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780 · Apr 2019
Subtle love.
Sandeep kumar Apr 2019
I'm never done with the innocence
You keep over your face.
It's so subtle, to understand,
Whether I'm in love;
Though I know, it's mere obsession
I had, for many other girls;
As many as a small boy can count.
It's so lovely, gazing you.
It's so lovely, imagining you.
But it's not lovely, to love you.
"And why? Ain't I prepared?"
I ask my heart.
"Of course you are,
But not for the heart break."
My heart replies.
431 · Mar 2019
My heart.
Sandeep kumar Mar 2019
My heart;
I fooled it,
Protected it,
Deep in me,
From love.
To not heed about it.
But then...
I was tricked.
And my heart jumped;
Lifted in a flight;
To the mirage-hope,
To be loved  back.
The flight was high,
And when pulled back
By the extreme gravity,
Fallen and hurt,
From truth,
With an Unsoundable dud.
My heart said-
"Hey you! That was 
Just a stunt. And I'm fine."
But it weep and bleed,
And seep in words.
And maybe poetry.
Yet it says-
"Hey you! It's just
My experimental words.
You know me
Nothing relates me. "
288 · Mar 2019
Sandeep kumar Mar 2019
I think of the promise
Whenever, you lean over me to kiss.
Your blush, and my assuring smile,
Always confirms me, that every while,
We'll be we. Even if not near,
Our love, we will always wear,
And feel the warmth in it.
The never ending desire that lit,
Is our Grail, In which we drink.
And sip more of it and sink,
And sink more in the hangover,
Just like lost-in-wilderness lover.
And preach the promise we gave,
With every kiss in it we lave.
247 · Apr 2019
Vanity- my poem
Sandeep kumar Apr 2019
Today, when I was free;
I thought of doing a poetry.
My eyes rolled up and down randomly.
Yet, nothing came by me.
Oh! Butterfly, a good thing to write.
I wrote:
" Butterfly, beautiful is your fluttering flight."
And then I was blank.
And stopped. Went on a river bank.
Thinking, maybe fish will do.
Yet, there's no ripple, no clue.
I tried laying on meadow.
My eyes, up and high, sky says much.
Yet, nothing, I could hear such.
I paddled home, no more I could spare;
These days, my poetry are rare.
I collapsed in my bed- empty.
Oh! Better be the poem- my vanity!
181 · Mar 2019
Dark and beautiful night.
Sandeep kumar Mar 2019
Why you stare at me?
Dark and beautiful night,
With your innumerable polka dot shine,
That twinkles.
And with the shape changer’s
Ivory glow.
Ah! So you are showing pity?
And what for?
What if you are so enormous?
What if your darkness reaches everywhere?
What if you’re known
by each and all?
Whatever it’s,
You’ll find me staring you.
Showing pity.
For how silently you sleep away,
With a fall of light.
156 · Apr 2019
Aye! Beauty!
Sandeep kumar Apr 2019
"Aye! Beauty!" My compliment.
You like that?
I'll tell you this. Forever.
And my forever
May not be too long;
Till then I'd be gone,
For anoher forever to live in.
It's my choice.
You overwhelmed my forever while.
You see me staring you;
Imagining myself in your arms.
And that may be possible
And frequent.
The proximity of nose, our breath,
My chest and your breast,
Dancing to the paramount.
And then maybe, maybe,
With a gush it exhausts.
I'll move on, or you will?
To the next forever,
We'll promise again.
And amid this
A foolish bystander
Thinks, that we are in love.

— The End —