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Aug 2020 · 33
Moving On
When you and me both look back at our history
All we see is alot pf pain, and alot of bad memories

Thats why im leaving you cause this is how i feel
I just need to get away, so my heart can heal

But i went running back to u, thinking u was goin to change
Because they always say give them a second chance

But u havent changed at all, you are still the same
Thinking that this relationship is still a game

I never thought I'd have to give u up,
But i tired of all this, i have had enough

I dont know how much of this i can take
This whole relationship was a total mistake

U know u hurt me, u know u did me wrong,
So that why im telling u that i am so gone,

so now im sitting here all alone
Because i finally got the courage to move on.
Today I'm counting on a new beginning  
with a reason for living with a deeper meaning
because God has blessed me with many good things.
I have been through a lot,
but with God's help, I have been able to overcome my adversities.
God is and always will be my everything.
He has been my light in my darkest hours.
He has pulled me from the fire more times than I can count.
Now I'm surrounded by the comfort and protection of the highest power.
I love you and praise you, Lord Almighty.
You are my strength and my song.
You walk with me in this journey that seems so long,
but with you by my side, surely everything will be alright.
For I know goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life
I thank you and I love you forever more.
I know what I want in life
I want to live happy
Without bs.
I know I see much different
Than others people
I want to able to breathe
Without people telling me
Something else.
I want to speak my mind
Without someone saying it not true
When they wasn’t with me since 1995
I want good peoples
Around me.
I want a person who could
Tell me the truth.
I don’t ask much.
I don’t talk much either.
I want all the negative people
To leave me alone.
God touch my heart
To let me know it’s time
To change my life and
We’ll being.
Do you think I
Want to go back to what I
Use to be.
Full of hate and hurts.
God’s know I have a
Big heart to love and help.
God’s know
I don’t like problems I
Avoid so many things
In my life.
But one thing
I’m not giving up
The way I am now.
I do everything from
The goodness of my heart.
I choice this life now
Because I’m not stressing
I’m capable and freely
To anything I want
God’s remind me
What I use to be
Outgoing person
Who doesn’t get into peoples
Business and life.
I do what’s makes me
I thank god for that
For reminding me
Who am I.
Aug 2020 · 22
I see you still Connect
Yes, I said I would
Before everything else happened
I see more
You still jump
Do you think I want that kind of life
Lord if you hear me right now
Please help me
Make this decision.
If I go by my guts
I don’t want to regrets them
Late on.
This decision I have to make
Put myself.
What if this person
Doesn’t change
What if he will just play
With me.
Than make me think
He has changed
But he really didn’t.
Please lord
Help me make this
Decision. I can’t do it
By myself. I’m afraid
To go by my guts
Aug 2020 · 29
Let’s prayers
Prayer to the stuff
We incompleteness in are life
Prayers to us
That god gave us Strings
To be strong physical and mental
Prayers are kid’s
Are healthy and safe
Prayers we able to
Wake up everyday are life
Prayers we could smile
Each day’s
And say
Lords thank you for
Hearing my prayers
Aug 2020 · 33
It’s hard to make a decision
I have so many hesitation
If I let myself make that decision
I know I will regret it.
This is what I’m going to do
I’m going to let God’s
Give me a sign
I deeply in my heart
Things aren’t same anymore
My biggest thing right
Is to have happy
I’m done stressing over
Something I shouldn’t be stressing too.
I came this far
In my life
For anybody to ruin it for me.
Aug 2020 · 49
What Do I Remember 1995
1995 I remember a lot
I was a single mother with two boys
Trying to make it
On my own, I didn’t ask my family for
Anything. To me, if I lay down with someone.
And had does two boys, own my own.
I’m going to try my best to take care of my kids.
I will do anything for my kids.
Working three jobs
Back on back
Just to make sure, I have food for my kids
And roof over there head.
I don’t depend on my family for anything.
