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Jan 2024 · 302
Brandon Lee Lusk
babygirl45 Jan 2024
You are the oxygen that keeps me alive.
You are my heart that beats inside.
You are the blood that flows through me.
You are the only guy I can see.
You have the voice of when a mockingbird sings.
You are my everything.

You are my one and only.
You stop me from being so lonely.
We plan our future as if we have a clue.
I never want to lose you.
I want you to be my husband, and I want to be your wife.
I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
Love you Brandon Lee Lusk I want to be your wife
Jan 2024 · 167
Love never ends
babygirl45 Jan 2024
Oh golden twilight clouds,
Go far with the message in my songs
To where my beloved weeps for me
Wipe his tears and tell him he  is mine

Let him know how sad I feel
In this world so unreal
In this suffocating silence
Left by him long absence

Carry the vapors of tears
From my eyes as your clouds of blue
Stay above him, high in the sky
Inundate him, with droplets of my sorrow

Let the thunders in my heart
Shiver all the Ashta-Dikpalas
With the reverberations of the mantra
“Brandon loves Breanna”

Let the lightning in my heart
Spread around the horizon
All the sparks of love I kept undisturbed
For the king  of my heart

Take him up in the whirlwinds of my mind
And carry him in the mighty winds
Take him  in your stormy hands
Place him in my arms which crave for his  touch
To my love Brandon Lee Lusk
Jan 2024 · 241
babygirl45 Jan 2024
My memories are what I have left,
and a lesson I will not forget.

The time has come when time is no more
and all that's left was once before.

The memories so dear and true,
those memories of me and you.

Although we fell and stumbled at times,
all those hills were necessary climbs.

All the times when your heart shined through
are the greatest memories I have of you.

I will always remember you, brother of mine.
In my heart I will keep you, so I will be fine.

I will go forward with my head up high.
It might be hard, I cannot lie.

But in my heart you will be,
moving forward, you with me.
Rip Charles Edward Evans you went to soon bro you was only 22 years olds
babygirl45 Jan 2024
When you smile at me, I lose myself.
You give me this feeling that makes me overwhelmed.
When your hand is in mine, I feel totally fine,
And that's the reason I had to make you mine.
Forever and ever till the end,
I will be by your side through thick and thin.
I love you more than you'll ever know.
I just wanted to say I'm never letting go.
Love u Brandon Lee Lusk
Nov 2023 · 207
Brandon Lusk
babygirl45 Nov 2023
I use to dream of
someone like you,
To hold me tight and
see me though,
To live my eyes and
love my smile,
And when I am scared
stay with me a while,
But now Iv’e got you I don’t know
what to do,
It’s amazing this feeling
I have for you,
Maybe all I need to say is
I love you
Dedicated to Brandon Lusk
Aug 2023 · 471
i love you son
babygirl45 Aug 2023
I love you son
Like no one else
Only you and I
Verified love personified
Every single
Moment I'm with
You, I feel that love
Sensing you feel it too
Only a mother's love
Nourishes your soul
i love you buddy an i miss you to you will be back with mommy son
Aug 2023 · 208
A Mother knows her son
babygirl45 Aug 2023
My dear, sweet boy
I've seen it all
from your first kicks
to your first kiss.

You might think right now
you know it all,
but I've seen more of you
than you ever knew.

A Mother knows her son
better than anyone ever could
because I gave you life
and help you shine your light.
I love you Jackie Paul Evans.
May 2021 · 202
The End
babygirl45 May 2021
No one told me about this pain.
Everything hurts,even my pride.
It's these emotions I am forced to contain.

Tears has fallen from my eyes like a steady rain.
Nothing can take back these nights I've cried.
No one told me about this pain.

My feelings I can not even explain.
To you, my heart was open wide.
It's these emotions I am forced to contain.

I'm at the where i feel not but shame
Because I thought you were going to be my guide.
No one told me about this pain.

With you is where I wanted to remain.
Now i have to continue on with a long stride,
It's these emotions i am forced to contain.

