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 Feb 2018 Harshal
Lior Gavra
It flies amongst the stars.
Flashes for a moment.
Despite the left scars.
Holds a place close, yet far.

It carries the fallen.
From mistaken paths.
To reaches impossible.
And develops new plans.

It creates new countries.
Raises dead soldiers.
Stamps unsung heroes.
With a feeling of free.

Hear its silent sound.
Open up your eyes.
Place it in your heart.
Elevate from the ground.

It helps us climb.
Better than rope.
Do you see its shape?
It is hope.
 Feb 2018 Harshal
Jack Ghaven
I hope you're sleeping well
Because I surely can't
When you're gone it's hell
This is just an exhausted rant
About how much I miss you
I'll fit right in with the so called poets
Crying in writing and feeling blue
Knowing that no one will know it
But I'll drop another line
About how my heart is on my sleeve
And that I know I'm not fine
Every time I have to leave
I'm sure I'm stealing from someone
Because all writing is a crime
Everything has been said and done
There is no new line or rhyme
But I hope mine hits close to the heart
Pulls out some passion hidden
Lets you know I can't stand being apart
And that every line is a gift given
In good conscience and spirit
I know my ears are ringing
But do you hear it?
All these recycled notes I'm singing?
It's all a remix
 Feb 2018 Harshal
 Feb 2018 Harshal
You've probably washed out every memory of us, of me.
It's as if I love a stranger.
But that's how it is now.
I'm only but a stranger to you.
Yes, I still love you.
 Feb 2018 Harshal
Ellie White
When you left,
My heart turned cold,
It grew distressed,
I became frustrated
My best was not good enough,
So that made me feel worthless,
My love was not enough for you to stay,
So I ran from myself as well, as if I were a plague to everyone,
Even to myself.

When you left,
I let the world make me hard,
I stopped caring,
Let myself fall deeper and deeper into the cracks of despair each day,
But with each day to the people around me,
I got better and better.

When you left,
I swallowed my pride,
I tried so hard to pick myself up,
To not care with the same validity that you had,
I tried to stop thinking about you like you never seemed to think about me,

When you left,
The memories followed me even into subconsciousness,
So I stopped sleeping,
At least awake I had some control over what occurred in my mind,
When I was asleep, you could touch me, kiss me, trace my skin with your fingertips,
You could whisper in my ear, lips brushing gently against my skin,
I could hear your voice, triumphantly exclaim your love for me,
Proud of what it could survive and what we had passed.

When you left,
I felt the agony of someone giving up on me,
When the weeks passed, and you didn't say anything,
I felt the pain of you forgetting fill my veins,
When I realized what I would have done for you,
I became enraged with myself,
Pounding myself for being so stupid to be willing to do so much,
And realizing that I would still do it today,
For a person who couldn't fight just a little bit harder.

When you left,
I felt our world crumble,
Leaving behind dust and rubble,
Faint outlines of once majestic castles.

When you left,
I picked myself up,
You are the only person in this world that I love,
But, I feel so small and worthless,
I'm giving up on you.

— The End —