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Perhaps we should take comfort in our insignificance. The universe is indifferent. It neither needs or care for our existence. All the reason we need to care about one another is that our existence is so transient. It is most likely we will not revisit this or any other life, so why not treasure those by our side, and be kind to strangers for that reason alone.
A *******
with alcohol
did not turn
out so well.
He shoved her down
then dragged her up
as he yelled.

He hurt her hands
with his
hateful rage
just to see
the pain
on her face.

notice this
you fat
******* cow.”

Her skin
like a
red balloon.
as she spoke
that raging buffoon.

Shadows circling
each bag under her eyes,
she cried
at the violence.

Then in a contortionist’s
sick fashion,
I watched her
twist herself
up in knots of
and weird love,
as she tried to
our own abuse.
The smoky spasms
of specters passing
fill my teary blurred

Forced phantasms
of former friends
and family
which I remember
quite fondly,

The young girl
across the street
who was missing
a few teeth,

The old lady
and old man
who brought me up,
helping when they could,

The elderly grocer
of Kregor’s store
where I purchased
penny tootsie rolls,
and three cent
laughy taffy

The long dead dogs,
the trees,
the memories
of a younger me
living dangerously
hanging upside down
thick branches,

these spirits haunt me
partially paining
but mostly reminding me
of the good times.
The Devil’s in the details
which is how we lose
as the preachers picks our pockets
from the upstairs pews.

Politicians keep bragging
about the lines they drew
to obstruct democracy
and steal our money
like their rich friends
wanted them to do.
What a shame
that full of ****
moves with
looking for a
a sacrificial
to feed
his drunken

that slick
who confuses
the masses
and misuses
the women
who view him
as an authority figure.

I would
burn this *******
give him
a sea of grief,
but it seems
people put him up
as a visionary,
which is scary
cause what I see
is a vile violator
of humanity.
Though I try not to be,
I am an arrogant ***.
It is a superior mind
that resides inside
the skull behind
my hazel eyes
camouflaged by
my mediocre life.

I subscribe to simplicity
for the sake if my sanity.
I project my intellect
for the sake of my vanity;
Invisible observer,
unloved lover
watching the world
under the cover of obscurity.

But the purity of my purpose
Is a self-serving illusion,
and though I am
extremely intelligent
I know that the belief
in my supposed superiority
is a self-insulating delusion.
It is a perfect
fall day
for following
whatever whim
directs me
to ride
against or with
the wind.

I daydream
that I am being
chased by

My bike crosses
the worn wooden bridge
with the thud of
loose boards
following me.
I imagine
they are my enemies.

Brown leaves
the dirt path
and crumbling
the black tires.

On the sidewalk
I speed up
preparing for
the air
I will walk
as I leap off
the top
of the three steps
to finally escape
my enemies.

I love
this ten speed
purple huffy
that carries me
I choose to be.
She never said it was gone it just faded like a sunset and the light hasn't crept in yet.
Where did it go?
Was it the pill's the drinks or maybe a combination
of something we never cared to recall?

I walk towards the end as you simply walked away.

Nothing holds you better than the regrets through yet another empty hours night .
You drink to forget then you just somehow forget to stop .

Watch one to many a sunrise then repeat the cycle till one day your no longer here .

I'm not in denial of the truth I embrace it as once I did you .
And now I wait where others choose to live .

Catching a buzz and a one night stand in-between .
Painting the pictures that write the page in regrets and dead end streets it all goes to **** eventually why not have a smoke before the fires of your personal demons consume you .

I never cared for conversation's much to begin with .

And now I find little reason to disturb the silence to simply hear my own words spoken aloud .

It's definitely half empty in this case but at least it was a hundred proof  to begin with .

Never ******* yourself it was always a gamble from the start.
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