Please tell me our relationship was not in vain.
I hope to not regret having tried.
No one told me about this pain.
It's these emotions I  am forced to contain.
Feb 2021 · 122
My mom
babygirl45 Feb 2021
A woman whom I love...
Waits outside my bedroom door.
A woman whom I care for...
Is there when I am hurt, sad, or mad.
A woman whom I appreciate...
Honors me for the person I am inside.
A woman whom I fear...
Pushes and pushes if only for the better.
A woman who is thoughtful...
Thinks of others before she thinks of herself.
This woman is My Mom...
She cries when I cry...
She's mad when I'm mad...
She's hurt when I'm hurt...
She's sad when I'm sad.
This woman is My Mom.
Aug 2019 · 326
Goodbye daddy
babygirl45 Aug 2019
It's never the right time
To say goodbye.
I will miss you, Dad,
And here is why.
You taught me so much:
To show no fear,
To always have fun,
And face the day with cheer.

You were always so able,
So fast and so strong.
In your little girl's eyes
You could do no wrong.
You would always listen,
And you never pried.
You were the arms around me
When I cried.

You never looked for praises,
And you were never one to boast.
You were always there
For those you loved the most.

You worked so hard,
And those strong working hands
Led me through life
And helped me understand
That life can be hard,
And tough, and sad,
But through it all
I had my Dad.

And because of you,
I understood
That life was actually
Pretty good.
I believe in you
And will follow your path,
And when things go wrong,
I'll look back and laugh.

I hope you can hear me
So I can let you know
That you were and will forever
Be my superhero.
So yes, today
I am full of sorrow,
But I will smile a little more
With each tomorrow.

So please, Dad, go
Be at rest
And know to me
You were always the best.
Aug 2019 · 151
love you daddy
babygirl45 Aug 2019
Have you seen my Daddy?
I don't know where he's gone.
Sometimes it hurts so much
I can't seem to carry on.
I hear he doesn't look quite the same.
He doesn't need much rest.
The IV and medications are all gone;
In fact, he looks his best.
Is he playing tag with his parents
In that place way up high?
Or is he napping in God's garden
Where the beautiful in hammocks lie?
Some say he is always watching.
I hope this to be true
And that one day he'll return to me
And say, "I've come for you."
Have you seen my Daddy?
I imagine he's doing okay,
Though it hurts to know
I can't call him every day.
I really miss my Daddy.
I wasn't ready to say goodbye.
It will never be the same.
Years from now, I know I'll cry.
I bet God is with my Daddy,
Wrapped up in His arms,
Sheltered from all illness and sorrow,
Keeping him from harm.
I bet he sees us mourning
But would want us to smile
And tell us our time part
Is only a little while
I'll never quite understand
Why your time here was so small,
But you said you'll always be there
To catch me when I fall.
I miss you so much, Daddy,
But I hope and pray
That when it's my time, you'll come for me.
I'll see you again someday.
I guess it was meant to be
That your work here on Earth was done.
Now your life in paradise
Has only just begun.
Tears that I weep and prayers
Will hopefully travel very far
To reach my loving daddy
Sitting among the stars.
babygirl45 Aug 2019
If time exists in heaven,
Do you still rise with the sun?
Do you and Mom share breakfast
Before your day has begun?

Can the heavens hear your laughter
As you sit and reminisce
About the time we had together
And other people that you miss?

And Daddy, do you still take walks,
Along the heaven's seas?
And when you gaze upon the surf,
Do you remember walks with me?

Are your standing with those brave young men
Upon its perfect shores?
Finally by their sides again,
Your comrades from the war.

Do you gather with your family,
Beneath the heaven's glow?
And gaze upon those mountains still
That once you called your home.

Is music all around you,
All those songs you held so dear?
Do you and Mom still sing together,
The way you did when you were here?

Do you ever have long talks with God
About those left behind?
Do you tell him all the stories
Of all our grand and treasured times?

I think that heaven must be grateful,
To have you there each day,
To bring your easy laughter
And your silly sense of play.

And I'm sure that God already knows
The special Father you had been.
And how I wish that you were here,
To guide my way again.

But I carry you inside my heart.
You are never far from me.
I see you in my smile,
And in who I grew to be.

And I'm sure that on this Father's Day,
God will help you celebrate.
All those Dads who changed the world with love,
What a Party that will make!
missing my dad
Aug 2019 · 132
I Cry
babygirl45 Aug 2019
I'm sitting on the porch,
Wind blowing through my hair.
The ducks are frolicking in the pond,
But I just can't seem to care.