If there’s away
You will do anything for it.
I have a lot struggling in the year of 1995.
I could easily get help from my family.
But I didn’t. I didn’t want to be just like all my sisters. Depending on are mother and father.
Until I meet someone at one of the places I work.
He affords to help me.
To just watch my kids for me.
Until I started to like him.
If you to compare now 2020 to 1995.
Back than it’s different
How man act’s than now.
2020 are more, let’s have ***. Nothing serious.
Back than you like someone. You get to know him. He takes you out. He come visit you at your apartment or house. Than go home.
They take there times.
That’s what I remember 1995 for me.
You shouldn’t be worried about
Anybody else
You should be worry
About your own self.
Who cares
What others are doing.
I think once’s you
Find yourself
And start caring about you.
You won’t care about anybody else.
You will focus more
Into your own self.
You won’t be looking like
Your 99 years old
When your not.
You ever heard the old saying
When you plans more
You could harvest more.
Aug 2020 · 24
I hope you change
This is a new beginning of
A new chapter of my life
Meaning no more stress
Help one another’s
Don’t depend on something
Learn to pick yourself up
Always remember you have god
Right beside you
Not only love him
Also accept him inside your heart.
The only way I will
Accept you
If you had found yourself
If you willing to leave all
Your negative life
From before
I always been with god
No Lies
Be honest
And keep 💯 real
I hope so you change
God change my life
For better
Self esteem and health.
God’s clean my mind
And souls
I see much better about
How I handle my life
And where I want to be.
And people who’s
Say I love god
Easy to say it.
But you also have to
Accept him
In your heart. And appreciate
What has god
Gave up for us.
Letting go your child
At one time
I was a single mother
Trying my best to raise two boys
Own my own.
You have friends will
Say, that day will
Comes. Your kid’s
I want to explore the world.
I always tell myself
I’m not already for that.
When that day comes.
Than I’ll think about it.
Well my time
Had came.
All of my four kids
Had move out.
One of them
His’s a parent of his own
Gave me two beautiful
Grand babies.
The other three are trying
There best to live.
I can’t complain.
I know as a mother I
Did a good job raising my kids.
As a mother
We will always be
Very protective over
Are children.
We did are job as a parent.
So for all the single parents
Out there.
Don’t be afraid
Because are babies
Left there Comfort zone
Doesn’t mean
We stop.
Are job never ends.
As a parent
All we could do
Is support them.
Always tell them
That you love them
That you will always
Be there.
The only times
Are job is done
When we are no longer
In this earth.
Can your friend get you a house
Like I can
Can your friend give you peace of mind
Like I can
Can your friend do
What I could do.
But you still choose her right
Aug 2020 · 20
I Realize about things
In life, you don’t really get it
Until you
Really look into your own life
I like to help people
Even though they might
Have done some worse things to me
I look it if this way
You learned to forgive
Honestly they just humans
They do makes couples mistakes
Nobody isn’t perfect.
You always show them
Kindness no matter what.
For me, I want to do something
Greater for the person I use to be married to
Because he did it to me
Time as if he could kick me out
But every one of us
Has that heart
We don’t show anybody’s
He shows me kindness
So I’m going to return it
With something else
From my heart.
Some people don’t get it
Life is not about being selfish
It’s always
Taking something from someone
It’s about sharing
It’s a give and takes.
Doesn’t mean you as a couple
Is what’s in your heart
What you willing to do
Aug 2020 · 34
Brand New Day
Leave back all your worries and troubles of yesterday,
Make yourself a silent promise to make today a better day.
Now my dear friend, a brand new day lays ahead of you,
Face it with pride, because it is a gift and is totally new.
May all your goals and ambitions for the day be set,
I wish you have an amazing day and a night without regrets.
Good morning family and friends. Have a grand day!
Good Morning Poems
Aug 2020 · 28
Heaven and Earth
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.

Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings.

The rich man in his castle,
The poor man at his gate,
God made them, high or lowly,
And ordered their estate.

The purple-headed mountain,
The river running by,
The sunset, and the morning,
That brightens up the sky;

The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one.

The tall trees in the greenwood,
The meadows where we play,
The rushes by the water,
We gather every day;--

He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.
Aug 2020 · 79
Be careful who you Trust
Some people aren't satisfied until they sabotage someone else's happiness. Be careful who you trust - not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.
Aug 2020 · 82
Minha vida
Passei por merda, me perguntando um dia,
Silêncio de anos, sem nada a dizer,
Nunca imaginei, um anjo vai se encontrar,
Ficar o dia todo para conversar, comigo e sentar,
Começamos a conversar como amigos e éramos felizes juntos,
Mas parecia que algo estava lá, o que não existia antes,
Dias e noites se passaram,
De manhã ei, até o adeus noturno.
Aug 2020 · 83
¿Tienes un rincón de chismes dentro de tu casa?
Un lugar para difundir rumores o crear los tuyos propios
Un lugar donde el parloteo se puede esparcir por la ciudad
Un lugar que permite que otros arrastren a alguien

Los chismes infundados pueden viajar en muchas direcciones
Superar las obstrucciones y evadir la corrección
Puede negar la felicidad y poner el dolor en su lugar
Puede borrar una sonrisa y poner lágrimas en la cara de alguien.

Manchando a otros y empañando su reputación
Debería dejarse a los de una generación más joven
Nosotros que somos mayores y se supone que somos maduros
No debería ser cómplice de esparcir este tipo de estiércol

Calma los chismes que intentan entrar en tu casa
No le des más patas sobre las que vagar más
Reemplácelo con menciones de hechos verdaderamente honorables.
Y demuestre a los demás su integridad personal
Aug 2020 · 91
Un amigo mas verdadero
Necesito saber si eres mi verdadero amigo
¿Estarás a mi lado hasta el final?
¿Puedo contarte mis secretos profundos?
y confía en ellos en tu corazón que mantendrás?

No somos ninguno de los dos sin nuestros defectos
¿Puedes aceptar el mío como yo aceptaré el tuyo?
Seré un hombro para llorar cuando estés triste
¿Estarás ahí para mí cuando te necesite?

No importa lo ocupado que esté, haré tiempo para ti
si estás ocupado, ¿me harás tiempo para mí también?
Tomaré tu mano y consolaré tus lágrimas
¿Me abrazarás y calmarás mis miedos?

Te daré alegría y muchas sonrisas cálidas,
¿Podemos compartir eso incluso a través de muchas millas?
No olvidaré lo que es importante para ti
¿recordarás lo que es importante para mí también?

Contigo mis cosas favoritas compartiré
Si tan solo supiera, ¿realmente te importa?
Si puedes aceptarme como yo te hago
entonces sabré que eres un amigo de verdad.
Deus deve ter sabido que haveria
vezes que precisaríamos de uma palavra de ânimo,
Alguém para elogiar um triunfo
ou enxugue uma lágrima.

Ele deve ter sabido que precisaríamos compartilhar
a alegria das pequenas coisas
Para apreciar
a felicidade que a vida traz.

Eu acho que Ele conhecia nossos corações atribulados
às vezes latejava de dor,
Em provações e infortúnios,
ou objetivos que não podemos atingir.

Ele sabia que precisaríamos de conforto
de um coração compreensivo
Para nos dar força e coragem
para fazer um novo começo.

Ele sabia que precisaríamos de companhia
altruísta .... duradouro .... verdadeiro,
E então Deus respondeu
a grande necessidade do coração
com amigos queridos .... como você !!

Você sempre será estimado em meu coração.
Aug 2020 · 335
You Don’t Know Me
I am diversity, 
I think on many levels at once. 
I live on many levels. 
I can relate on many levels. 

I can see you. 
I can see your rationalizations. 
Trying to justify your beliefs about me. 
I see you feeling that your assumptions are right. 
I see you assume wrongly, 
You don’t really know me. 

I have learned many things from observation and experience. 
I know you. 
You think you know me, 
But I have known many like you before. 
Always feeling correct in your assumptions. 
You assume wrongly. 

Take away your misguided assumptions. 
Leave me alone and do not try, 
To make me fit into your view of me. 
You do not see me. 
You see what I want you to see. 

In the process, my dreams and aspirations are often mistaken for ambition, 
Thought of as a desire for fame and fortune as a measure of my success in life. 
Wrong thinking again, 
My success comes from the doing, 
Not the material things by which society measures success. 

That is not me, 
But only what I let you see. 
I am more complicated than you will ever know. 

And yet I am really very simple, 
I still naively expect the best from people. 
Something I always try to give others, 
Honesty, caring, mindful of feelings, doing what I can. 

If I make someone smile, 
If I help someone understand something, 
If I make a difference, 
I am successful. 

