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as vanilla ice cream on apple pie
running off to the sides
in a puddle of sweet lies
on a paper plate of goodbyes

They slid off
walking on crystal ice
thrown as rolling dice
till she fell in
engulfed over her head
in the icy swim

She has her lips to sip
and her teeth to eat
a nose, and a mountain
standing between
two crimson cheeks

But she can't see
where she's going
or where she is.
She only clings to
where she's been.
 Oct 2022 rose hopkins
been to the abyss
peered down over it's dark cliffs
their claws beckoning
I'm looking for my husband.  He has
disappeared into some place inside
his mind, like a sea creature slides
into a coral bed.

Quick now, here he is for a moment
or an hour.  Like a Robin bobs in
the yard, he is beautiful in his song
before he vanishes into the sky,
flying above or around me.

Are his pieces forever gone? Will
I find a kiss behind my chair meant
for me alone? Will my sorrow erase
the years of love?

I will be brave today.  Tomorrow
I will be the coral he needs. A small
animal in a very large and
strange ocean. .

Caroline Shank
 Oct 2022 rose hopkins
 Oct 2022 rose hopkins
I breathe in deep.

And yet you keep
having me chase
the next as if a lungful
wasn’t enough.
 Sep 2022 rose hopkins
Aditya Roy
She was that kind of woman
That the wind washed over her face
The flowers emanated from her
a scent of a time forgotten
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