Life goes on around me.
I don't participate.
I go through all the motions,
But what I really do is wait.

I dream about the day
That you'll come home to me.
Nothing else is important.
Why can't people see?

I don't want to go out.
I don't want to have fun.
I don't want to do a thing
Until all is said and done.

They took you in the summer.
Now fall is almost finished.
Winter will be here very soon,
And then the year will have diminished.

You have no idea how much I cry.
I never let you know.
It's so hard out here without you,
But I'm not allowed to let it show.

I must pretend all is fine.
Everyone thinks all's okay,
But what I never ever tell them
Is that I cry for you every day.
It has beeen almost a year since my daddy has passed away September 24 daddy i miss u.
May 2019 · 500
My perfect valentine
babygirl45 May 2019
Observing the stars,
You came into mind,
I thought about your love for me,
It's so fine.

Whenever you hug me,
Whenever you're there,
I feel so secure,
I know you really care.

At times we're together,
Not knowing what to say,
All we do is hold hands,
Then our love lights the way.

There are instances we argue,
But time's granted to ponder,
Then we work things out,
It makes our love stronger.

I've nothing to worry about,
Gone are moments, I thought we'd part,
Thinking of you makes me smile,
You'll forever be in my heart.
Mar 2019 · 775
goodbye daddy
babygirl45 Mar 2019
It's never the right time
To say goodbye.
I will miss you, Dad,
And here is why.
You taught me so much:
To show no fear,
To always have fun,
And face the day with cheer.

You were always so able,  
So fast and so strong.
In your little girl's eyes
You could do no wrong.
You would always listen,  
And you never pried.
You were the arms around me  
When I cried.

You never looked for praises,
And you were never one to boast.
You were always there
For those you loved the most.

You worked so hard,
And those strong working hands
Led me through life  
And helped me understand
That life can be hard,  
And tough, and sad,
But through it all
I had my Dad.

And because of you,
I understood
That life was actually  
Pretty good.
I believe in you
And will follow your path,
And when things go wrong,
I'll look back and laugh.

I hope you can hear me  
So I can let you know
That you were and will forever
Be my superhero.
So yes, today  
I am full of sorrow,
But I will smile a little more  
With each tomorrow.

So please, Dad, go
Be at rest  
And know to me  
You were always the best.

I love you so much and miss you every day!
Feb 2019 · 771
my loving dad
babygirl45 Feb 2019
We’ll always remember
that special smile,
that caring heart,
that warm embrace,
you always gave us.
You being there
for Mom and us,
through good and bad times,
no matter what.
We’ll always remember
you Dad because
they’ll never be another one
to replace you in our hearts,
and the love we will always
have for you.
Feb 2019 · 265
As We Look Back
babygirl45 Feb 2019
As we look back over time
We find ourselves wondering …..
Did we remember to thank you enough
For all you have done for us?
For all the times you were by our sides
To help and support us …..
To celebrate our successes
To understand our problems
And accept our defeats?
Or for teaching us by your example,
The value of hard work, good judgment,
Courage and integrity?
We wonder if we ever thanked you
For the sacrifices you made.
To let us have the very best?
And for the simple things
Like laughter, smiles and times we shared?
If we have forgotten to show our
Gratitude enough for all the things you did,
We’re thanking you now.
And we are hoping you knew all along,
How much you meant to us.
Feb 2019 · 213
my father
babygirl45 Feb 2019
He was a jolly little man full of fun and laughter,
He played jokes on his fellow men
And to him it did not matter.
Education he had not,
But what he learned he never forgot.
He wrote what he knew all about cancer
so that someday, there will be an answer.
He joined the Canadian Medical Corps.
And served in the Second World War.
He risked his life, to save others,
This man, that I call my Father.
Seein’ my Father in me is the title of a song
Which I can relate to as I do see my Father in me.
I have a French accent just like my Father,
I love walking, just like my Father,
I love being with people, just like my father.
But most of all, is my love for children, like my Father.
Feb 2019 · 242
In Memory Of My Daddy
babygirl45 Feb 2019
If I could write a story
It would be the greatest ever told
Of a kind and loving father
Who had a heart of gold

I could write a million pages
but there is one thing I would say
just how much I love and miss
him every single day

I know he loved me
I may be hurt but I won't be sad
I know he'll send down the answers
because he'll always be my dad
In loving memory of my daddy and I tell you all something it is hard with just one parent and I am 20 years old
Feb 2019 · 202
babygirl45 Feb 2019
You brushed my hair and tucked me in,
Made me laugh for hours on end.
You kissed my boo-boos when I fooled around.
Mommy, you never let me down.

