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Aug 2014 · 404
Head above water
Learn to swim or else you'll be swallowed by the ocean.

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Aug 2014 · 696
Continue on with strength
Erase the definition of quit from your mind
Replace it with will and perseverance  
This is your journey
Don't let others define it

(C) Tiffanie Noel Dori
Aug 2014 · 598
I don't think I could live without touch. Touch makes the creations of the mind come to life in an otherwise imaginary world.

But it's weight brings bitter ache
Touch brings me to life
Right before it shreds me

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Aug 2014 · 353
More random thoughts.
Taking in the knowledge of what holds you down is not meant to be perceived as what is simply wrong with you. The point is correcting what hinders you. To that you have to face the wrong. It's realizing that will help us find the light. We can not deny the issues and hope one morning we will wake to clarity. You must face these things with strength, in return, receiving more strength once you reach the end of your journey.

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
There is much to claim as well inside of you but the point is not to change the good but to change the bad. You have to remember the bigger picture.
Aug 2014 · 632
The new age black widows
Drill out the "decay" like a cavity
Fill each vacancy with your drugs-
The world is better comforted walking amongst zombies

You live your lives of contradiction
Deny the issues-
Sedate the questionable
As if you define the human nature

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Aug 2014 · 387
Change your perspective
If your words are hollow; don't speak them.
If your will is solemn; correct your thoughts.
If the world is vacant of color; seek truth and wisdom.

The world around you changes when you dive into the depths of yourself. It's only then that you realize what you believe has been lacking was simply suppressed by your own thoughts the entire time. You must use your observations and wisdom when outside forces create barriers in your life.

Look inside and the world will become a brand new, wondrous place.  

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
I have been cracking bones to get to my heart-
Keeping a firm grip-
Hindering it from running wild

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Aug 2014 · 356
Life is a vindictive game
And it’s been cheating us-
Before we ever took our first breathes
I thought the diagnoses of my moms cancer was the worst but I may have been horribly wrong.
Celestial forces
Giving rise to planets
In our incandescent night sky

No heavens are in my heart
Bring my heart to rest-
Beside the lucent fragments
I have spent wishing upon-
Before my my memory had ever sparked the time line of my passing years

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Aug 2014 · 328
It always seems to come back down to this edge

To this constricting questioning-
of living
It's ticking in her head-
The most magnificent orchestra she has ever felt in her chest
Slowly muffling the warmth as it continues to run wild-
Pushing out of her limbs
as her throat is falling-

Falling faster into slumber
I have always wondered what kind of lover a pianist would be-
if they play others as smoothly as they do their instrument
With a strategic stride in their precision
Or if the touch is just as tender as the keys are embraced-
Philharmonic touch
Can a voice tune their heart as such?
I'm curious
If they find themselves as lost in another just as they do in the journey of their music

When I see the amount of passion portrayed in a musicians performance I can't help but find myself lost somewhere in between

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
This goes for all musical instruments really.
Aug 2014 · 684
Let the ruins tumble
Why not let go the foundation-
kept together through awkward apologies
Undeserving recitations  
The heart can not carry boulders on it's crest for its entirety

I ask
What solidifies integrity more-
The immorality of a cracking foundation which consternation keeps lifted
Or the worth you place with in yourself?

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Aug 2014 · 596
Truth vs perspective
To the left is truth
To the right is perspective
In the middle there is you
And on the outside there is a billion other minds adapting to any which given side
No absolute exists when you have such an abundance of variating minds
There will always be two sides to any single story

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Aug 2014 · 452
Was it coherent-
That eve of calm irrationality which casually sculpted a world into a pendulum-
Irregular as nature
Fickle as a heart
And it was then
When her hours sifted dry-
When beads of sweat collected down the brim of her nose-
When the air thickened-
When her bones grew short
And the flickering of an eye spoke more profoundly than her words

The eve which
the human character crafted
  proclaimed the loudest

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Jul 2014 · 1.5k
Find your passion
I believe that one of the most important pieces of advice I can give to children is to find your passion. Find it and send it soaring to the highest points of your mind. It does not matter the passion and it does not matter how liked by others it is. Art, writing, sports, music, science, whatever. If it makes you feel alive every time you indulge in it then never let it go. It will be your hand in hard times and good times alike. Never spend your life moving so fast that you have no passionate memories to speak of. Live! And do it with the upmost optimism and enjoyment. Live so you leave this world with peace of mind and fulfillment.

