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 Aug 2016 Vesna Rau
Tia White
I look for you
In passing faces
A stranger's glance
In haunted places

I feel you among
Nature's grandest setting
It is you that I remember
Even when I'm forgetting

I see you wherever I go
In everyone I meet
Your words echo in conversations
That pass me on the street

Your soft, easy way
That safe familiar tone
That always takes me back
To a time long gone
 Jul 2016 Vesna Rau
Reza Bavar
I want to make Love to you, like the flame to the wick
Wrapping around you
                                        Caressing you
                                                                 Lighting You UP
                    revealing      YOU
The Real                              YOU
Not that silly facade you show the world -- cold and lightless
We are shapeless and flowing... dangerous and beautiful...
Love and Lust
Consuming Each Other
Awake and Alive
Tasting the Divine as our Temple burns
This is Life.
This is Death.
 Jul 2016 Vesna Rau
 Jul 2016 Vesna Rau
I was here for three years now,
But it feels like a decade.
This place is filled of pity,
And a trapped little girl;
Her heart and mind are her only cell mates,
While her emotions are the officers who held her captive.

One day she got out,
And she felt free,
With her heart and mind,
Hand in hand,
She didn't want to go back to that cold, dark place,
Where no one understood her;

But sadly once a week that little girl goes back to that cold, dark place,
Its not her fault,
People laugh at her in the real world too.
The prison is no different.
At least she isn't judged there,
Cause no one knows how she feels on the inside.

                                                                                     Jonesy 2016 ©
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