You held my hand as I got my shots
Then took me for ice cream that hit the spot.
You bought me Polly Pockets and Barbies, too.
Mommy, there's no one quite like you.

You held my hand as I walked through the door,
Then you met my teacher as I stared at the floor.
You told me it'd be fun and I'd make friends too,
And for that reason, Mommy, I love you.

You listened to me talk about the drama and boys
Then taught me how to handle it with class and poise.
You spoke with wisdom and of things you know.
You love to hear me say, "Mommy, you told me so."

You love the Lord with all you heart,
And you're kind and gentle and pretty and smart.
If I could be anyone, I'd pick you,
'Cause, Mommy, the world would be better with two of you.

You've taught me so much, with more in store,
And with each day that passes, I love you more
Feb 2019 · 210
babygirl45 Feb 2019
The things you did to me
Took away what made me free.
I was a prisoner to you, locked in a chain.
You played me, like a puzzle piece in a game.
It keeps me awake at night
Because in my mind I wonder why?
How could you do this to me?
All this pain and misery
Your ugly soul brought upon me.
How do you live with yourself?
Knowing that you changed my life for me,
Took the things I never had.
I want and need it back so bad.
Our relationship started from something minor,
From there to something worse.
Things I thought I was imagining
Became a haunting and memorable curse.
Not only did you take my childhood,
You took my life.
Turned me around, and slit me with a knife.
I never thought this would happen to me,
But it did.
I'll never forget,
I'll never forgive.
And all this pain I went through
Was just because I trusted you.
You stole my voice,
I had NO choice.
You took advantage of me,
Took control of my whole body.
And yet I stand strong, to this day.
My hate for you will never fade.
The battle is over, it hasn't just begun.
Now it's the end...I'm the girl still standing..
Feb 2019 · 201
Why ME
babygirl45 Feb 2019
Why Me?
Why did you choose me?
You choose me then you hurt me
You said you would be there form me
Which was another one of your lies?
Why me?

Why did you choose some one that you could stab in the back?
I thought you were going to be there for me
You said you knew what is was going through
So why aren't you helping me anymore?

Why did you choose to help me?
When you really don't care now!!
You threw me away like I was garbage
Why me?
Why did you do this to me?

I don't understand you anymore
You have changed and don't care what's going on
Why did you choose to help me?
Really? Why me?

You said you understood what was going on
You really hurt me big brother
You promised me that you would help me
You couldn't even keep your promise
Why me?
Why did you do this to me?
Feb 2019 · 175
Why Me God
babygirl45 Feb 2019
Why me God? Why is my life so filled with tears?
Does he have to hit? what has he to gain?
as he rips my clothes-Do you feel my pain?

Why me God? why can't my mother hear my cries?
When I scream her name-does she have a choice?
When I cry in the night-in a small child's voice.

Why me God?  Why is it I have to carry this load?
Did I do something wrong? Is is something I've said?
Am I just a mistake? AM i BETTER OFF DEAD?

AND WHY O GOD-  couldn't I have a normal life?
Did you give ME eyes- to watch OTHER kids play?
To see the joy on THEIR faces- day after day?

And why O God- couldn't you give me understanding?
Is there a lesson to learn? Or is it too much to ask?
Will I smile someday? Will it be my Last?


Then maybe I can feel worthy-  in some small way
Feb 2019 · 217
The daily battle
babygirl45 Feb 2019
It is the darkest, deepest place one can travel to alone,
A solo journey filled with struggles and groans.
Every day is a new battle against the same foe,
But the enemy fights back with psychological blows.
It creeps up on you in your most vulnerable state,
Especially when there's no one around who can relate.
Thoughts in your mind begin to swirl and swell,
Which drag you into your own subconscious hell.
Figments and entities from your past
Serve as the pain, which you can't outlast.
Finally sleep always comes as a welcomed friend,
But it the morning the ceaseless battle begins yet again.
babygirl45 Feb 2019
Days of endless struggle.
More hopeful pills today,
Trying to appear "normal"
In some sort of way.