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
People continuously follow a religion of which has preconditioned regulations that disregard all science and also leave no allowance for the follower to use an open mind and discover the road that best suits them on their own. They preach to unknown past lives that claim to be the only ones who knew the answers and the way to maintain a successful journey is by their standards alone instead of teaching the follower to look into their own being.

You can't discover the truth by denying your right to knowledge. This I will never understand. This is why I choose spirituality over religion. I choose the buddhist philosophy to help light my way while I create my own steps through inner peace, science, the mind and knowledge gained.

I am finally waking up.

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Jul 2014 · 548
Be kind to yourself
Allow yourself to move foreword from mistreatment
With mindfulness
with grace
and free of attachments for you alone are a whole being
Perspective is the key
Change your perspective-
Change your life

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Jul 2014 · 600
Beauty in the down pour
I admire the company of people who enjoy the rain-
A wonderful down pour
Because it tells me that
What most people see as gloom
They however
Can still find the beauty in it

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Rainy day love
She smelt of rain
Yes, I always did love the smell of rain
But she wore it in a way that the earth lowered in shame
She had walked nearly three miles to my door
I took her hand-
Led her in
And when her hair dried
The imperfections of the waves sat so perfectly on her head that they weren't imperfect at all-
They were apart of her beauty-
Precisely as she should be
Her lips were as subtle as ever but the slight quiver was something I had not seen before-
It enticed me
Drew me close
Pressed me against her chest
It untucked her blouse
And weighted gravity on my head-
Resting my lips upon hers
For minutes
And many minutes more
Until the skies drew clear
Until we laid hand in hand-
Skin to skin
Mind to mind

To this day
I could swear we were the life to that storm

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Jun 2014 · 594
Your end
Your fate
Is breathing-
With or without your own hands

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Without the flaw of emotion
What would our species really be this day?
What would it become?

Each piece of our mind was placed in our heads for a specific reason-
Some hidden-
Left only for the ones who question reality vs. the extent of logic and how each play in specific matrimony

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Jun 2014 · 1.0k
I am not unique
I am just simply apart of those who refuse to hide blindly behind acceptance

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Jun 2014 · 272
Desire and value are not one in the same.
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Underestimated understanding
My recollection of you is that of the universe
At times seemingly vacant
But its just the contrary-
consumed with magnificent new discoveries
Each one captivating and beyond my capability of expressing beauty

But I'm afraid
You will never let me see
Though I have tried beyond my bounds
It seems to be a game full with vain

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Giving up has never been  to me option but the options are running thin...
Jun 2014 · 530
Fleeting control
Secrets weigh heavy as burdens on the heart -
stone bags wound tightly with string-
Swaying into a crippling pit
But the risk of a personal heart is better dealt than the loss of the others held
Sobriety tasted vacant-
What felt free was laced with potent, bitter tendencies  
Decisions narrowed and lines embarked-
Deploying Tangible intercept
Danger has a way with sweetness to the ears
Taking the mind away from the world-
The well being of the doubtful with a sip-




Back to the downfall

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Jun 2014 · 539
Contessa's impulse
He fell to his knees screaming out her name
He pierced the heavens above with the aching screech of his voice
"Contessa please, hear my plea!"
He was a man in desperation-
His heart had been taken off of his very own sleeves to the skies
Out of his reach-
Passed the shimmer of the milky way
Out of his ability to hold her head to his chest once more
What has she done
She's left a rich man poor
She left before her hour glass passed it's last grain of sand
Splitting the future in two
His dismay tattered his whole
She took her life-
And the beauty from his eyes
And with this act she ruined countless more

