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 Jan 21 Aponi
I'm sorry
But you have to stay

I'm not ready to make a star for you yet
I make a star for every person that I lose. This is about my grandma, but also about some of my friends that I am concerned about. She wants to stay, they don't. This also goes for you. Yes, you. Please stay here with the rest of the mentally ill poets taking it one day at a time ❤️❤️❤️‍🩹
 Jan 21 Aponi
Ive made a million paintings,
a million drawings,
a million sculptures and figures,
but yet,
none of them feel like art.
Isn't art something you can discuss on?
Something you can talk about, something you can argue about?
but when you look at mine,
what do you see?
You know what you see.
What you see is staring right at you,
because its so clear.
Theres nothing to argue about,
theres nothing to talk about,
its one singular thing that everyone agrees about.
And even though its pretty and i'm proud of it,
it's still never really art because I never felt anything about it.
It never made me cry.
it never made me think about it all at night.
It didnt bring me joy,
it didn't bring me pain.
I just painted,
and thats what came flowing from my hands.
I want to make something that you can feel in your veins,
feel in your soul.
I want to create something that just shows something.
I want to create art.
I once saw a painting by Edward Hopper.
A painting of a woman sitting down at a table, all alone.
This isn't just a painting of lady sitting down,
its a painting of a lonley woman,
dressed up,
waiting for someone, but them never showing up.
It's not just pretty, but it tells a story.
 Jan 21 Aponi
You fall from grace
my dear Icarus
why must you be so

you fly too close and you fall
with splash and then a gurgle
you sink in the blue despair
your feathers wet.

no dreams or hope
you have no flight
forever drowned in
deep blue despair.

my poor poor boy
my poor Icarus
forever lost in
his blue despair.
Just a thinking exercise I had done my friend gave me the word feathers
and so i did a poem on the greek story Icarus.  Im still learning to write poems as well so i hope its good :).
 Jan 21 Aponi
Jana B
 Jan 21 Aponi
Jana B
This pressure feels like panic,
contorting like a pretzel.
Opposing forces
pressing in and demanding.
 Jan 21 Aponi
 Jan 21 Aponi
gotta give myself the reminder
that it's ok if i'm just like her
we all think that pretty boys are the worst
until they decide to put us in first
he couldn't bring himself to think of me
that he was too chicken to give me the truth
especially when i gave him what he wanted
why did i always give him what he wanted?
Lit tunnels and less lit tunnels
Where is the light at the end?

I want the warmth of the train's headlights
And I want the conductor to feel bad
When his breaks don't work in time

Inescapable Death Upon Impact
You can try and lift both feet off the tracks
Hurl your torch into the groaning abyss
Pry the railway from the ground


What goes up
Must come down
Every flame that flares in
Must fade out
Tonight I'm remembering and mourning the loss of the great visionary Mr. David Lynch. I sometimes think I've come to accept death as a fact of life and therefore defeated grief, but Mr. Lynch is on that list of people who have it in them to remind me otherwise. It's felt a little like a part of my soul is missing, since his passing. One day (probably fairly soon) that feeling will also meet its end, maybe.
 Jan 21 Aponi
the single
 Jan 21 Aponi
the single are not unmarried
-rather married to the Earth
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