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Bansi Adroja Feb 2022
I wish I’d kissed you in that cinema parking lot
while we froze not wanting to go home
I wish I’d held your hand on that walk
winter sun seeping through our skin

I wish I’d told you I loved you
in the front seat of your car
barely able to breathe we were laughing so hard

I wish I hadn’t been scared
and it didn’t still make my heart hurt
that you were the best thing I could have had
Bansi Adroja Jan 2022
I want to fall in love with you all over again
where it all started
on that corner of Hyde Park
watching the leaves change
on the edge of 21
walking home in the rain
living as if nothing would ever change
Bansi Adroja Dec 2021
I was a little crazy at 19
when we met on the back streets in the city
dancing dizzy through the crowds
when I drank too much
and you told me it didn't mean anything
even when we couldn't stop

I was a little crazy at 19
but the summers counted for something
because I saw you in the sunlight
I saw you
and it made my heart stop
somewhere near Hyde Park
in a moment we'll never get back
and I wouldn't change that

I was a little crazy at 19
in a way we all tend to be
but I miss feeling like I didn't know who I was going to be
or where life would take me
before everything just faded to grey
and wanting anything more became a haze
Bansi Adroja Nov 2021
I think about you in the idle time

The quiet minutes of my life

Waiting for the coffee machine
when it feels too early

On the train station platform
waiting on the central line

In line at the supermarket
trying to figure out what I’ve forgotten

Doing the dishes after dinner
just wishing the day away

It’s always somewhere in the silence

It’s always wanting in the waiting
Bansi Adroja Oct 2021
The cold reminds me of days at the wall
sheltering under the evergreens
away from the falling rain
and the lectures about wasted days

when every hour felt like an eternity
when we wished for the seasons to change
when all we wanted was to grow up

oh what a waste
Bansi Adroja Oct 2021
I can blame the champagne
for signing my heart away
to cheap thrills
bruised knees

On the back of your motorbike
riding through the city
as if life made sense

The Springsteen records you played
were stuck in my head

Just like you
Bansi Adroja Oct 2021
It was just a momentary blip
when I saw you for who you are

A lapse in my better judgement
to have listened to you
and heard the words you said
instead of editing it all in my head

So we look like a movie

So we look like we’re in love
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