What is love?
Love is when im shaking because of an unknown
coldness that never leaves, when my bones are rattling at the
thought of your hands on them, when I cant seem to catch my
breath when you're around. You have unintentionally turned
my entire world upside down and every twist we go through is
a knife pushed deeper inside, Baby don't hurt me.
What is love? I cant seem to grasp the concept, can you teach
me? I'm a quick learner. And don't even touch me with your veins
running with adrenaline, and anger and you spin your story and
I fall for your every word. Don't hurt me.
This is your last chance. I think. But you're back,
full speed with a smile like ice and hands colder
and I respect your decision to leave me because who could love a mess but I picked up my own **** pieces, and you walked away.
No more.
what is love
baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no more