I want to inspire people to be themselves, 
And find happiness not in wealth or power, 
But the simple accomplishments we all have daily. 
Helping make life better for all with wisdom, 
Gleaned from observation and experience. 

I live and think on many levels, 
I am happy with who I am. 
Understood or not. 
It makes no difference 
To me, you see. 
'Cause Ya just don’t, 
Really know me.
Aug 2020 · 21
Helping you
Here I go again
I help you so many times
Not once’s you help me
How I know you
Am I on a test again
Or you just want to see
If I still have feelings for you.
Helping you
Is going to be my 3rd
Round mistakes.
My biggest fears
If I did help you
I’m back square one again
With you.
I don’t think only one day
It will take me over 1-2 weeks.
You did me wrong for over
2 months
Waiting for 2- weeks
Shouldn’t be problem for you
Aug 2020 · 33
Treat your Love One Right
You can’t treat people
Like **** and than
Expect them
To love
Aug 2020 · 26
Starting My life Over
I'm trying to find something to base my life upon,
Something in this strange world that goes on and on.
As the years go by and time fades away,
What used to be "good days" are now filled with dismay.
Tomorrow comes, and then again it goes,
And my ambition to become something more grows and grows.
Around the corner, yet miles away,
The life I want now gets closer each day.
All I've ever wanted was something to live for.
I don't want to be this little person anymore.
I've been basing my life upon what others think.
I wish I could go back and redo everything, every time an eye would blink.
I've fought to become who I am and what I want to be.
I have to remind myself that one day I will be free,
Free from the rules I followed as a child,
When everything was a game and life was so mild.
Now times have changed and I realize nothing is fair,
And sometimes it seems like nobody even cares.
It's like no one pays attention to what I feel is best for me
And what I think about the way some things should be.
I understand now that I'm pretty much on my own,
And I know a lot of what I can do will never be known.
All the time I think about everything I can't say, what I have to keep in,
And by doing this, my thoughts only get more complicated and deepen.
Soon I hope to find out who I am and what I am meant to become.
I want to know where I'm going.
I don't need to be reminded of where I came from.
Aug 2020 · 112
I’ll Do Anything For You
I would do anything my dear love to make you happy,
I would go to the ends of the earth if you needed
to find and get you anything that you need.
I would give it my all even risking life
and limb to make you happy and see you smiling.

I would do anything to protect you if a dangerous moment
or situation arose and threatned you in any way.
I would give up my life if needs be to protect my only one,
I will be your hero and knight in shining armor,
I will always protect you from anything there may be
that could frighten, threaten, or harm you.
I would do anything in defense of my lady.

I would and I will do everything in this life to
give you all that you need and deserve,
I will always do for my sweet Angel what is right.
I will do everything for her to be happy,
healthy, safe, full of peace and strength.
I would do anything it takes to let you know that
you matter and you're never alone.
I will do anything to prove that I'm never leaving,
and dedicated staying right by your side for eternity.

I will do everything to honor you treating you as
the precious Queen of my heart that you are,
I will always give you my best treating you with dignity and respect,
give you everything you deserve to heal your heart
and prove to you that you're the best my Angel Queen.
I would and I will do everything that you want and need
because you're my lady and I love you so very deeply.
Aug 2020 · 25
Perfection in Your Eyes
All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,
And for us to be together, to never be apart.

No one else in the world can even compare,
You're perfect and so is this love that we share.

We have so much more than I ever thought we would,
I love you more than I ever thought I could.

I promise to give you all I have to give,
I'll do anything for you as long as I live.

In your eyes I see our present, our future and past,
By the way you look at me I know we will last.

I hope that one day you'll come to realize,
How perfect you are when seen through my eyes.
Aug 2020 · 55
Working on Myself
During my months of prayer, He showed me how wrong I was in my behavior toward the situation.

I don’t know why it took me so long to forgive, but I do know that God uses adversity to bring us closer to Him. Clearly, I needed that time. I had to work on me before I could move forward with forgiveness for someone else.
Aug 2020 · 23
I Been through so much
I’ve had many times in my life when I’ve been hurt – more than I’d care to count, and I have no doubt you have too.

