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God created this beautiful planet,
Which renews, all of our survival needs,
He also created all of us equal,
Everyone sharing, loving caring,
Was the idea of the original plan, for us to see,
Then humans created money,
Which is talked about, worshiped,
More than God today,
Greed for the money, is what causes,
Separation, pain, around the world,
In every corner, of all the land,
It's time we reverse, to the original plan.
A beautiful blue bird,
Landed so softly on the redwood,
Back deck rail,
A grayish body, with black, white, and blue markings,
From its head to the tail.
A very strong tough bird to survive,
The changing weather, and environment,
Even though they look so frail.
A background of nature, all a dark green, as far as I can see,
As I look out my window, to the west,
Across the old pond,
There are a few brown branches,
On a dying ash tree.

                                                                                                                               Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                                              5/26/20 AD
                                                                                                                             7:00 PM
We live in A world of bad thoughts today,
We accept people are satisfied, when they have nothing to say.

There are many helpful, generous actions, that happen all of the time,
From the news media, to daily conversations, the worst is the subject,
In everyone’s mind.

The people that announce the weather, A daily number game,
Thirty per cent chance of rain, why not seventy per cent, it won’t,
They get paid the same.

We know we will die, not the time or way,
If an investigation, finds alcohol or drugs, they are sure that was the
cause, how do they know, it could have just been that person’s day.

Actually, this world is not so bad, and unkind,
It’s the way, ideas, and words are presented,
To make us think, it is getting worse all the time.

                                                                                                    Tom Maxwell © 07/28/2006 AD
I wrote this 15 years ago, it seems the attitudes, has gotten worse!
The bright color of their yellow flower,
Wild mustard, line the creek side,
As I look out my window, sitting comfortable inside.
A dominate color, of the season is green,
From the zoysia  grass, to the fifty-foot trees,
Through the screen, I can hear the birds sing,
As they seem to float by, with the breeze,
A very natural scene, as far as my eyes can see.

Tom Maxwell © 06/17/2020 AD 3:10 PM
Have I been here before, it all seems like a dream,
I can remember the sounds, and describe the seen.

Is it a day dream I remember, or a memory from one at night,
Or someone's energy I received one time, as a quick flash of bright light.

Did I see the future, take a look ahead of my time, or am I just,
A little crazy, with an imaginary mind.

I know what your thinking, what your about to say,
the way you will explain it, how your emotions will play.

It's happened so often, over the years, in my time,
As if I had the script, stored in my mind.

When I think these thoughts, I never know which ones,
Will come true, when they take place, it's all so clear,
everything is there, even what we are about to do.

Tom Maxwell copyright 02/17/2003
Think about those worms, that wiggle through the land,
They loosen up the soil, so the roots of plants can expand.

Those plants give off oxygen, to support life, on this earth each day,
Some provide the food we eat, and give shelter, to animals, that prey.

As those critters grow, living their lives in so many different ways,
Some of them will be hunted by others, eaten as a meal someday.

Every living thing on earth, works with or for each other, in some,
Special way, all of the plants, and creatures, need one another,
To stay alive to see the next day.

Tom Maxwell copyright 02/05/2003 A.D.
It’s two A.M. in the morning,
As I walk out the back screen door,
A beautiful light covering, of snow, on the ground,
As I stand on the sidewalk, in the chilled air,
Looking at the reflections, of lights,
The sun will rise in A few more hours,
The snow will slowly, melt away,
For me in this life, I lost another day.

                                                       Tom Maxwell ©   3/8/2019 2:00 A.M.
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