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lost in the pretense that you are not dying



what do you call it  ?  //   LIFE !!!!
( give me a
                                  ******* break ! )

No one is alive !

Who believes your vastly over - rated feelings  !

                                         FALLING IN LOVE !


as if this is even remotely possible

in the Hell called TODAY !!


Well /: /

Are you gonna say something real ?



It would be too hard !

We are too       Frail !

We are too afraid


I don't care anymore


I love you all


It would be okay if you 'd actually try to communicate
In a human way



You could do that if you want

You know

If you're not too busy doing other things
 Oct 2014 Tyler Armstrong
It's all in the mind
This crazy feeling
But I'll never find
The right words falling

Although intertwined—
These thoughts, they're running
And I'm left behind
Desperately crawling
 Oct 2014 Tyler Armstrong
It's all in the mind
This crazy feeling
But I'll never find
The right words falling

Although intertwined—
These thoughts, they're running
And I'm left behind
Desperately crawling
sloshing through
the pipes, rats riding
a winding wave notwithstanding
the pull of the riptide untied and tried
typically clear blue true without you
unrhymed but confined and unheard
born broken unnurtured and blind
further outside of my mind you lined
the blinds with ******

but I heard her outside the lines
a herder, she shined in my eyes
reflecting signs of sobbing sighs
releasing white withering pines
bare blown apart mines
bland broken times

— The End —