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CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
Tuesday 8:30 AM, 83° high 103°
A hat, sun protection, the new me
Extreme heat wave
Severe warning  lives to save

Wednesday high of 107°
Heat stroke Elderly going to heaven
Heat will bring you to your knees
Stay inside on days like these

Thursday started out with a breeze
Dog has allergies Constant sneeze
A high of 106° air thick
20 mph wind can do the trick

Our daily walks happen earlier now
It’s hard to get up, but I do somehow
A Dogs, excitement, car ride
The Park to socialize dog friends outside

Blue, his best buddy of the pack
His owner carries a little snack
Daisy Super dog’s Lady love
Dog friends are a gift from above

Friday 7:30 AM, 73° high 102°
Park path colors, Green yellow blue
see the sun through the trees
Birds, butterflies, flowers, and bees

Jehovah’s Witness, literature in hand
Silent when Christians take a stand
Their believe only they are the chosen
No Ideology discussed frozen.

Dehydration dangerously real
Onset Suddenly quick, it can ****
Walk with water and care
Late in the day waves of heat in the air

Freshly planted garden in peril
All in black pots and barrels
A rookie error mistake I  made
The roots are baking in the shade

For the next 10 days over 104°.
plant store efficacious remedies and more
Herbal poultice, tincture and salve pure
Lessons to identify and make plant cures

Put up umbrellas, create shade
Pestilence, sneaky critters well played
Homeless encampment a water cry
Rabbits, Lizards, run shamelessly, nearby

The First Mountain fire of the season
There’s never a rhyme nor reason
Fires are named after their location
Fireman, hope for a short duration

The plumes of smoke Billows everywhere
Smoke smell The first notice of a real scare
Color changes White gray yellowish red
The color determines when humans fled

Higher fires, animal’s scurry Little feet
running frightfully down the street
Under porches, safety shelter they seek
Bears, foxes, possums fearfully, meek

Flying high Hawks, vultures, bald eagle
A big bird took on the leash puppy beagle
Owner screaming her puppy carried away
The leash slip through her fingers that day

In my youth , I used to love a sunny day
Wind in my hair, not a care laughing at play
Old age New allergies, pollen in the air
Excessive Heat, exhaustion, BEWARE
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Efficacious 6-12-24
A formal Word that describes something
a treatment, medicine, or remedy that has power to produce a desired result or effect
For some reason when it gets hot, I perspire that loss of water. Sweat makes me dehydrate easier. My doctor has said I have to drink electrolyte water to stay in balance. A little bit of sweat. takes a lot of water out of your body. If you drink water cold with ice that’s actually worse.
Know the warning signs !
What is this mania of over the top
self-absorption that appears to be
running amok, this social dementia
annoying egotism, where it seems
everyone is constantly posing and
publicly auditioning for attention.

Cellphones and Social media two
of the abetting culprits, deluding
the populace that constant selfies
a star does make. Get a blog, be a
celebrity, go on TV? Self-promotion
and crass Exhibitionism has become
a vexing preoccupation. Striving for
LIKES and Followers sending and
Trending, seeking the adulations of
strangers out in the cloud that they
will never actually meet.

What happened to modesty, or
self-restraint? Have we all lost
our minds? When did being an
average normal well-adjusted
human become not enough.
When did humility become
undesirably passe? Are we all
truly that insecure?
July 2023
HP Poet: N (Neville Pettitt)
Country: UK

Question 1: Welcome to the HP Spotlight, Neville. Please tell us about your background?

N: "Although I currently post my little scribbles here under the initial N, I once used to sign myself off with my full first name which is Neville and in fact, I may well do so again .. For anyone interested, my full pen name is Neville Pettitt and it is only after much deliberation that have I decided to reveal it here today .. My birth name is different .. The reason for my caution is entirely due to my line of work .. I am employed as a clinical specialist in adult psychiatry, with special interests in substance misuse, personality disorder and clinical risk management .. Consequently, from time to time I may be called upon by the Coroner, local Mental Health Trusts, or very occasionally the police dept, to conduct in depth investigations into serious adverse events for example, murders and or suicides .. I hope the reason for my transparency becomes clearer as you read on (that is, assuming anyone actually does read on) .. I studied at both Middlesex & Hertfordshire universities and have occasionally served as a volunteer in psychiatric facilities overseas .. The longest was a few years ago at Tanka Tanka Hospital in West Africa the Gambia and Senegal to be precise where I managed to last just under six months .. I am as old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth, I was born and currently live in a beautiful part of England by the sea in the county of Somerset and in an old converted Banked Barn that dates back to 1547 .. I know I am very lucky .. I have two grown children .. My daughter heads up the hepatology department at a local hospital and my son has his own business .. My wife was previously a partner at a General Practice .. In 1995 I registered as a Kongo Zen Buddhist and am also a black belt student of Shorinji Kempo which I also used to teach .. "

Question 2: How long have you been writing poetry, and for how long have you been a member of Hello Poetry?

N: "I guess I have been writing poetry for the best part of my life to date, certainly from around ten or eleven and I have been posting here at ‘Hello Poetry’ for around three years or thereabouts .. "

Question 3: What inspires you? (In other words, how does poetry happen for you).