It seems that the struggle
Is always here with me,
And I wouldn't be here now
If guilt would leave me be.

I know there's been many
Who've had it worse than I,
But that doesn't always mean
That I wouldn't say good-bye.

People say I have a lot going for me.
I'm sorry, but I just can't see.
I can't see because my worst enemy
Is not my life but inside of me.

Always on a roller coaster,
Not much consistency.
I'm nothing if I'm not up or down.
I'm nothing if just "me."

Very little energy,
Wanting to stay in bed,
Wishing to be enthusiastic
Instead of feeling like I'm made of lead.

Wanting to be excited,
Wanting to care for more,
But when nothing makes sense,
It's hard to focus on the poor.

Cluttered mind, cluttered thinking.
It's hard to keep in touch
With what is happening around me
And not to worry too much.

I feel that everybody is better than me
And that I can't do anything right.
This is how I've felt my whole dang life;
It didn't just start last night.

No confidence, no self-esteem.
Everybody else is right.
To speak my mind is to be a fool,
So I just try to "sit tight."

Any one of these problems
Would be a heavy vice,
But when you have them ALL
Living seems like a roll of the dice.
Feb 2019 · 179
Black Bird
babygirl45 Feb 2019
Painting is for pictures
too hard to understand
so let me paint you a picture
of a girl
who has a little too much to understand..

her heart was a two ton brick in her fist
that kept her pinned
to the exact spot on the ground
he wanted her to be in
when she's 12
and those 27 minutes felt like eternity,
clinging to her sanity

like the last molecule of burned up air in a gas chamber
she slept on cindered feathers
******* on the bones of her rotting body
holding back panicked breaths
like other kids hold stuffed animals
sinister smiling eyes
venom spit
splashed across her limbs

"You're so pretty.."
you're so pretty.
seeds of fear planted
in a daughter,
whose father,
didn't know,
she couldn't go any farther

the limbs of her body bare branched
creaking away from his whispered breaths
leaves burned up with the heat of guilt
hidden in the smoke are her pleading eyes
her roots ripped up and flung away
with the drop of his pants
gritting teeth sewn shut
with the bone needles of a broken bird
brittle body vibrating
against the pine tree that
looked "so pretty,"
two hours ago

two bodies
two lungs
pressed against the cage
that kept her soul contained
red and blue flashes
translate to blackness
and 6 years later
her sheets are still soaked
trembling with the sound of her own frozen voice

melting into puddles she tried to pick up
with ***** hands
and a ***** heart
dripping into the exact consistency
of the mud he left her in
fingernails full of his fingerprints
and the dew on the grass
came from her eyes
and the sheen off her body
clothing buried
and burned
smoking up to follow the bird
that unwillingly flew away

blacked painting hung up
on the pale bone frame
those 18 years and no one taught him a shred of decency
you'd think it should be inked into his humanity
but no.
she sings into the ashes
calling it back
lungs raw
throat black

she can't see his face
she can't know his name
she can't say that
she carved herself up like an animal
creating a scarred picture
everyone's seen before
but few have known
can't say that she breathes a storm
then pounds her body
until her tears turn red
and everything goes numb again
and she can finally believe for a second
your hands aren't his hands

If I knew her what could I say?
that there's something beautiful about skinned knees
and the fault lines in her eyes
and the way she scrubs her blood from the floor
and the fact that I can't stay quiet anymore
the flames my guilt fans
grow brighter when I think
that because I didn't speak
he could have gone on to ruin
another perfect thing
a perfect thing who's picture
looks a whole lot like mine.
Feb 2019 · 401
thank you
babygirl45 Feb 2019
Thank you
For loving me true
For being no one but you
For holding my hand
And helping me stand

Thank you
For never giving up
And never getting stuck
In the dark times
Where only love shines

Thank you
For the kind letters
That make me feel better
For putting up with me
And loving what you see

Thank you
Now and forever
Remember, I'll never
Stop loving you
What I say is true;
I mean it from my heart
Even when it's dark
I love you
To Brandon Lee Lusk
Feb 2019 · 293
Lost In Pain
babygirl45 Feb 2019
Anger. Pain.
It's getting harder to hide
All the feelings I've built up inside.

