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 May 2014 Vagabond
Christine Agro
Cleanse me
Free me
Cool me
Your rhythm soothes me
Rain, rhythm, freedom,
 Apr 2014 Vagabond
Alex Apples
I'm told foie gras will change my life.
That it's savory, exemplary
to die for.

Someone already did that.
A gavage in his throat...
plumped, fed,
suffocated by
his own fat
like an inflating noose
on an unwitting neck.

Ironic also that
his flesh inflates my girth
and feeds my gluttony.

"Stupid things...
don't even know they're dying."
Dying indeed.
A slow and painful death.
And how deserving of it, yes.
Stupid things.
Too stupid to recognize their plight.
After all, don't the stupid
deserve their fate?

Ironic how - to this day -
we still think we're so much
more evolved than
our forebears.

Evolution aside,
The Divine Rights of the Food Chain
still stand.

I do not understand it,
therefore it is less intelligent than I,
therefore I have the right to torture it.

I made it,
therefore it cannot live without me,
therefore I have the right to ruin it.

I own it,
therefore it is mine,
therefore I have the right to **** it.

Our strength grants us Divine Right, indeed.
May the kingdom prosper under our boots and be grateful, for
history has proven us such gracious and kind masters, after all.

Are we not?
 Mar 2014 Vagabond
Veena Aneev
Welcome to America
     Where education is top priority
                   With the exception of football

Welcome to America
     Where we believe in world peace
             We also believe in the biggest military in the world

Welcome to America
     Where all men and women are created equal
                 But being gay is the greatest sin

Welcome to America
      Where we like to make fun of everybody
                 Just don't call us fat

Welcome to America
       Where we love our food so much
                We've managed to make it fake

Welcome to our great patriotic country of America
          We might as well be the only country in the world
               Seriously, if it wasn't for us, the nazis would still be in power
 Mar 2014 Vagabond
 Mar 2014 Vagabond
Slimy, sneaky, slithering, serpent,
Swaying, spattering, spitting,
Slimy, sneaky, slithering, serpent,
Slithering, slashing, stifling.
Written 14/11/13
© Maniba Kiani
 Mar 2014 Vagabond
Why my flashbacks hurt so much
I don't know
Why I remember the negative so clearly and the positive as a major blur -
I don't know
Why I know secrets that hurt and
Can't outweigh them with jokes
I don't know
Why I can't pretend like you do
(Used to)
I don't know
Why I'm not as strong as I used to be
And can't cope
I don't know.
Battling with my mind and my thoughts.
Written 28/2/14  20:34
© Maniba Kiani
 Mar 2014 Vagabond
 Mar 2014 Vagabond
"I love you"* I said

"I ❤ you" you said

And that fake heart is exactly what you meant by it.
Words are emotions, expressed from the heart. 'Love' in a 'symbolic' love heart spells fake to me, there is a certain uneasiness surrounding it...

© Maniba Kiani
 Mar 2014 Vagabond
Unable to move from A to B without scribbling down a mind blowing thought ~

Developing it further Into a truly honest masterpiece.

© Maniba Kiani
 Mar 2014 Vagabond
 Mar 2014 Vagabond
I’m uncomfortable with a crowded room
partly because there’re so many personalities mashing into one
and too many conversations being held out of spite
i’m restless to the idea of meaningful small talk
because I truly do not believe in it’s existence
no one is happy to be here
and we’re all drowning our sadness
in different ways that no one would ever know
we're forcing ourselves to become one
and I will never understand
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