Hurt comes in a couple different ways. There’s the hurt you feel from a person that would never intentionally do this and if they knew how much they’ve hurt you, they’d fall all over themselves apologizing. You can forgive those love one easily – correct?
Aug 2020 · 49
This is Your Day
Today I decided to forgive you. Not because you apologized, or because you acknowledged the pain that you caused me, but because my soul needs peace.
What are going to do about it
Everyone has a passion
And desire.
I have many passion and desire.
What I do
Pick two out my
Passion and desire.
Than I focus on that.
I think
How am I going to
Make it grow.
If I wait around someone to help me
It will never happen
So, I go chase it.
I don’t wait to
I go get it
Just go head
Be my guess
Keeps manipulated
Jealous people
Don’t pay my rent
My electric
My phone
And put food on my table.
I got no time for people
Who’s trying to
manipulated Me.
I’m not the one
Who’s struggling
I’m able paying all
My bills
In one day.
I don’t care
I keep my mouth shhh
Each time I plan something
And I tell someone
There’s always
Someone who
Like to ruin my plans.
I don’t say nothing
I’ll wait when
I’m totally done.
I have so many plans
Rather go and do it
Cuz to me
Talking is cheap
They keep coming up
My love
Who’s is my love.
I been own my own.
I don’t remember having
My love.
Last year
I did had one.
That didn’t workout
To well.
The only one I
Know as right now
My love I have for
God and myself.
Especially the two beautiful
I will always love them
No matter what
Aug 2020 · 110
Open Your Heart
I tried to heal more consciously this time.

With the well-intentioned thoughts

Of healing myself,

I distracted myself from myself.

This time,

I wanted to feel all my feelings;

I wanted to show up fully.

It wasn’t that I was ignoring the bad stuff;

I dove into it, willingly,

With the intention of

Being all there.

I wanted to be there for myself, but

I ended up cluttering myself with

Everything I wasn’t letting go.

I was letting myself be

In the suffering

With so much intention for

Self-compassion this time,

With so much “loving” focus on

The loss I felt.

I held on to every painful expression.

I held on to so much sadness,

A lot of anger—

Much more than I had planned for, but

Somehow, still

Everything I had planned for.

Things couldn’t flow through me;

They got trapped in me.

I dwelled on grieving with love;

I dwelled in grief.

I relinquished my playfulness.

Exercise was too burdensome, a task.

I felt awkward with friends.

I felt smothered by everything.

My energy was already devoted:

Not enough for what I wanted, for

What I used to love;

No energy to be at peace inside.

Life had to reset.

It feels that way right now.

All of a sudden I know what hope really is.

It’s like this: I remember.

I remembered that I needed to

Finish a chapter

To be free to enjoy the next.

I remembered what it felt like to


I remembered that I need to get

So weak,

So desperate for a better way,

To surrender and ask for help.

Help comes in like a generous wave,

Altering our sight, so

We suddenly see with clarity

What we’ve been needing all along.

Sometimes we need a wave,

So big, so unmistakably for us,

So that it can’t be ignored.

We need to ask for help:

Seeking new ways;

Whispering a prayer;

Walking with a friend;

We do what we can.

Answers will always be

What we’re given.

I finally asked.

I finally heard an answer.

It was too big to describe in words,

Too all-encompassing to

Condense into a single action.

I think I know why my head has felt

So caged,

My body so tired,

My system so numb from the shocks.

I wanted to be so open to this pain, but

I closed my heart off.

The things I was unintentionally blocking

Were trying to get in.

I was so



Busy holding on to



Sliver of suffering.

No wonder I couldn’t hear the answer:




. . .