It's hard to explain
Without being considered insane,
So I've kept to myself
Until I realized I need help.

Even the weekends seem to be a chore.
Putting a smile on my face as I walk out the door.

Wanting to run away,
But where can I go?
Around people or not, I still feel alone.

I cry all the time now.
I used to think I was strong.
Now it's a struggle just to hold on.

To make it through the day
Without an odd look my way
Or someone asking me if I'm okay.

But maybe it will do me good
To let someone help if they could.
Just one hug is all I need.
Just one person that cares is all I plead.

And then I might get through another day
Of waiting for my anger and pain to fade away.
Feb 2019 · 263
2 hours
babygirl45 Feb 2019
Anxiety rips me out of my sleep, a shock to my system like a bucket of ice water.
I open my eyes to see a demon hovering near the ceiling; fighting it will lead to my slaughter.

These demons cover the Earth like the oxygen we can't see.
One look into their eyes assures you several hours of misery.

I pull off my covers and step to the warm floor.
My teeth begin to chatter, sensitive to an elusive vibration that I've felt before.

Every muscle contracts; I notice the blinds are closed, yet a small beam of light still gets in.
They spy on us through the sunlight; it's hard to fight a battle that you know you can't win.

I quickly stumble to the kitchen to take my medication, hoping today's the day it starts working.
Tunnel vision increases the terror, knowing that the beast is somewhere close lurking.

I eat the fastest meal that I am able to find,
Then brush my teeth twice, because I always throw up after the first time.

I quickly get dressed; with my head down I walk toward the car.
Hyper-vigilant to something you cannot see, aware of the fact that I must appear to act bizarre.

Each day is like reliving a bleak dream, every 24 hours repeating exactly the same.
When the tension becomes too great I'm forced to distract myself with a different form of pain.

I get into my vehicle, driving to my monthly psychiatric appointment as fast as I can go.
The night before was a bad one; I took a hammer to the side my face to make the pain show

I walked into the building, trying to cover the side of my face that was black and blue.
I quickly sat down, noticing some of other patients could see the demons too.

Some people think we are terrified of other people, but that simply isn't true.
I'm terrified of the demon that is standing between me and you.

It only took a few months before this doctor stopped pretending to care.
It's always the same questions, just wanting my new medication so I could get the hell out of there,

So I can race home, splash some water on my face and take a deep breath,
Because that was only two hours and there's still twenty two left.
Feb 2019 · 225
babygirl45 Feb 2019
How could I be so lost
In a place I know so well?
How could I be so broken
In a family so together?
How could I be so lonely
Surrounded by so many?
How could I be so unhappy
Surrounded by so much beauty?
How could I be me
When even I remain a mystery?
babygirl45 Feb 2019
a dance is a poem
Gestured through
The body language
And its signs and symbols,
Expressed through
The dance,
The body movement
In the consonance
The rhythm of language
Feb 2019 · 469
the baby's dance
babygirl45 Feb 2019
dance little baby, dance up high,
never mind baby, mother is by;
crow and caper, caper and crow,
there little baby, there you go;
up to the ceiling down to the ground,
backwards and fowards,round and round
dance little baby and mother shall sing
with the merry coral ding ding ding
Feb 2019 · 213
birds sings I love you
babygirl45 Feb 2019
Birds sing "I love you, love" the whole day through,
And not another song can they sing right;
But, singing done with, loving's done with quite,
The autumn sunders every twittering two.
And I'd not have love make too much ado
With sweet parades of fondness and delight,
Lest iterant wont should make caresses trite,
Love-names mere cuckoo ousters of the true.

