Two eyes, 👀 see the world for what is,
two hands✋ to pray on bent knees.
Flesh of flesh, blood of my blood,
all those down to earth, raised from mud.
One mouth, 👄 speaks of my worth,
scent of desire tickles my nose.👃
Flesh of flesh, blood of my blood,
flow of words, will be like a flood.
Two feet, 👣 lead to where I'm meant to be,
one mind to unlock knowledge is key. 🔑
Flesh of flesh, blood of my blood,
guilt tripping yourself, it's never been judged.
One soul, spirit full of vigour,🔥
one heart ❤ filled to brim of a caregiver.
Flesh of flesh, blood of my blood,
how we were created, knowing we're loved.
We're the images of God.✨