Tell me:
Seek out your dreams look into your heart

Follow your guidance, a path you will start

Listen to the voice which cries to be heard

Push back your ego, listen and learn


Trust in your senses and follow their lead

Our instincts are gifts which all should pay heed

Go out into Nature and open your mind

All are connected- just look and you’ll find


Peace we all seek as the battles do rage

The solutions are within, become your own Sage

Your heart knows the rights from the wrong

Become your own Guru and Sing your own Song


To Grow- we need to reach up to the Light

Life isn’t meant to struggle, or be in constant fight

Look out in Nature she shows us the way

All things are balanced both in work and play


And once you’ve opened the heart of yourself

You’ll realise the beauty of holding true wealth

It’s not found in Gold that we dig from the ground

Pure nuggets are LOVE, so spread some around


Once you discover the Gems of pure Love

You’ll shine out your happiness like rainbows above

The colours of Life will mix and will blend

As your heart beats as One with the love that you send.
Aug 2020 · 33
Look Within Yourself
Look within yourself
You will find what you seek

   Someone strong and sound?
   Someone mindful and meek?
   In this world down below
   From the Most High Seas

Look within yourself
You will find what you seek

   Just a part of the crowd
   Or apart and unique
   From the top of your crown
   To the soles of your feet
   Just a piece of the whole
   Finding wholeness in peace

Look within yourself
You will find what you seek

    Within self control
    Above self defeat
    A being who grows
    To sow what they reap
    When hardship deals blows
    Perseverance succeeds

Look within yourself
You will find what you seek

    Where doubt takes its toll
    Self love patiently
    Restores you to whole
    Balanced and complete
    Wouldn't say that I know
    So I'm asking you...

Look within yourself
You will find what you seek.
Aug 2020 · 33
If Could Be Someone
If I could be someone,
Who could I be?
My mother, my father,
or someone who’s free.
I wish I could be someone
Whose different in all ways.
Someone who’s rich or famous,
Or has those days.
If I could be someone,
I would choose to be free.
Free from rants and the paparazzi,
Choose to be filled with joy and glee.
If I could be someone,
I know exactly who to be.
Unique and different from all,
I would choose to be me.
We woman could feel other women
We know if that woman
Liking same man
For sure
We all know
What other woman is up too.
That’s where men’s
Don’t understand
There’s something
It’s hard to explain
Aug 2020 · 28
God’s know
Yes you’re blessed because GOD knows your heart! Your faith in GOD will keep you n your family protected. Pray without ceasing, GOD  listens n HE is the only hope we have. More prayers to ask GOD’s mercy n forgiveness is all we need.
Aug 2020 · 100
Have Faith in God
To have faith is to defy logic. It takes faith to think positively. It takes faith to believe that there is a loving God who cares deeply about our pain. To believe in life, the universe, or yourself after numerous failures is to have courage. Faith is an act of courage. It is choosing to get up in the morning and face our fears and believe that God will help us. Faith is choosing to believe that even though we may have failed one hundred times before that we can succeed the next time.
Aug 2020 · 27
Love Song
Let me sing you a love song
About what I feel in my heart;
Butterflies can't find nectar
Whenever we're apart.

You're a flower in bloom.
In the dark, in the gloom,
It's you who brightens my day.
How many ways do I need you?
Every day, every way, come what may
Aug 2020 · 14
Good woman
A good woman
Knows, when she is right
A good woman
Helps people with her heart
A good woman
Don’t ask for anything
A good woman
Know, who’s is
Real or fake.
A good woman
Loves and respect herself
Aug 2020 · 4.4k
Not Lucky, I’m Blessed
I’m not lucky, I’m blessed.
I don’t know about you.

Don’t call me lucky,
call me blessed.  There’s
a difference between the two.

Luck comes around from
time to time.

Blessings are there every day.
They’re staring you right
in the face.

Luck is something people
seek to find.

Blessings automatically
come your way.

Luck is something that
happens by chance.

Blessings are God’s works.
They’re a part of his plan.

Blessings are things that you
carry with you.  They’re there
every single day.

Lucky is something that comes
along, but then it goes away.

Blessings are things that
are permanent.

Luck is something that
is temporary.

Blessings are things which
are heaven sent.

Luck you can’t count
on.  Luck you can’t depend on.
Unlike blessings, which you
know they will always be
there.  You never need worry.

Luck is something you anticipate,
something which you wait for it
to come around.

Blessings are things that are
automatically there.  Every day
of your life they can be found.

Luck is basically good fortune
that happens from time to time.

Blessings are things you are
faced with every day.  You
carry them with you for
a lifetime.

Luck is something you consider
to be good that happens
unexpectedly.  It may come
around at a time of need.

But what you consider to be
good luck, events can happen
to cause you to see it is just
opposite.  It may turn out to
be that what you find to be
good luck, isn’t always what
it seems.

