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  Feb 7 London Paris
Ten –
I loved you much
Nine –
As not anyone before.
Eight –
I forgave you a lot of
Seven –
Falsehood and lots more.
Six –
I threw into whirlpool.
Five –
I suffered meanness.
Four –
When it was cold,
Three –
I gave up proudness.
Two –
I waited for love in return,
One –
But I didn’t wait.
While I was waiting for your love,
My love got lost for late.
There's a map of heaven
You can download
Off of the internet
All the major religions
Have got one
Well them that have
An afterlife
And the lads in the Taliban
Have got to have theirs on parchment
You can do a VR tour
If your feeling that confident
Apparently the Hereafter
Plays out like a video game
Generating then deleting all That remains
And the memories too so you never get bored
as you bliss through eternity feeling adored.

But it's just a demo,you know.
I just wanted you to know,
You're not alone,
And I couldn't say it to your face,
Because I was scared.

You're not the first person out of you and me,
To try and dive (die),
And make it to a better side.
It's why I'm always trying so hard to make her feel good
London Paris Feb 5
The first time
I saw Your face
Life stood still
As I paused
Feel and hark
when suddenly
I was caught up
in a butterfly storm
And without hesitation
The flowers and I
Sprang towards
But the flowers
Were turned
and wilted away
Still I bloomed,
I bloomed so willingly
Just so  you could have a taste
With your plush hot lips.
Now we’re full.
Byron lives on
but died around 1822
a young man of around thirty five
Only just started his life
His poetry was quite alive
He lived at Newstead Abby
A fortunate place to be
As far as I can see
But traveled far and wide so they said or have I lied?
A fortune soul but with a life of toil
Died in his youth
Is I guess the truth!
But his roof
Upon his tortuous head
Is a place of beauty!
So it is seen and said!
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