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Anthony Pierre Jun 2020
Mannequin men murals
Stationed on a crazy catwalk
with their mundane masks
and bloodlust eyes
Such was the intensity
In the silence of night
Tiny drums crescendo
with stubborn teflon skin
As stars tossed from hell
Crazy cats on a catwalk
Meow Meow Meow
Moving mannequin men
Anthony Pierre Jun 2020
That sunset for George Floyd came so soon
was indeed another heartbreaking cheat
But what's worst for us: another blue moon
shone again so bright on Ebony Street

A brick was laid in the wall of pity
while the darkness of the nights are sombre
Isn't it for poor George's adversity
That the yellow-hat men had not ponder

Now cities aglow for George Floyd's fall
As knives clatter and windows shatter
Yet still this Curious wall stands tall
to show us all: black lives don't matter

In these perilous times I'm forced to think
Would it be the same if Floyd was pink?
Stop the hate!
End the slaughter!
Its not too late!
Black lives matter!
Anthony Pierre May 2020
I'd dreamt of Moshe's fall
In the arid land of Kadesh
And I wondered; how sweet
were those waters of Meribah?

Then, I woke up from sleeping
and was greeted by a nightmare

Rising under an Ethiopian cloud
The Grandiose Renaissance
To tame the mighty blue Nile
To free the wild hearts of men

How I pray tensions fall
In the fertile lands of Africa
as I ponder; how sweet
are these waters of Meribah?
Anthony Pierre May 2020
Love borne in briers of a lonely heart
May bloom eternally on heaven's stage
So sweet the lustre that lovers impart
Like ink from a poet's pen on a page

When eternity comes bouquets decay
And letters of love fade into the night
Then mourning comes like a worn out cliche
Uncertainty grow to strangle you tight

Shudder not now my friend the end of love
When its curtains fall; take your final bow
free it of corpus chains to fly above
the empty trails of bards feet left on snow

When the last sonnet can't mend love's sorrow
Toss in Dante's burning heart your arrow
For lovers and haters alike
Anthony Pierre May 2020
The daughter of time
as naked as truth can be
Reflecting our lives
Anthony Pierre May 2020
The dame on the Rhine
Through larch, spruce and pine
Called as she was without a name
"La dame", "De dame", "Die dame"
She came with Purple Heather
Tulips and Buttercups in September
From Graubünden to Hague
Ne'er deemed a plague
And it rained; a scarlet rain
For Constance and for Cologne
For Saga, Scenes and Scents
Hot baths under Weber's tents
Yes, it rained a scarlet rain
She steered her great course
To the enclave of the Norse
And it rained a scarlet rain
For Saga
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