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  Feb 2020 Bijan Rabiee
You're not alone
In your pain
All your understanding
Has been ordained

Open your eyes
Beyond what you see
Forget what you think you know
And just try to breathe

Woven into the fabric of consciousness
Are the assumptions of reality
And the deception of imagination
But mostly a need to survive
Put down the knives
And walk outside

I feel for you...
Traveler Tim
Bijan Rabiee Feb 2020
Years don't make wisdom
They just make old age
Generations have passed
Through the turned pages
Yet I'm no wiser
Than credulous kid of past
Who charged everything to heart
Whiling away the hours
No, the years don't make wisdom
They decelerate celerity of youth
Compromising clarity of Love
Years are but bricks building walls
Between factual and imagined calls
Between relations of understanding.
  Feb 2020 Bijan Rabiee
I want her too much
I'm just a good dude

I always support her
I'm one of her fool's

I've had enough
I'm up to my neck

As much as I try
I cannot connect

It's time to move on
My heart is a door

I'll love her forever
Just not any more.
Traveler Tim
They didn't need the sea
nor words
but a ploy to escape
their own dulled image
familiar faces and spaces
weary conversations
a place away
where the mind rested
and silence filled the cracks
healed the holes
to a whole
contented in being there
in the room for two
counting day's pick
smelling dead shells
feeling sea in their cells
and when the night was high
surrendering to sleep.
  Feb 2020 Bijan Rabiee
      + +snow+ +
                 in steady
                          + +
                      ­        +            + + +
                                       +       sheets
                                                       + + + + +
                                                     +      of  numbing
                                                                ­ + + + +  + +
                                                            +  ­               cold
                                                            ­           +           + +                                                               + +           + +   + +
                                                               ­              Blankets
                                                                ­            +  +  + +
                                                               ­           the frozen
                                                                ­                   + + +           
                                                    ­                            tundra        
                                                                ­                + + + +
                                                                ­                  of  my
                                        ­                                          + + + + +
                                                               ­                        soul
                                                            ­                  +           + + +
                                                          +    ­        +         +       +  +   +    +
                                                          ­        +     +       +   +   +      0  +     +
                                                               ­               +     +           -()-      +   +
                                             +                +­           +     +      +      /\       + +
tt.  And I see now that this graph doesn’t work on an iPhone
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