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  Jan 2019 verwandlung
I want to trust
but I can't
and I don't know if I ever will again

there was a time I trusted
far beyond the stars and moon

then one day it came crashing down like a meteor falling out of space
so out of place, it lies there broken
in an unknown place

here I am in a familiar place
not knowing where I am
who am i

i know everyone here not trusting a single soul
because they've all hurt me
always to leave

so here i am standing alone
in an unknown world
i don't want anyone

not anyone whos gonna leave
or hurt me
no one

id rather be alone
verwandlung Jan 2019
My beautiful sunflower,
of warm, yellow joy -
infectious - as sunshine
beams across our faces.

An abundance of petals,
golden in the light.
Growing toward the sun,
striving for perfection.

Our beautiful sunflower,
nurtured and thriving,
growing through my heart, warm
with happiness and love.
happiness of being in love? feels gross to read it now haha
  Dec 2017 verwandlung
There's a streak of sadness
that lines the backdrop of my facade.

There is much discontent
that lurks sinisterly beneath.

Gone is the confidence
that these legs might see me
through the ribbon at the end.

Instead I’m all strung up,
all hung up
and all choked up
with misplaced guilt and grief.
  Dec 2017 verwandlung
Chelsea Rae
Please I beg of you

That no matter how hard it gets

Or how misunderstood your heart becomes,

Do not let this chaotic world turn
You cold.
Please don't allow yourself to become as hard as ice.

Let yourself forgive and forgive and forgive.

Don't fight love,
Let it in.
Keep your fire.

Holding back just slowly makes you like the rest of them.

What kind of world would we live in
If we didn't have people strong enough to show people
That love and only love
Is what keeps the rest of this freezing world, warm?
Love is life. Love is warmth.
  Dec 2017 verwandlung
Chelsea Rae
I picture pieces peeling
White and withered
Like wood ash from fire,
I am tiring.
A soft powder trailing
From whomever I used to be.
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