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  Aug 2023 Masibulele Ntsepo
jokes help the ego wobble
sometimes right off its throne
On our very first encounter, part of me already believed i had found my counterpart.
Part of me was still, sceptical of this new development.
Countless hours passed us by in happiness,
Even forgot we had to depart.
My mind's eye seeing us infront of a pastor and congregation.
The only departure will be us together in heaven.
Not a single cloud in sight yet i was on cloud-nine feeling like im dancing in the summer-rain.
A beautiful summer evening where stars are in full attendence to witness the spectacle of the moon's spotlight.
What happens in darkness shall come to light.
In the darkness of my deepest depths i was wishing to spend the rest of my days with you.
We were still shy to shine in the shrine,
So i touched you, you held me.
You smiled, i kissed you.
Communication was non-verbal,
What the feeling was doing to us could not be described in words.
My eardrums could hear the signal your heart was beaming in beating.
It was an eclypse of the moon by the sun.
Was as if the Creator themself said,
Let there be light tonight in your heart for a brighter tommorrow.
With no space between us,
Time was still.
But still the distance was getting shorter for you and me to go home,
As i had met you on your way home and offered some company to accompany you.
When the dreaded thought of departure crossed my mind's traffic pathways,
It coincided with the reality of our journey's end.
Even cupid could not show prophets of our end.
We shared a sample taste of pleasure, not meant to be a feast.
Apart without contacts of communication,
Now all i am left with is to count the time and space between us.
What would happen if the moon leaked?
Would there be a luminous canal
that flowed with moon milk?
Would we be able to bathe in
a shimmering pool of silver?
It's that moment
when the pieces
of the puzzle
all combine.

And you see a
glorious picture
that you doubted
that you'd find.

And then after
when the pieces
are inspected
each with care.

You see purpose
and see meaning
each too valuable
to spare.
This came to me all at once. It's an attempt to describe the feeling of your mind being blown when everything lines up and finally makes sense.
  Aug 2023 Masibulele Ntsepo
We chased a feeling
not a reality

We both wanted someone
So desperately
that we found each other

Even though no part of

Our pieces didn’t fit together
so we pressed and jammed them
until they were stuck
and stayed that way
we broke

-red flags
I only have 5 minutes
To spare this poetry
Here it goes:

I do not wish to be seen
Said the old man in me
So leave me alone
Cause I don't want to be

For I've been running away
This is what I hate
And I envy everyone else
Who are not in the same fate.

What have I become?
Where will I go?
The questions are left unanswered
And I've searched high and low.

To be strong once more
In my world full of doubt
To be strong while I lose
In my latest bout.

I wish I had more time
Just like before
I only have 5 minutes
And I wish I had more.
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