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  Jun 2015 Vamika Sinha
My journey to purification began on a night where I pretended like you didn't exist.
I denounced myself a pagan of memories,
turned your forgotten words into forbidden hymns,
embraced them in my mouth before I climbed into bed,
and used them to sing myself to sleep
in all of the hours before I did not dream of you.
It was like burning a house with memories in it,
because you need the ashes to reconstruct a new one.
It was like holding your breath even when you're not in water,
because you have experienced drowning and do not want to risk it again.
I kept on telling myself that this was peace- leaving you was not enough so I had to leave myself as well.
Here is a version of me not at war with you- here is a version that is telling itself nothing has changed even though it is barely existing.
Here is a version moving violently around with nothing to restrict it- here is a version dancing whimsically alone.
Here is a version so small it cannot be stampeded on- here is a version so small it cannot hear its own heartbeat.
Here I am trying to struggle free of you,
Fighting myself so that you don't have a chance to.
But as the days go by,
I am hoping only my cocoon loved you.
And the self- inflicted scars will one day stop belonging to me
belong to some other shell,
restricting the body of,
some other boy.

It is a trial to be free when you are an addict of the prison that held you.
I've been teaching myself about how wrong I am-
That I was not born to make a home out of love,
I am too poignant and sensitive
And cannot belong to anything.
Though the chains may be comfortable,
I need to sacrifice ecstasy so I can find a new lifestyle that is not inspired by their heaviness.
I need to find real fulfillment before it's too late.
Before the chains leave me instead of me leaving them-
Before I'm forced to gallop into any new home I see because I was never prepared enough to be able to stand alone.
I want to forget the way I lived for you,
I want to burn everything without feeling the need to say sorry.
Why must I wait for your forgiveness when everytime I find the urge to reconcile myself,
I'm forced to choke out apologies before I even act on anything.
Why must I lie awake unsure of the future,
Seeing things smaller than you trying to fill a void they won't fit in,
Holding me down so that I cannot be bigger than them.
I know now that I am susceptible to allurement as intensely as a mirror susceptible to light,
Because I am now a reflection of a love I barely experienced.
I stay awake in my sheets every night - praying for my own forgiveness,
Even when I have the ability,
To turn things that don't even hurt me into punishments.
  Jun 2015 Vamika Sinha
Tawanda Mulalu
Home is where the heart is but the heart is a broken place.
          I hate
how loud I must barely scream so that people can see my face:
          I am dark
and this is a time of shadows.

Sometimes what worries me most about us
is not that we are forced to carry guns and **** our own mothers
is not that we are pulled from our classrooms back into our homesteads
is not that some of our leaders feast while we become skinny UNICEF models
is not that if only one molecule of my DNA was different I could have lived without ever knowing how to read even a single word
is not even that the smallest of things can wipe out entire villages in an instant-
mosquitoes, viruses, locusts; slave ships.

Sometimes what worries me most is that
my headphones carry more sounds of strange places
than my heart will ever know-  that not even my brothers and sisters
sold off to those strange places ever knew, as their children are hung off
the trees of Jim Crow and we call them strange fruit, and that
maybe our first president didn't marry a white lady; the white lady might have married him.

Sometimes what worries me most is that for just over eighteen years
of seeing thinking feeling breathing being I couldn't
have ever told you what Africa meant to me past the occasional 'dumela'
to my mother's mother but never, never did I know or now know or will know my mother's mother's mother's mother's mother
she can't fit inside the cellular America that I hold in my palm.

And this is why they call us lost.
Because home is where the heart is but the heart is a broken place.

One time, my five year old cousin said matter-of-factly
that black is ugly. In my Primary School days
everyone said I should stay out of the sun lest I get darker.

I'm here to tell you that I don't even bother wearing a sun-hat anymore.
I'm here to tell you that I don't cut my hair because to do so would feel like oppression.
I'm here to tell you how vivid and lovely and blessed I do feel to have been born in broken-heart home because at least it has soul.
I'm here to tell you that, yes, I do remember
that time when the whole world knew what to do about ****** and Bin Laden but never could get round to talking about Cecil John Rhodes.
I'm here to tell you that
Today, that conversation starts with a toppled statue.
Today, that conversation starts with my voice.
Today, this conversation starts with a poem which proclaims-

child I am, child I am, child I am, child I am, child I am-
that this is my day. This is my day.

The Day of the African Child.
In 1976, the Soweto Uprising happened. We march onwards still.

N.B The 'first president' in the third stanza refers to Sir Seretse Khama, Botswana's first head of state after it gained independence on the 30th of September 1966. The 'white lady' refers to his wife, Ruth Khama. They loved each other dearly and were an important symbol of racial acceptance in the 20th Century. However, even with racial acceptance now being the norm rather than exception, indigenous Setswana culture is becoming increasingly marginalized due to the influence of that of the West: this is an African poem written in English. 'Dumela' means hello in Setswana.
An origamist took my heart,
folded it into a thousand pieces
and then called it art.

By: Lulwama Kuto Mulalu
Vamika Sinha Jun 2015
“And then, you’d break his heart.’
‘I can’t ever think I could do that. I couldn’t break anyone’s heart.’

You look at me. The tempting colour of your eyes dilates into grey. A blank moment; a break in the cinematography.

At night, I can’t sleep because your smell lingers on me like cheap perfume.
What do I do, what do I do?
Old prose from old memories.
  Jun 2015 Vamika Sinha
I am often afraid of the way my heart dismantles empty war zones.
The way it forms artilleries, lines up its soldiers
And decides to plan attacks on everything it falls in love with.
The way it breeches the soil below it,
Holds dear to it the sergeants of loss,
Creates dissembling amongst individual cavalry's
And plants land mines in itself that only my thoughts can ever walk over.
The way it's destined to stop beating, and still transmits a blood
That I already wish was killing me slowly. The way all the arteries around of it
Never cease to stop the crave to ascend away from it. The way they
Pull and pull, as their tugging increases the heaviness of every external
Touch. The way the memory of intimacy cascades in its battlefield, and
Is only implemented when love is destroyed in its clarity. The way the solidity
Of 'happiness' is created by its blindness and movements. The way a hand
Could reach upon it and violently caress it's edges without allowing
It's substance to feel a thing. The way an empty transgression could induce
Hell-fire in its perceived paradise and still allow it to exist in the flames. The way
Hundreds upon thousands of men could lie with it in a pit of oblivion,
And still be cautious of the way it still beats even after it's life is over.

It is petrifying to think that my heart is an atomic bomb set to
Possibly detonate over and over again
And, I am often afraid that it never will...
It may one day surrender,
But I am often afraid, that it never will.
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