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  Feb 18 Jimmy silker
egg hot pot
heavenly arms of yours
your serine beauty
only palpable to the overlords
let me  in your introspective bubble
let me lie on your lap
let me crush the boundaries
that bind us forever apart
my despair your bliss for ignorance
meet you in another timeline
one which does me justice
i feel like such a cat in heat rn
  Feb 18 Jimmy silker
Mark Bell
I can’t get you
Out of my mind
When I needed,
You were so kind.
Act of kindness
Done with style
In my mind this
Will stay awhile
Beautiful thoughts
You are so kind
I just can’t get
You out of my mind.
The incredible quiet joy of fatherhood
See how they grow!
Cycling by the Baltic Sea
Sledding in Reno snow

Please keep them safe
College soon for Q
Moving forward, Moving forward
Doo wah diddy do
  Feb 18 Jimmy silker
I’ve got to pull myself together.
I’m loss.
I’m scattered roughly by the wind,
Back and forth.
I’ve fallen to the ground, and all crows
Are on top.
They’re circling, circling, restless devils,
And don’t stop.
Shhh! Fly away! I’m going to.

I’ve got to restore myself to this body.
It’s the right way.
My body's awkward, enfeebled indeed –
Just get away!
I’ve lived in it, learnt a lot in it.
I swear!
I’ve loved, created, broken and lost, but lived
Just anywhere!
Shhh! Right-on. It’s my body.

It’s time to go out. There’s nothing to do here
At all.
No need to catch emptiness or uselessly freak
For all.
Believe, disbelieve, wait or don't wait
Any more.
It’s time to go out. I don’t want to stay here.
What for?
Shhh! It’s enough! I've got tired of lies.
Jimmy silker Feb 18
Some say
Inspiration will find you
But it won't find you doing nothing
I disagree
I was doing nothing
Then I wrote this.
  Feb 18 Jimmy silker
Larry Berger
I got my new hearing aids
today. What? You didn't know
that I was just nodding
to be nice, but I really didn't hear
anything you said. Everything
will be different now. You won't
get away with all that **** anymore!
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