N: "When asked what inspires me, I often find myself lost for words because there are so many things, I love nature, people generally, travelling, my work occasionally and those I encounter during the course of just being .. There’s probably not a lot that I have not been inspired to write about at some time or other .. Relationships of course do tend to feature a lot, as do both losses and gains of various kinds .. My lovely parents, now both deceased were also a great source of inspiration too .. I would be lieing if I denied getting pleasure from writing .. I get a great deal of pleasure from it .. and I enjoy trying to give others pleasure too .. Sometimes my muse deserts me for a while and I get those dreaded blank page days but always carry a pen and notepad around just in case something tickles my fancy or I get one of those light bulb moments .. "

Question 4: What does poetry mean to you?

N: "As already mentioned, poetry in many of its various forms has been a major part of my life, if not a friend and comfort for almost as long as I can remember .. I also use it as a means of expressing my self and communicating with others .. However, in the last five or six years, I have been publishing anthologies in order to raise money for each of my chosen charities .. Mental Health of course features, but also for Breast cancer since my wife had this .. More recently however, Brain Tumour research has been included following the death of my sister in law and my little niece developing a similar brain tumour too at age four years .. I currently have eight books/anthologies of poetry in print which are available almost anywhere on the planet from Amazon .. and these are listed in chronological order below a ninth is due out in early 2024 and called A Handful of Ghosts and a Woman in Blue .. a bit of a mouthful I know, but it features an old image of my wife on the cover ..

Turquoise & Other Shades of Blue

Somewhere Behind These Eyes

Victims of Indifference

Beautiful Bruises

The Logic of Fools

Cotton Girls & Paper Chains

Chasing Light

Slaves of Eros"

Question 5: Who are your favorite poets?

N: "My favourite poets are Leonard Cohen whom I kind of grew up with and who incidentally once wrote to me twice in fact .. or to be absolutely correct, the first time, he answered one of my letters to him .. I am also a fan of the late great Sylvia Plath, Charles Bukowski and oh’ so many others both classical and more modern .. "

Question 6: What other interests do you have?

N: "Other interests include travelling in particular foreign travel, dining in and eating out, gardening painting and drawing when I have time .. (hardly ever these days) I still practice zazen as per Kongo zen and I enjoy reading and listening to music .. "

Carlo C. Gomez: “Thank you so much for taking part in this series, my friend! You have truly enlightened us about yourself.”

N: "Finally, I would just like to say what a real and great honour and a privilege it was to be asked to post a little about myself here on this mighty fine poetry site and to express my very sincere thanks to anyone that follows me or reads just one of my works .. Many thanks to one and all .. Peace, Love & All Good Things, Neville"

Thank you everyone here at HP for taking the time to read this. We hope you enjoyed Neville's story. For certain I have. It is our wish that these spotlights are helping everyone to further discover and appreciate their fellow poets. – Carlo C. Gomez (aka Mr. Timetable)

We will post Spotlight #6 in August!
N: "Having been asked to list a few of my own favourite poems has proved impossible .. not because there are so many, but because, I truly feel that my next one will be it .. however, I do sincerely hope that others here who are kind enough to visit any of my scribbles will each have their own .."

Carlo C. Gomez: "I highly recommend Neville's book 'Turquoise and Other Shades of Blue.'  It's an anthology of 200 journeys. Open and direct, Neville allows us to be privy to his disquieting thoughts about life, love, loss, ***, curiosities, and travails; whether they be his successes or failures. The poem  ‘War Is Not for Lovers’ is an essential read."

War Is Not For Lovers:

Link to book:
CJ Sutherland Jun 2024
^ ^
(@) (@)
The         word
is self                 inflicted
Truth.                                       reality
tainted                                                 twisted
Our.                world
in                  a  
corrupt        mist
is                       not
always.                                   bliss
  Jun 2024 CJ Sutherland
kindred blue forget me nots
that knot across the glen,
and tie around the willow's hands,
reminding it of when

the wind would sweep across,
make a dancing sea of gold
in the ditch along the path:
the bright marsh marigold.
  Jun 2024 CJ Sutherland
Anais Vionet
(Inspired by Carlo C Gomez’s ‘The Lacemaker‘)

We’re manufactured girls,
designed to be beautiful and pointless.

Everything we tell you has to be true,
we feel we can open up to you.

We’re decorated and prepared for sacrifice.

We can touch your tender isolation
and reinforce your inadequate truths.

We can mirror your internal struggles
and help you shape your damnation.

You’ve caressed our powerless distress
a thousand times, with sleep's dark hands.

Don’t feel your destroying something beautiful

You know, when privately accessible
in the darkness of your man cave
our soft, immediate shapes
excuse extraordinary behavior.

That’s all we want.
A song for this:
Genesis. by RAYE
This is about the dark side of male fantasy - as far as I understand it. A comedian named Shaun Murphy has this joke, that’s always stuck in my mind: “The difference in the male and female *** drive, is like the difference between shooting a bullet and throwing it.”
We (my generation) get to deal with the **** influence - a lot of guys have seen WAY too much fake sexuality and come to women with dark, unrealistic expectations.
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