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But am I enough
For you to write a poem?
'Nuff said.
I never wanted
to be
what you
turned me into,
but I will
live with it,
for I
don't know
how else to live
with myself.
Dying feels easy, it's the living which is the hard part.

To wallow in and under drown,

To shape a tear, to form a frown.

Exaggerations embracing pain,

They weave a spell to summon rain.

A heart to crush, a mind to flood,

And veins that throb with rivers blood.

Confusion swims where soft truth flies,

A cauldron to mix a concoction of lies.

These fires scar, yet sear no flesh,

While times slow healing turns souls to ash.
© 1998 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Words, once said, stay,
Thoughts stay too,
Only people go.
Your innocence is lost, but what came instead,
What came instead?
Your whole life you'll be asking that.
Even time like this
There is.
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