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343 · Jul 2020
Michelle Cronin Jul 2020
Look at the length, look at the colour.
Its gone from short and purple, to unruly and red!
With more then a hint of grey.

I'm not that vain but oh what a pain.
To have 3 months of bad hair days.
Counting down to a colour and re style

Will it be pink will it be blue?
Should I have highlights or low lights?
I can't decide its getting so near.

Hubby said I'll give you a trim,
Hand me the scissors, I'll use the sheers.
No fear I wait till the hair dressers open
I'm to vain to look like a goat a sheep or a deer.
waiting for  hair colour and cut
331 · Jul 2020
The Grim Reaper
Michelle Cronin Jul 2020
It’s true you live you die,
And in-betweens there is life.

Some happy some sad,
Some good some bad.
Sometimes uplifting and glorious in your life
Sometimes dark and soul destroying.

Time does not go on,
when I am abroad.
Collecting souls of the listed names.

Name, title, wealth nor education matter,
when the strings of life are cut.
When your time is up its up.

No bargains to be struck or deals to be done,
Life just stops dead.
The end.

What you say, so short a life I need more time
To amass more wealth or power.
Alas it is not so for all you do
Is grab and take.

You seldom care or look or listen.
To the world you hurt, you miss her dying,
in your haste you do not see her cries of pain.
So few see what most are missing.

Take care of her for I may reap your soul,
but as I walk through out your land,
you must by now know that you're the ones,
who **** your land, sea the air you breath.

Through greed and power, into the mire of wanton destruction.
Most will not know what they had until it’s gone.
A few good men and women try.
Try while your world cries out for help.

Still I walk through this land, collecting the souls
of a few good men and women for as I have said
when your time is up its up and my book grows
thinner by the hour.
How the reaper see the care we take of our life and planet.
263 · Jul 2020
Lock down
Michelle Cronin Jul 2020
Behind closed doors,
Shut away from the world,
They say lock down stay safe.

Behind closed minds,
Hidden from the world,
Locked down in your own mind
not so safe.

Locked away in your mind
Lock downs not so safe,
Locked in an endless lock down
in your own mind darkness creeps.

Break the lock, rise up,
Up from the down of lock down,
like the morning sun warm and glowing.
Spreading the light, chasing the darkness.

Opening the doors, opening your minds,
Gently into the new normal, after lock down,
Will it be safe?

Who knows, be brave
take the first steps
Open the door of the mind and soul,
The body will surly follow
197 · Jul 2020
Michelle Cronin Jul 2020
In the night so dark and back ,
where shadows hide and goblins play.
The hearts of all black souls do lie,
in shrouds of darkness do they hide.
Webs of lies are spun and plans are hatched
and poisons mixed, by deed and word
beget the evil men and women do.
For money, love, war and greed.
the worst of humanity summed up in darkness that hides in the light of day and often goes unseen.
137 · Jul 2020
tip tip tapping
Michelle Cronin Jul 2020
Sat a tip tip tapping on my key board
when a knock knock rapping came from they door
should I keep a tip tip tapping
with letters and words or answer the door?
fun and nonsense
106 · Jul 2020
Michelle Cronin Jul 2020
Goes the rain, off the roof and down the drain.
Pitta patter, Pitter patter, Pitter patter,
from the tree to the gate,

Black and grey are the clouds
as they pour down the rain.
To renew the deep rich earth.
So trees and plants may grow again.

Be it April shower or winter storms
it either to much or not enough.
from the drip.....drip.....drip
to the thunderous roar and lighting flash.

But oh the smell of rain in the air,
the soft cool breeze with the hint of
what is yet to come, rain glorious rain.

The soft shower that dies upon the breeze
To the heavens opening like waterfall.
Its never quite right for everyone
but always just right for someone.

— The End —