oh so bold
He did all but fall and she smiled and laughed and held his hand the poor thing

She left not soon after with a treasure on her string
a heart dangles as it rests among the others as they rot and mold

The mistress passes and and so does her fling
but this heart it remains solid and enduring as it is only pure gold
My first poem I guess let me know how it is.
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
She was a sun kissed blonde
With dark brown eyes
I swore they saw through me a few times
I wrote a long time ago
That I’d make deals with the devil
To know a girls name
This time I think I’m long gone
As I’d clip angel wings
And tear down the gates of Heaven
For a moment of her time
I can feel Hell’s heat rise in my veins
When she flashes a smile
And with the curves of her body
She pulls me into the sea
I find myself drowning even in the shallows
Katie Frana
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
The days losing light
And we're running out of time
So, lover of mine
Come rush to my side
Please give me one last kiss
For such distance will soon
Spread between our lips
Vinnie Brown Dec 2016
I know this might just sound a little crazy, but I been thinking about you a hell of a lot lately.
How to get rid of writers block: Find some love and have it taken away from you.
Vinnie Brown May 2020
I have a lot to learn
Of your love
Still no matter where I go
At the end of every road
I just hope I'm led back to you
Where the warmth of the sun
Settles on my face
And when I open my eyes
You are what I see
Vinnie Brown Dec 2019
And the saddest thing of all
Is what we’ll learn from today
Shall be the losses of yesterday
Thus we’ll begin again tomorrow
Knee deep in the black mass
As the waves sing us to sleep
Where the crashes of the ocean
Caress the folds of our desires
And the thunder lit sky
Tucks us into sleep
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
Losing track to your master plan
Drowning again on oxygen
Take me back to when I was ten
Ask a younger me to describe what love feels like again
Cause fourteen years later and I swear it's just a life killing carcinogen
Love is just a bad acronym
Vinnie Brown Jan 2017
Sometimes I think I'm bound for losing it all
I read you attract what you're ready for
So, I hope to god you're okay with running
Cause I'm living this life just in the moment

So, let's do this all or nothing
If you stay or if you go is a scary thing
A day with no ending is what this is like
You know, we may be pretending, but we still have tonight

I'm no hero, and I'm definitely no saint
There's too many ways to say goodbye
It's quite the opposite this time
All I know is this just has to last forever

One step back and two steps forward
Pretty girl, I just hope you know we're making history
And, sometimes you just can't help but say
That this is just the life you ordered
I just want to be able to say I faced this fear on my own
It's a lot easier knowing, I'll never be left alone
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
A rhythm awoke within me
Writing letters of course she's in em'
Her eyes pinned me
Making this life a version of her kingdom
Not knowing if they'll haunt me
All the while she's singing glory
They found a letter that I wrote
Saying "It's better if we just burn this page."
I'm sorry I wrote it long ago
Expressing my love in wrongful ways
I'm only ever thinking about you, you know
I saw the other day that Doves and Ravens fly the same most days
Song inspired
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
Scribbling’s of mad men
And lost lovers souls
This is a letter to you
So, deep inside
I know you’re there
I feel you everytime
I lose my mind
It just so happens that, that is every night
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
She asked what it would be like to grow old?
I guess I hadn't really thought about it
A little bittersweet
Like the green apples that matched your eyes
How exciting that the moments we shared
Would be all our own
Just you and I's
And we eat our apples different ways
You like yours peeled with a little bit of caramel
I like mine with a little crunch and straight to the core
I guess life's a little like that
It's whatever we chose for it to be right?
How terrifying that were stuck with what we have
I guess that's the most exciting part
Never knowing what we'll get to choose
I just hope it taste a lot like apples
Maybe a hint of you too
For Bella
Vinnie Brown May 2017
Throw me
Throw me a life line, baby