Oh heart can hear heart's sense in senseless nought,
And heart that's sure of heart has little speech.
What shall it tell? The other knows its thought.
What shall one doubt or question or beseech
Who is assured and knows and, unbesought,
Possesses the dear trust that each gives each.
Feb 2019 · 208
love after love
babygirl45 Feb 2019
The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other's welcome,

and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.
Feb 2019 · 206
babygirl45 Feb 2019
the night has a thousand eyes,
and the day but one;
yet the light of the bright world dies
with dying sun.

the mind has a thousand eyes,
and the heart but one;
yet the light of a whole life dies
when love is done.
Jan 2019 · 459
love is
babygirl45 Jan 2019
not jealous
not boastful
not proud
not rude
not demanding of its own way
not irritable
not keeping record of wrong
not rejoicing in injustice
Jan 2019 · 320
love love love
babygirl45 Jan 2019
love is not
love is ***...!
love is not
love is money
love is not
love is a dream
love is not
love is states
love is not
love is sin
Jan 2019 · 892
my toilet
babygirl45 Jan 2019
they look in the bowl
it is dark and and quiet
one stand alone
a poo is present
it glistens in the toilet water
the brown feels soft on my skin
'I didn't eat any corn'
I spoke to the poo within.
my poo
Jan 2019 · 191
my love
babygirl45 Jan 2019
How do we come to be here next to each other  
in the night
Where are the stars that show us to our love  
Outside the leaves flame usual in darkness  
and the rain
falls cool and blessed on the holy flesh  
the black men waiting on the corner for  
a womanly mirage
I am amazed by peace
It is this possibility of you
and breathing in the quiet air
Jan 2019 · 414
babygirl45 Jan 2019
Dealing with the dangers of life,
Each day alone through stress and strife
Pray to god to sort it out
Remembering what brought it about
Everyday in lives tough test
Securing a future neverthless
Seeing its secrets  and letting them go
In life itself and the world we know
Only thinking that maybe soemeday
Nice things will happen like peace we pray
Jan 2019 · 151
babygirl45 Jan 2019
It's hard sometimes to say exactly what I'm worth.
Sometimes even harder dealing with the hurt.

To feel like no one's there during all my pain.
I have nothing left to lose and nothing left to gain.

I struggle through the days, with no one at my side,
To find some sort of worth, to save a little pride.

But all my days are dark, stormy, cold and gray,
And emptiness keeps growing as I slowly fade away.

I have no effort left to put into this life,
No helping hand behind me to pull me to the light.

So once again I ask, before I leave this Earth,
Tell me, if you care, exactly what I'm worth.
Jan 2019 · 129
babygirl45 Jan 2019
Here on my arm lies a mark that I made.
When I was so low, I cut with a blade
To punish my body for being a mess,
Though here is my testament, I must confess...

That seeing these scars left on my arms, legs, and chest
Makes me realize I was in a place of no rest;
I feel guilty inside for leaving this token.
Now I will see and remember that I was so broken.

But seeing these scars helps me see
That I survived so much trauma and now I am free.
So I ask you now to stand with me and fight,
To show all these demons what they're doing is not right.

You won the battle of good versus bad.
You are still alive and are no longer sad.
Here on my arm lies a mark of survival.
I got through my hate and beat my self-rival
Jan 2019 · 352
Demons Of Darkness
babygirl45 Jan 2019
She stood on the bridge
In silence and fear
For the demons of darkness
Had driven her here

They cut her heart
Right out of her chest
Making her believe
That the demons knew best

They were always there
Sometimes just out of sight
Waiting in the background
Till the time was right

These demons were destructive
Knocking down the life she knew
Hating everything about her
She hated herself too

These demons can't be seen
But they're far from fairy tales
They live inside your mind
Their evilness prevails

So on the bridge she stood
About to end the fight
Then she stopped and thought
I'll fight them one more night
Jan 2019 · 262
my everything
babygirl45 Jan 2019
You are the reason,
I totally melt inside.
I pinch myself,
just knowing that you're mine.
Though every season,
so many ways you let me know;
there are many reasons;
that you make me glow.
You are the reason,
my heart joyously sings
Baby you are;
more than the real thing.
You are my friend,
my lover,and my life
You are the reason,
my life feels so right
Brandon Lee Lusk
Jan 2019 · 199
babygirl45 Jan 2019
I want us to be together,
Need us to be a pair,
And together we shall stay,
For there are memories to share.
And for our infinite love,
An end will never come,
For we love each other,
And that is the strongest bond.

I know we will have many fights
And say things we never truly mean.
We will make mistakes  
As big as the eye can see.
And while we will regret those moments,
We will always forgive,
For we love each other,
And that is the strongest bond.

