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I'm not Patroitic. Patriotism breeds a sense of arrogance and causes people to succomb to hate propaganda. Its a tool the government uses to stir people up and condem those who think for themselves. 9/11 was tragic, but it gave us an oppurtunity to unite for a noble cause. Instead people turned their fear, and anger on their fellow man. Instead of furthering the cause of harmony. Polliticians have promoted racism.
I love my glasses
Least now I can see the words
But I still can't spell

Tis true I'm the worst speller hardly ever use spell check and can't see a thing without my reading glasses but hey it's still fun to write :-)
Fragmented lives entangled
but asunder in our journey
as our paths cosmically connect
in a romance of the arts

And who's to say what's real
to touch or deeply feel
what will truly last
or simply where to start

So I’ll
paint you alla prima
as I feel you playing me
in warm colors of merging ardor
a wet blending of artistry
my brush strokes of your body
painted in my mind
of impressions blushed in passion
in hues I can’t describe

Suspended in the moment
floating on a breeze
I revel in this picture painted music
almost in disbelief, unthinking…
knowing every nuance of our love
found only in our dreams

Like children in parallel play
I’ll finger the keys
and slip the locks
of all your orchestrations
filling the walls
of my concerts halls
with deep
splattered tones
in pinks and blues
the hues
that forever
bind us

And we’ll not look back
nor forward
but hang here in the moment
to display our
Painted Song
in the eyes
of giggly children
both doing
our own thing
on a string
A collaboration with Howard Hilde

The perfect apple-
Always too high up in the tree.


I sent him my heart
He kept only the box.


On days like today, I know
Chicken Little was right.


You can’t clean up the nation’s mess
With ***** hands.

AWARD  (10W)

Life is one big Daily struggle
To earn that crown.


Why must it be only ten -
Eleven’s a much luckier number
Read into them what you will.
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