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And just like that,
     you came back.

As much as I wanted this,
  what if you leave again?
Letting myself hurt so that I don’t hurt you
i just hope and pray

to find My Shams,
or the Khizar to my Shams,
before i dock eternally
before the circle starts again.
for All i see blinds me
the more i see blinds me
give me a Khizar to show
show me a Khizar to give
All i live, is a want to love.
All i want is,a love to live
take my boat, take my star
be my boat be my star.
don,t let me float aimlessly
this aimlessness let Shams Be.
---Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Khizar is a character from scripture (Quran) who is responsible for showing way to the lost ones, and Shams Tabrizi was the Teacher, friend and guide of Mawlana Rumi.
 Feb 2020 Forbiden Fruit
O Love
 Feb 2020 Forbiden Fruit
O Love, O pure deep Love, be here, be now,
Be all – worlds dissolve into your
       stainless endless radiance,
Frail living leaves burn with your brighter
        than cold stares –
Make me your servant, your breath, your core.
 Feb 2020 Forbiden Fruit
I've lost my good pen.
Try as I might, to write well
My words still fail me.
Writer's block.
 Feb 2020 Forbiden Fruit
'Fake it till you make it', I'm told
As I tremble under the weight of fear
It's a warm statement, yet one so cold
What do I fake if nothing's clear?
The path to success is paved with questions.
 Feb 2020 Forbiden Fruit
No matter how hard I try
I just-
to be closer to you.
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