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In the good bad and ugly times,
If you can take me as I am,
As I will take you are you are.

In your lowest of lows,
And your highest of highs,
And all the in between,
If you can take me as I am,
As I will take you are you are.

In all your pain,
That you are holding/have close to your heart,
And all the love you have/want to give/share or need,
If you can take me as I am,
I will take you are you are.

I will give you all that you need/and want,
Even when you don’t realize this at the moment,
My care/and love, is for you,
If you can take me as I am,
I will take you are you are.

© By HF-Whisper
Quote-'If you can take me as I am,
As I will take you are you are.'
Quote-'In the good bad and ugly times'
She wore a Golden Salamander (brooch)
That's quite a lizard you got there, I said
"Lizard!" she replied quite affronted, "that's no lizard, that's my Golden, my Golden Salamander",
So what does it stand for then this, this Golden Salamander, I asked
" What does it stand for, my Golden Salamander!!! ", she almost shrieked, " it stands for Strength, Courage and Fortitude, qualities you've probably never even heard of! "
O! I replied, I thought it might have meant you were just one slippery customer,
"Well, what creature would you have to encapsulate your qualities I wonder", she said, "I bet you have none".
O! But I do, I said surprising her, and then...then I whipped it out, hidden behind my shirt, a necklace, I showed it to her.
" It''s a Scorpion ", she said,
No! I corrected her, it''s a Black Scorpion
She gave a little gasp, and then she started to stammer
" You... you're... you're not Him, are you, you're not the... the real...the real Black Scorpion "
Guilty as charged I answered with a little bow, at your service Mom,
Well suddenly her glass, it fell to the floor as her hands they rushed to cradle her face
And then she let out this fearful roar
"It's!... It's the Black Scorpion!!!"
Suddenly the whole room it went quiet, all the music and chatter coming to an abrupt halt as every head turned in our direction
Then the next moment... Sheer Pandemonium had broken out
As glasses were tossed aside, tables and chairs overturned as a hundred frenzied guests scrambled toward the door to get out
But...but it was too late, Me! I'd already...farted
You see I wasn't really The Black Scorpion at all, I'd only been pretending, messing about
Secretly all the time, all along I'd really been just...yea!
I'd just been The Blue Skunk, The Blue Skunk in disguise.
There was road works on the road one day and I was stuck in a traffic jam, and the car in front of me had a little salamander painted on the back, and while I was waiting the first lines of this came to me. More silliness. Happy St Patrick's day! Cheers!
I'm like an open book
And yet I feel like I'm shrouded in secrets
Unsaid words...unshared feelings..unexpressed emotions
I'm a beautiful mess...
Chaos and clarity both co-exist in me so harmoniously
Conviction and doubts...they both are attracted to me
Love and hatred...I'm an equal receiver of both
I say so much
And yet I feel like I've never really said anything
I think too much
And at times my mind just feels like a blank vacant space..
...unable to process anything
I can't quite define myself..
...i keep asking myself strange questions...
...who am I?
...what am I? I have any purpose and if so then what is it?
My days are mostly spent in sadness and regrets  
And yet I find joy when I'm able to pen down this sadness
Sure..i cry my soul out when I write about the pain and regrets
But just being able to write about it gives me a different kinda' high
I guess it makes me feel relieved in some ways..
...a strange sense of comfort about being able to write what troubles me
 Mar 2021 vienna bombardieri
Cleave mind from neck.
Cut just above each joint - get rid
of feet and hands.
Slice clean,
hold tight and tear.

Swipe from skin -
prise apart and portion limbs.

Please share.
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