Say that I'm really sorry
Just please pick up the phone

Show me
Show me, that you really want me
Hold me
Love me
Need me
Although we've never fought, I just don't ever want to lose you Lace.
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
Oh, Love
You're poetic venom
Seeped all the way to my core
Corroding the sanity of my words
Plaguing the inescapable reality
That you're nothing more than that
Just words
Yet, you hold such power over me
Maybe if I was the stronger man
You'd be just a casual Friday night
No, to the hazel eyed boy
You're lifetimes
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
When my body starts turning in
I hope I'll have my mind
Inside I'll bide my time
The disdain I feel for me is so laughable
Yet, the dark is insatiable
I'm ugly, only half a man
Love me, and I'll drop your hand
I'm gonna stay inside
Nothing's getting in, I think I lost my fight
Except it's coming and it'll find its way inside
It has too
It's the light
Vinnie Brown Sep 2019
I find myself there
At the coast
In depth with dreams
Before the first light
When the blue waters
Are still swayed black and calm
Stuck in limbo
How homely it is at the edge
Yet, always a feeling of missing
It’s the catch of her hips
The fire in her lips
The searing of her breath
All materialistic things in grand scheme
For her mind is what I crave
The honey suckled words she sings
She is limbo
And I find myself drifting there
Unable to leave or wanting
I think I’ll take a swim
In the black mass
Let it swallow me whole
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
Words unfolded into complexities
Simple loves turned to untangled knots
Divided late into the nights
By an invisible line
Of who's side is who's
Although if you knew
That I inch ever so close
To your side when you're not there
Just to catch the scent that still lingers
In the absence of greatness
For when the shores kiss the tides
It's gentle retreat is that
Of when I watch you leave in the morning
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
Can I burn my lips on your skin babe?
Can I char my tongue on your back babe?
Can I cauterize my wounds on your heart babe?
Can I blind my eyes on your blaze babe?
Or is it all too much to ask for...
We'll just leave it to the orignal
Can I put my lips on your skin babe?
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
It’s always funny
Going through the motions
And you said you were feelin’ high
That’s a little how I feel
With just your lips on mine
And tonight we’re both a little drunk
Slow dancing in flames
Just you and I
Except this time I don’t want to just be another one of your lovers
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
Caught you dancing in the corner of my eye
You're a beauty, baby girl and I can't say goodbye
Can I go back to that night we had
A once in a lifetime kiss, it drove me mad
Laying arm in arm in the midnight summers laugh
Memories cut like diamonds, made to last
You always come sprinting back
To my mind
Seeing you every time you look your best
Take me back to that time you laid your head on my chest
I swear I don't belong here
For there are parallel universes where this didn't happen
And you and I made it out alive
So, I choose there, that is where my heart resides
Cause' a kiss from you is surely heaven sent
Let's get lost somewhere east of Eden
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
Heading west
To where her heart and the sun sleeps
City fall out, I just need a place my lungs can breathe
Just hold me and let's fall asleep
Cause' my heart skips heavy when we were free caught underneath the waves
Cause' this is already bigger than us
It's bigger than you
It's bigger than me
It's bigger than Love
Caught breathless from the start
What she doesn't know is that for her and the 365 days of endless summer, I'd give up these pretty words and my art
For just a compliment a day and the shot at stealing her heart
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
It flies overhead as though by magic
Knowing I'm under the same sky as you
It's paints the night with a touch of wonder
You speak and I swing between hope and despair
Keeping time to the melody in my heart
What do people call this feeling?
Something so must have a name
Maybe they call it being in love

Watching her watch herself in the mirror
Realizing she's finally seeing someone
That's worthy of the love
That she spent on others unworthy
Indecisions, indecisions
Always chasing something different
I, I'm indifferent so indifferent
Can't keep up with all these niches
At least we're coming closer with these O's and X's
A lot of inspirations here
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
So, there we were
Lost somewhere in where we wanted to be
And, where we seemed to be
Drowning in everything inbetween
Looking somewhere deep in my dreams
And societies lies are getting to me
For all we’ve ever craved is to be free
Daydreamers searching for destinies
While my sins are catching up to me
Thinking of memories
We’ll get to bring to life
Throwing away all the locks and keys
Vinnie Brown Jul 2018
She’s the type of girl we call blind
Only see herself online
5,000 likes and 60 comments on her last post
Thinking she’s got this generation by it’s throat
After all, she’s just a
Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely
Vinnie Brown May 2017