The years will slowly pass us.
Over age we shall not fuss
As our hair gets gray
And our memories starts to fade.
We shall never forget our lives
That were so uniquely made,
For we love each other,
And that is the strongest bond.

We shall forever be as one.
Brandon Lee Lusk
Jan 2019 · 192
Let Me
babygirl45 Jan 2019
Let me take care of your broken heart
and show you how to fly.
Let me hold you gently by the hand
and kiss your tears goodbye.

Let me lead you to tomorrow's light
and out of needless rain,
'cause all I want right now
is to see you smile again.

Let me sing you all the songs I wrote
'til you sleep in my embrace,
and I'll keep you safe and warm until
the sunlight strokes your face.

Let me bring you up the mountain's peak,
and I'll let you touch the skies
to remind you of the strength I see
when I look into your eyes.

Let me kiss and show you what is love
and the happiness it brings.
You'll sail again like a butterfly
endowed with pretty wings.

Let me do all these to let you see
our fates are intertwined.
You're the accidental precious gem
I've waited long to find.

The earth and sky conspired to make us meet.
They knew we both belong
to each other like words and lovely notes
give life to every song.

So fly with me, my beautiful one.
It's time we leave the past.
I'm yours to keep, and you are mine.
We're finally home at last.
Jan 2019 · 190
Untill forever dies
babygirl45 Jan 2019
This is us,
Never alone.
We have each other
Whether in the same room
Or by phone,
You will always be there.
I know you'll never leave,
And there's one thing I know,
This is the truth.
We will be together
Until forever dies.

Because I'm yours,
And you're mine.
Listening to your heart,
A rhythm so fine,
So much comfort,
So much love.
With only you I feel this,
Not any other boy
Can I love so much.
We will be together
Until forever dies.

Because we're in love,
As everyone can see.
Never a broken heart,
Never a tear cried,
You can hold me in your arms,
And I'll hold you in mine,
We will never let go,
Until the end of time,
'cause I will never leave you,
And you won't leave me.
We will be together
Until forever dies
Brandon Lee Lusk
Jan 2019 · 830
love so amazing
babygirl45 Jan 2019
My love for you is like the raging sea,
So powerful and deep it will forever be.
Through storm, wind, and heavy rain,
It will withstand every pain.
Our hearts are so pure and love so sweet.
I love you more with every heartbeat!
Brandon Lee Lusk
Jan 2019 · 3.8k
My promise to you
babygirl45 Jan 2019
I promise to always lift you up
When you are feeling down.
I promise to wipe your tears
When you feel you need to cry.
I promise to keep you smiling
To show off that beautiful smile you have.
I promise to be your strength
Whenever you fall weak.
I promise to be your voice
When you can't find the words.
I promise to be your eyes
When you cannot see.
I promise to be your ears
When you cannot hear.
I promise to always tell you what's real
When you want to hear the truth.
I promise to be your dream catcher
To chase away your every fear.
I promise to be your smile
When you're frowning.
I promise to always cheer you up
When you are down and blue.
I promise to give you faith
When you are feeling insecure.
I promise to keep you sturdy
When you are feeling unsafe.
I promise to listen
When you need to talk.
I promise to tell you no lies,
Just what is true.
I promise to always lend you my shoulder
For when you need to cry.
I promise to always hold you
When you need someone.
I promise to always care for you.
Wherever you are, I promise to always be there.
I promise to never hurt you and never break your heart.
I can't promise you the world.
I can't promise you the sky.
I can't promise you that we will never fight.
I can't promise you that I will never cry,
But I can promise you that I will always be true to you,
And baby, I promise that I will always love you more than anything
With all my heart.
No matter what happens or what we go through.
I'll love you until the end of time!
I'll be your guardian angel.
That's my promise to you!
Jan 2019 · 255
I Miss My DAD
babygirl45 Jan 2019
You were a dad who was so special
And who was loved so very much
and brought so much happiness
To the lives you touched
You were always kind and caring
And so understanding too
And if help was ever needed dad
It came so freely from you
You were a gift to all the world
And brought joy to everyone
And life has never been the same
Ever since you have been gone
I now your watching over me dad
I love and miss my daddy every one knows that I am the one that need daddy the most in the world for three years and Was to stupid to listen to him but at the end right before he passed away.I wish that i would have spent more time with man
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