Blessings are that which is
sent from God.  They are not

Blessings are brought to the
light where you clearly seem them.
They do not hide.

Blessings that are sent from
God, they do not lie.

Blessings are something you
can believe, something you
can have confidence in.

You carry them with you
from the moment your life
starts, up until your life on
earth comes to an end.

You shall carry them with you
even after death, should you
make it to heaven.

I’m not lucky, I’m blessed.
There’s as difference between
the two.

I don’t consider myself lucky.
I consider myself blessed.
I can only speak for myself.
I can’t speak for you.

I’m not lucky, I’m blessed.
That’s all I have to say.

Don’t call me lucky, call
me blessed.  God is the way.

It’s not luck but God, who
wakes me every day.

It isn’t luck but God, who
gives me eyes to see the way.

It isn’t luck but God, who
gives me a voice and mouth
so that I may talk.

It isn’t luck but God, who
gave me legs and feet so that
I may walk.

It isn’t luck but God, who
gave me hands so that I
may touch.

It isn’t luck but God,
who does so much.

It isn’t luck but God, who
gives me everything I need.

It isn’t luck, it’s God.
I say it unashamed.
I say it proudly.

It isn’t luck, it’s God,
who gave me a brain for

It wasn’t luck, it was God,
who gave me a heart which
keeps me breathing, keeps
me living.

I’m not lucky, I’m blessed,
in so many ways.

Don’t call me lucky,
call me blessed.
That’s all I have to say.

I’ll leave you with that
thought and I’ll go about
my way.
Aug 2020 · 5.1k
I Am Blessed
I am blessed,
With God in my life I am not stressed.
In the mornings, I awake to the unique sounds of nature,
Birds chirping, the wind blowing the leaves on the trees,
Roosters crowing, dogs barking.
I see the bright and glorious sunshine,
The butterflies playing in the air,
The cotton ball clouds,
The beautiful mountains and the lovely and
Sweet smelling roses.

I am blessed to behold the beauty of God’s creation.
I am blessed to have the opportunity to experience true salvation.
I am blessed; there is always food to eat and to share.
I am blessed, not stressed, well dressed, put to the test.
I am blessed, there is money to pay the bills and
I have feet to walk up the hills.
I am blessed, I am loved by my family and friends,
And most of all I have the love of Jesus Christ.
I am blessed, God provides for me in everyway,
He protects me and I know that He will never forsake me.

I am blessed
His angels are near and He has given me ears to hear.
I am blessed, I have lived to see another day,
My saviour has cleared the way.
I am blessed, I am in my right mind,
I can smile and make others smile as well.
I am blessed, I am in good health,
I can feel my heart beat the rhythmic beat of life,
As it vibrates against my chest:
Budup, budup, budup.
Oh, how wonderful it is to know,
That I am blessed, not stressed,
Well dressed, put to the test.
Praise the Lord!
I am blessed.
“Everything you want in life has a price connected to it. There’s a price to pay if you want to make things better, a price to pay just for leaving things as they are, a price for everything.
You need to let it go
You can’t keep blaming yourself
Something you has no control of it
Everyone of us
Goes through stuff in our life.
But if you lose wife, husband
You need to be strong
Not just for you
But for your own kids
They both up in heaven
Looking at you right now
Do you think
They are happy
What you odd you turn into
People we lost
You show them
You could be better than before
One in life
You never give up
And stop blaming yourself
If God has forgiven you
You need to forgive yourself
When a man ask a men for advice
Especially has something to do with
A woman.
They **** block.
That goes for a woman to.
They do same what man do.
If a man asked advice from a woman
About another woman.
That woman will **** block.
She either don’t want
That man to go for the other woman.
The woman will say anything
Bad about the woman.
Jul 2020 · 25
I hope you really think
I’m not all about that negative energy
I’m more positive energy
I living my with good people
Not people going to use me
Or doubt me.
I believe there’s a good person
Inside of you
That’s afraid to come out
I also see that
You carry a lot of your past
You need to learn to forgive yourself
If not you will always be unhappy person
Yes, I’m disappointed
To a lot you said.
You get advice from a person
Who has so much hate
That negative energy is affecting you
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