And in all of the lonely nights
We seem to question
"Why are we like this?"
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
And I wrote of her
As I had with many things
I had fallen in love with
Long before
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
Ever wake up from a long night out?
When you're not sure if you're still drunk or hung over
You're stumbling through the hall
Stopping half way and bracing yourself using both arms against the grace of the unfaltering walls
When all of the blurred memories are dashing behind your eyes
Finally make it to the kitchen with the homely smell of coffee brewing
Snuggled up tight and grasped by an amazing sweater watching the drizzle out the window
That's what your love does to me.
Vinnie Brown May 2017
Rewatching a moment of you
A hundred times
Seeing things I want more and more every time
Your beauty is such a crime
Vinnie Brown Jul 2018
Your sinful instigations are problematic
When I just want to lose myself
In the city of lost angels
Vinnie Brown Jun 2013
I am twenty years old
I have never been in love
I have had my fair attractions
As for true love I have not
I imagine her though
Beautiful too me
I'm not quite sure her name though
Nor have I ever seen her before yet she welcomes me in my dreams
I think if I were to be in love
I'd like to be at the start
The start of something new
Something so pure
As pure as the bright blue sky
With the sun shining bright
Yeah I think that's love
Waking up next to her and seeing something like the sun
Don't get me wrong there are cloudy days
There will be raging storms
I guess in the end I'd like to be at the start
The start of a sunny day
I guess I'd like to be in love
Thanks for reading any notes or suggestions would be really appreciated.
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
I was sitting across from an old man
He laughed leisurely and spoke great
He must’ve seen me staring at her
For he said “Young man, right now you think you have all the time in the world, but in reality you’re almost dead, so run fast.”

She was leaving the train in such haste and grace. She wore a golden romper and her hair flowed like silk caught in the breeze.

I left my backpack and sprinted, slid down the railing! The stairs would’ve only slowed my racing heart, as I hit the pavement lost in the crowds of a big Apple city. Left and right, where could she have disappeared in the daylight, for she radiates moonlight.

I finally caught a glimpse of her, and for a moment time seemed to stand still and she caught the glint of my golden eyes. As the seconds passed we never broke eye contact, but in the faint distance a man seemed to approach and he kissed an angel. It seems our love affair will be that of a long lost gaze.
Oh, and I lost my seat and backpack and I’m five minutes older. Seems that old man was crazy after all.
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
Love each other like there ain't another day
Lead with our hearts, I swear that's the only way
Let's keep our heads from thinking what we could lose today
I guess, when all of this is finally over, I'm just finally asking you
Oh my love, won't you just please stay?
Vinnie Brown May 2018
Our generation
Seems to be losing sight
Just in one eye though
I guess that's just what love blindness is
Accepting that love isn't really what we thought it'd be
Who knows though
It seems our other pupil still dilates with the idea of love after all
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
I'm feeling weak, trying to stop this pendulum in my head
Back and forth, now I'm feeling guilty
Running to you, when all fears have fled
Finding out you were the one who'd never flee

I keep finding myself nervously rehearsing for when you're around
Watching your soul grow beyond these bounds
We were never lost, we just chose never to go home
Cause' my dear, you know when they say 'When in rome.'

