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I’ve always had this fantasy
That if you die and go to Heaven
You’re not aware of earthly things
But if somebody left below
Should think of you, a bell rings.

A bell that only you can hear
With such lovely tinkling sound
A bell that tells you someone cared
That someone’s thinking of your smile,
Remembering the times you’ve shared.

Other Angels all around
Are doing what the angels do
Then one will stop and tilt her head
And you know that she’s hearing things
And smiling with the joy it brings.
Just a fantasy I've always had.  Sometimes I just sit and think on the names of people from my past who have died, so their bell will ring.
Crazy?  Absolutely?  Can you prove me wrong?  Of course not.
 Mar 2022 David R
harlon rivers
The windowsill frames
each passing morning
It speaks in a language
only stillness hears its say
Anchored to the wooden studs
of fortress walls
that bind solitude,
enduring all that
autumn's curtain call unveils

Distant towering evergreens
look back with taller eyes  
than yesteryear
As these timeworn eyes
look beyond
and wonder why
   they've not grown of age —

Time passes away
so quickly
while waiting
for season's change —
and I, wistfully dreaming
how the trees bear
the weight of the sky

Fog lays below
the fir boughs,
blanketing the drowsy
near valley fields
Where deep roots repose
in the clay of truth
that swaddles all
abiding mother earth
   carves in stone —

A monument
to all forbearance,
just a mortal human
could never hold

Pensively envious
how long they hold
their eminence,
patiently suspended beneath
the nimbus rafters stay;
remaining transfixed
without a ray of sunlight
— searchingly leaning  
into each fleeting  moment
of unclouded sight

harlon rivers
 Mar 2022 David R
I fell into your eyes
Napped on your lashes
Drank from the water line
Built a home on your lids

I wish you could come with me
Lull about the home I built
Watch the stars shoot by
Rest your head on my chest

I waded in your iris'
Fed upon the vegetation
Specs of green immersed
Amongst the sapphire

I would invite you to live in mine
Dull grey blue fixated on you
Probably already inhabiting
A far grander and vibrant palace
Love lifts us up
It can power the world
With its energy
With its light
Whereas hate puts down

Cruelty destroys our spirit
It minimizes us
Pushes us down
Kindness soothes and inspires

Small mindedness shrinks
Tolerance opens up
It  helps us spread our wings
To open up our heart to others

Start every day start smiling
With the pure joy of being alive
Offer kindness and laughter
Especially in difficult times

Let’s makes a difference
Push away darkness
To help light up the world
To heal our wounds

In our own special way
Light up the world
sun is coming out spring is in its way
warming up the ground on a spring time
daffodil and crocus they are popping through
from beneath the ground beneath the sky so blue

you can hear the birds sing there morning song
bringing in the dawn as they sing along
trees begin to bud. as leaves begin to grow
all the signs of spring that give your heart a glow
 Feb 2022 David R
Twisted Arms
 Feb 2022 David R
Twisted arms, deals made
someone always dies on the altar
sacrificed to history repeating.
Lines on a map, expanding, contracting
one ploughs a field, another lays mines.
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