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A shine of the Indian complexion from your skin
Like you were dipped in gold
And maybe that's why I find myself bedazzled by you
For you are truly an angel
Beautiful and intelligent
With a sultry smile enough to make the sun shine
And leave the sunflowers still beautiful
I guess you are my sunflower
With that brown soft skin
You smile same way its petals stretch out
From afar a glimpse of the field on which you grow leaves me falling in love with you more and more
Can you feel the sweet sun on your skin
Can you see its smile in the sky as it spreads out
Can you see the birds fly as well
Singing beautifully
Can you feel the morning you couldn't wait to wake up in from last night
Can you smell the sweet waft of morning coffee
Can you hear the noise in the city from car engines and welding machines
If you can
Be grateful
You have made it to a new day
Living in the tomorrow you promised yourself yesterday
It's a new day
Let's celebrate
Thank God for the gift of life in these pandemic times
  Jun 2021 Isaac afunadhula
I can't seem to
Without your
Swimming inside my
                                          My head
  Jun 2021 Isaac afunadhula
A tasty alphabets
are prepared and
healthy words are
blended in the kitchen
phrase are toasted
and sentences are
well cooked in
Safana's Poetry Kitchen
Alleviate the cold in one
Refurbish blood in the vein
Could you at least wait
One more minute
It won't hurt
There's always a story in the mind of a poet
Still can't tell where love lies
If it's inside & the heart is the source
Or out & the looks & gestures say it all
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