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 Jun 2019 Marta
Max Vale
I'l go wherever you go,
Follow you from coast to coast.
Throw everything out of the window,
To be with you when you need me the most.
 Jun 2019 Marta
we write when we're at our weakest
we write when we've been cut open
we write when we're bleeding
we write when we're dying inside

Not all those who write are sad,
but all sad people write.
You may not agree with this, but generally, it is true.
 Jun 2019 Marta
Thulani Molefi
As the rising morning sun
shines its immaculate rays
on a field of sunflowers
these flowers , they awaken
from their nocturnal slumber
and ever so slowly
they spread their petals
and gaze upon the Sun

For in the Sun
they found an eternal source
of life , hope and warmth
And just like the Sun
will my soul tirelessly
shine upon hers forever
giving life , love and warmth
to this Sunflower , deeply rooted
within the crevices of my heart
 Jun 2019 Marta
Jackie Mead
 Jun 2019 Marta
Jackie Mead
Slowly, opening, displaying their leaves
Through hues of all colours their magic weaves

Calla, Tiger, Stargazer
Fragrant, Vibrant, Bright as a lazer

Sitting pretty, on my kitchen shelf
Water maintaining their perfect health

Purple in colour they are very pleasing to the eye
Everyone comments as they pass by

A wonderful fragrance perfumes the room
A wonderful flower, a beautiful bloom

The perfect flower  to say "thank you"
Or to walk down the aisle with, when you say "I do

— The End —