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 May 2020 Vera City
Francie Lynch
The White House is an inverse reflection
Of the matter/anti-matter chamber:
It's Not, The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
No. It's, The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.
What matters matters.
Trekkies will get the full allusion.
 May 2020 Vera City
after all
has the power to
liberate you
My mother's death taught me this hardest of lessons.
You can only let go what is in your heart already ❦
 May 2020 Vera City
 May 2020 Vera City
These days
when I say out loud
or think
I miss you
what I mean is
I can't wait

I love you.
 May 2020 Vera City
The puppeteer thinking
all along he's
in charge and power while
all the puppets know very well
and play along for his sake since
without them he'd be
just downright lonely so they
let him off the strings
slowly and with
utmost caution
and only when they know
he's ready

And he is ready now
 May 2020 Vera City
july hearne
after the crossroads
the wrong turns
and taken risks not worth taking

there came a time in my life
when nothing came next

no highways calling out for me
just painted rainbow crosswalks
for staying put

i stayed inside a lot
the more i hid
the dirtier the carpet got

it was cheap and poorly cut
to begin with, the dirt i was daring to become filth didn't help

the more i hated the cost of living
the dirtier the carpet got
the richer jeff bezos got

so stupid i thought

it was a daily thought
my own personal seventieth seven

antichrist and nothing
but crowds to fill his headquarters
hairless cat of a shepherd and his reusable sheep
i stayed inside a lot

so stupid i thought
the more i hid
the dirtier the carpet got
we can only hope
a subsidized rocket ship
can only launch so high
 May 2020 Vera City
july hearne
i can't wait until we go through with 25A
once we remove trump from office
then ALL of our problems will go away
& world peace will be here to stay

i better start practicing telling everyone
what they can and can not say.
 May 2020 Vera City
Ciel Noir
 May 2020 Vera City
Ciel Noir
emotional mosaic
a different kind of art
you didn't break my heart
you only rearranged the shards
 May 2020 Vera City
Ciel Noir
 May 2020 Vera City
Ciel Noir
words are wanderers
where do they come from?
seeds on the wind
was there ever just one?

a spell of wisdom
madness and love
words cast no shadow
what are they made of?
 May 2020 Vera City
Ciel Noir
 May 2020 Vera City
Ciel Noir
What other kind              of creature could divide        
        Each different thing             into its different sides                
  With chaos versus             order, dark and light
The stark duality of         wrong and right
We even split the very        world in two
With human versus human,       we and you
But still no matter how much      we divide
Each thing has infinitely many      sides
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