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 Oct 2022 Karijinbba
David R
canvas black, as black can be,
he tries to make it blacker,
like wolf skilled in lycanthropy
like corpses for hijacker

not enough of world starvation
too few souls in deprivation
not enough pain and hurt and hunger
the world it needs a new war-monger

the evil itself will self-consume
but first consumes the others
but 'til the sun its shine resumes
he'll **** off his own brothers

so huddle close humanity
take shelter while you can
and watch as lurid insanity
turns world to dust 'n pan
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
I gaze up at the sky:
all day cast in shades of blue
as clouds move in harmony
when night shades of darkness
etch textured moonlight watching
in the wake of this passing day.

I think of you in nautical miles:
for in whatever distance we are
we share the same sky
over a smooth or rough sea
reflecting the same drops of water
in hues of blue in my imagination
forming you on the horizon.

It is then I listen out
in the solitude of my room:
some times in the same dark
some times in the same light
for the still sound of your voice
for the plain sight of your smile.

 Sep 2022 Karijinbba
 Sep 2022 Karijinbba
in each shattered fragment
of time
we are forced apart

there is nothing of me
that does not cry out
for everything of you
Suspire - To draw a long, deep breath; to sigh; to breathe.
 Sep 2022 Karijinbba
Aditya Roy
Our love was like
Umm...A Book of Poetry
Beautiful, right?
We were shy like a children, full of tenacity

It sat idle on the window sill
Dwindling to a shell in its last days
As we tore a page from its wrinkled spine
Each time we lost our way

It was for us two, but we read other books
We held our hands under the moon, like others do
And while others could ignite fires by sharing a look
I didn't see the inferno to which I would finally lose you

Now the pages are all gone, the cover is a ghost
I still remember, I was a child who was in pain
While your fragrance, I will miss the most
I have started writing again, a new book, a new name
 Aug 2022 Karijinbba
Jason Cheney
Que Dios esté con vos
Ninguna vez te he hecho imaginar
Que aquí me iba a quedar

Añoro mis días de estar a tú lado
Pero mi vista se ve muy nublado
Veo el mundo en todo su esplendor
Ojalá que algun día, llegaré a ser un ganador

La competencia para ganar un dólar
Me causa un gran dolor
Judas vendió su alma al dar un beso
Solo para ganar unos tristes pesos

Tantas veces he tratado escapar
Esta prisión que me ha atrapado con todo vigor
Cansado y sin defensas
Mi cuerpo ya no tiene las fuerzas

Para continuar en este conflicto
Contra gerentes que son tan mensos
Gente que sigue en su estupidez
Y el mundo cayendo en iniqidad con rapidez

Hay que aguantár las pruebas de esta vida
Cada día, de Dios, le pedimos su ayuda en esta lucha
Prestamos atención a las leyes de Dios con diligencia
Y siempre teniendo nuestras metas en la vista

Lástima que esta vida pasé tan veloz
Si lo único que quiero es estar con mis amigos
El último día de este jornada tendré que deciros
Gracias y Adiós

Escrito por:
Jason Cheney
Agosto 26, 2022
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