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464 · Mar 2018
Colors in life
Az Mar 2018
Colors in life,
What it matters...
Matters what, it doesn't matter,
But matter what do matter.

Colors in life,
Why it matters....
Matters to color the life...
Matters to color the journey.......

Colors in life,
When it matters....
Matters after missing out....
Matters after losing out............
Matters after concluding nothing.
Think about the journey of hardships in your life.
300 · Mar 2018
Az Mar 2018
Yes TO NO to problem.,
Yes To NO to boredem...,
Yes TO NO to stardom.....,
Yes TO NO to gathredom......

Yes TO NO to do hard....
Yes TO NO to do stick with  yourself.....
Yes TO NO to problem.,
Yes TO NO to boredom......!
258 · Mar 2018
Az Mar 2018
Thanks for the beautiful card of love....
Thanks for the beautiful card of patience....
Thanks for the beautiful card of work....,

Thanks for the beautiful song by life....
Thanks for the beautiful song by learnt mistakes....
Thanks for encouraging great imagination.....
Thanks Matters to thanks in life...!
Thanks Matters to much in the life. I think it would be nice and beyond the best of intentions and observing the journey of hardships and keep smiling at the moment...!
216 · Mar 2018
Destination....The journey
Az Mar 2018
Destination the journey.         
I have been targeted my aim watching out and observing it., May be it'll take some time Can as long as edges, But I know it'll be come to happen.        

I have full of patience, competence, with too long waiting preference,to fury ire made me fire, Do I need zephyr , irony or satire...! No! I need gale not yale.   I need incandescent forever.,to been going to be herbivorous....!        

A predant ❤luv enrugitioned me as ''i'' . For somthings else which is to me as Destination.....!
Everyone has their own set of goals and they do hard to get it.

— The End —