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Can i add just one dash of color
to your all black wardrobe
your black and white photography
your dark poetry
your cup of coffee
Can I be the colorful imperfection
in your perfect dark world
to stay tucked up and warm in bed
to dream on and wonder
where I am being led
or to rise up into another day,

I'll throw the dice,
ugh a three, a two,
don't like those
I'll throw the dice twice,

I need a double six
threw a double one,
where the hell are my socks
wonder where they've gone?

Sleep is just a washing machine
it turns your world around
and rinses you clean,

I am awake
had my coffee
rolled a smoke
spoke to my Lady
She said,
not likely,
still only Monday
and I'm moving along.
 Jan 2022 Zoe Mae
7:10 a.m.
and i'm already
having an
breakdown . .
 Jan 2022 Zoe Mae
My Dear Poet
I’m stuck between a letter and a word
pushing towards the end of a line
in many a meaning, I’ve shamefully erred  
to make sense of a sentence and a rhyme
all this effort consumes me
It bleeds my heart to think
my soul is weighing heavy
till poetry pours out of me like ink
many a thought often slay me
I rewrite to find release
I’m lost, till you find me
crying out, “read me…please”
Poets are fools for pain

January has arrived
Along with the other months
Enclosed in envelopes neat
To unfold with time

January has arrived
Always the first one to
It offers what it knows
And takes it slow

January has arrived
It says, believe
And seek the opportunity
Of new beginnings

January has arrived
With each passing day
A little warmth it brings
Harbinger of spring
My heart was shattered
in so many pieces that
after putting it back together
I got a bigger heart full of love
When you break me that’s when I grow.

Shell ✨🐚
Grow after every heart ache
 Jan 2022 Zoe Mae
Ell R
You stare blankly at the ceiling
Unwilling to rise
Everyone has abandoned you
No respite from the silence
Your heart in shards
Like the vase you dropped
Last autumn
—some things shatter—

A buzz emits from beside you
Messages of a different variety
You have been abandoned by all, but one
Hello, you have not forsaken me
The shards of heart, mend
Form a kintsugi heart
Love flowers in the cracks
—some things bloom—

Written for day 1 of @angelealowes poetry prompts: some things shatter, some things bloom
 Dec 2021 Zoe Mae
 Dec 2021 Zoe Mae
If you are

You can find

In the still
of the
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