We're drawn to violent natures
Your love laces tied me tight and showed me what the hell our souls were born to do
Lost in our love behaviors
I'm stumblin' and just sometimes getting it wrong, at least I'm lost in you
Vinnie Brown May 2019
I have lovely days
When I’m with you
The way you move
Makes my mind stray
It’s everything you do
Like the way you say my name
I have lovely nights
When I’m with you
And when the morning comes
When we’re dancing free
I’ll have lovely days
If I’m with you
Song edit
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
If the richer man laid his eyes on you
Would you stay as cold as a statue?
Would my love still be good for you?
If I told you that I'd never lay with some other lover
Cause' darlin' your my only and I'll never need another
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
Run away to our special place
Counting stars in depths of space
Flashing in front of the nights
Open skies and wave crashed twilights
We've been strangers for a while
Lover's pleaded guilty on trial
It seems this time we've been deceived
To the norms of humanities disease
So, meet me back at the shore
We'll make it to the door
We can make it out of this drought
Watch our lives unfurl, running in circles
So, pull me in closer
Fight for our love, love riddled soldier
Can I breathe in your love?
Necessity that brings us above
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
I've been waiting for a night like tonight
Simple hello's and those eyes, oh god those eyes
Ablaze on the summer star light
Young and free, come with me and chase the fire flies

Hold on to our touch
Never giving up my love for you is this
I've never been able to offer up much
My love is what I can give, will you accept this one last kiss?

Darken days seem to pass
The fights seem to grow quite few
My life's been quite blessed, gifted a girl and the riches seem to amass
I never asked for much, cause all I want is you
I wanted this to be a progression of a love, two people refused to give up on.
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
It’s really hard wanting to go home
When she’s just so far away
Take this fainted heart
Take these tainted hands
Wash me in your love
Come like grace again
For love’s not hopeless
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
Find myself writing the eulogy
For romance and chivalry
We live in a ****** hookup culture
Maybe I should embrace the torture
Cause' I can't seem to find my place
In a world that doesn't have love's taste
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
After the endless battle
She threw one last spear
Etched along the shaft
"You deserve to be unhappy."
"For how else would you make pretty worded love stories?"
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
In your love swirls
The whirlwind pools
Drag me down
Too deep
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
Your love like tendencies
Are no reassurance
For the damage is done
And when she learns
To never look bsck
You’ll truly know
Self hate
Vinnie Brown Aug 2019
Western coast overcast
With the waves lapping at my toes
Truth is I think of writing all the time
Yet, I’m unable to fill blank pages
With salt filled air and words alike
For this over-freeze is affecting me
And I am just not feeling the wind
In the sway and flow of the trees
And my brain is diseased
And I’m feeling low
Oh, I’m feeling low
Vinnie Brown Mar 2018
The delectable fires between every word
As she cut through me
Was so filled with ecstasy
That I found myself lost
As she was packing her last bag
Forgetting to tell me to go to hell
What she didn’t know was
I found myself there a long time ago
Who would’ve guessed
Lucifer was a girl that I liked
Vinnie Brown Mar 2019
I was driving home
And saw a sole tree
Alone in a field
Apathetic learnings
So, deserving of all of this love
Ever disconnected to all of your lives
Is there even a single kindness
That we can plunge into the soil
Or shall we just fall on our axes
Lost behind fading lights
When hands begin to tremble
With heavy eyelids
And oncoming traffic
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
Just take a breath and breathe
Cause' she is all that you need
Vinnie Brown Sep 2018
And the hour was late
Standing in the dark
Open and terrifying
How the night air screamed
Headphones in
Eyes closed
With soft rap lyrics
And impending guitar riffs
Let your hands do the movements
Feel the words and beat
Conduct the symphonies
Get lost for the moment
Accepting certain peace’s
Lost to you during the sunlit hours
Choked up on life
Finally remembering to breathe
In the midnight hours when your minds at ease
When the sun starts to crack through the dark
It all doesn’t seem so desolate
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
My hands knew the way of the keys
And the keys knew only my name
For when they sang, I could feel love
Colors rain when they scream out in harmony
In a world of monotone hues
Black and White keys resembling Doves and Ravens
Bring out the best of both worlds
A perfection of symphonies
To allow your beauty to shine
With your perfectly drawing smile
Your glowing spotless skin
Those big brown eyes in rays of sunshine
Perfect eyebrows and subtle laugh lines
Did you know you have small wrinkles around your eyes, when you smile so hard?
You might find imperfections in your reflection
To some those might just be among the perfections
I think I could stare at you for hours if not days
The piano is the only instrument, I could think of
To match such a magnificent creature
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