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1.3k · Feb 2015
Bread and Water
Unknown Feb 2015
Let this be a wake up call for those who still have it,
For so many people take it for granted.

It's there for you every day.
It's there for you even when it's not.
It's a part of almost everything you eat and drink.
It's a part of almost everything you do and make.
It's in your pizza.
It's in your soda.
It's in your charity.
It's in your tears.
It's in your wars.
It's in your blood.
It feeds you.
It fuels you.
It heals you.
It cleans you.

It helps you get through the day.
Day after day.
Week after week.
Month after month.
Year after year.
Some people love it.
Some people like it.
Some people don't notice it.
But all people need it.

And yet many people squander it.
They pollute it.
They abuse it.
They waste it.
They destroy it.
They consume it without even realizing it.
They demand it be there for them all of the time.
They do all of this without ever thinking that one day,
They could reach for it and only find air.
Until that day has come.
Until their bread and water is gone.
And you're left scrambling,
Scared and desperate,
Wondering how long you can manage to survive,
Without your bread and water...
You were my bread and water...
974 · Apr 2015
To Write, or Not to Write
Unknown Apr 2015
To write, or not to write.

That is my question.
My question to myself.

Do I write and keep hurting myself with memories?
Or do I sit tight and hope for the best…
Do I write and risk making things worse?
Or do I stop fearing being further misunderstood…
Do I write about the things I’m at fault for?
Or do I write about the things I’m not…
Do I write about why I did the things I did?
Or do I write about why they did the things they did…
Do I write in an attempt to make amends?
Or do I write to finally end it all…

But then again…

Why would I write?
What would be the point?

Would it be to try ending things amicably?
Or to somehow try to stay friends…
Would it be to try explaining my point of view?
Or to somehow try understanding theirs…
Would it be to point out the things I was trying to avoid?
Or to point out how they've ignorantly walked us all into them…
Would it be to understand why they blame me for certain things?
Or to explain why I blame them for certain things…
Would it be to point out how and why I broke for so long?
Or would they just simply not even care…
Would it be to remind them how they too have been stuck in a rut before?
Or would they just be callous and say that it’s different…
Would it be to try understanding if I was used?
Or would I just end up realizing for how long…
Would it be to find answers for all of the unanswered questions?
Or would I just be left with even more questions than answers…
Would it be to convince myself they’re a decent person?
Or would it be to realize they’re a heartless animal…
Would it be to understand what traps I’ve pushed them into?
Or to write about the ones they’ve pushed both me and themselves into…
Would it be to explain the soul crushing dreams that have been vividly etched into my memory?
Or to explain the countless sleepless nights for months, drenched in cold sweat, shifting from bed to couch to floor in my own home...
Would it even be worth it at this point?
Or should I just realize there is no way to ever trust them again regardless of all of the above…

Would it be to try and write a concrete poem?
Or to forget the rhythm halfway through and just get my thoughts out…

To right, or not to right...

I guess I’ll just write about maybe writing…
Moving on, but never forgetting... (slowly... lol...)

— The End —