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Let the semicolon split apart from the seams
Let the lights shatter
Let the eclipse taste us-
Whole embodied variations
Infatuations digested and expelled with this disease
Let us examine
Let us recreate
The desire we infected with selfish tendencies
Give me your pure-
Our sinless monogamy

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
May 2014 · 927
A nameless venting write
I am stronger than those nights
Stronger than that five year old girl-
That fifteen year old girl  
Stronger than a year ago
Than a month or even a week ago
Stronger than yesterday
This, I know, is factual
But that doesn't mean there will not be moments where memories run wild-
Rampant through my bones
Memories which cause my skeletal system to tremble
Memories where the images of which become almost unbearable

But I know,
They say some of the strongest people are the ones who suffer the most
Whatever that suffering may be
Blood still runs through their veins-
Still breathe in the same air as you and I
And they too will overcome

I will overcome
Time after time
Because I am a force on my own-
I am strong enough

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Not my best but I didn't intend it to be. It was definitely necessary in order for me to let go of some weighted doubt I've been carrying around on my shoulders. Maybe it will give someone else the perspective do the same.
May 2014 · 725
You can't be put into words
I could write about every constellation-
Every shooting star
With every possible word-
Deep and meaningful
But I don't think anything could compare to you
So I'll do my best

And care for your heart unlike anyone you could ever know

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
#love #compassion #faith
May 2014 · 608
You could spend a millennium
searching for home
Or you could just look around at the faces that embrace you. Home is where you are free to plant your heart.

It took time for me to realize
Compassion will set us free

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
May 2014 · 335
Letting me down
I can no longer rest
I have been denied
Hustled and trembling from the hostility in words-
Words like a noose-
Ringing the tenderness out

Falling from clouds
I was built up-
Fastened in equilibrium above the ground
And when the brink of ****** came
The gravity began to pull me down

There is no easy landing this time around
I will come crashing-
Scattering the warmth of my emotions across the sweet hearts that lay at the bottom of your glasses

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
May 2014 · 490
Contemplating life
The reality is that reality doesn't exist. Reality is a formulation of preconditioned programming which exists only to create barriers between the ones viewed as sane and the ones viewed as insane.

Either way the coin falls, you'll be viewed as strange for having the courage to even toss it at all.

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
May 2014 · 398
Fear calls truth crazy
Silence is never truly silent
It is filled with complexities that only the dreamer can hear
The one with the story book mind
The one making murals out of the quirks in the walls-
Making observations of the tiniest of details
Observing the world,
It's inhabitants,
It's untouched laws

It fills the neurons with life
Actual life-
Pulling apart every fine line

The dreamer is not a dreamer at all
The dreamer is called just that by the outside that looks in-
Unable to breathe in the revelations of reality-
Life that the ravenous are too blurred to see

Hush, you'll hear it too
Let yourself be silent
Pay attention and you'll see
let the observations of your mind free to touch your conscious
So you can live in the unfabricated realms of which we too often deny

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Don't ask to be saved. You can only save you. Instead, ask for support. Ask for someone who will stand by you and stand up, not just for you, but with you. Someone who knows how great and rare you are and, on the other hand, someone who sees your faults and rather help you improve them than just ignore them even when the truth isn't always pleasant. Someone who, regardless of those faults, will continue to love you all the same. Someone who you clash with in all the right ways and through the frustrations, still holds your bond close to their heart because at the end of the day, you'll going to struggle at times in life and love but giving up on your hearts desires in both of those categories should never be the answer. Eat your cake and have it too because you are worth it. Balance and a sense of being whole on ones own are major traits to be embraced.
Not a poetry post as always. Decided to share some recent thoughts due to current situations.
May 2014 · 522
To be a bird
The flutter of birds is a beautiful sight
Gracefully lifting off of their feet
Off of the trees and fences-
Off of the cable lines and man made ledges
The truth in their wings-
In their dynamics
The spirit portrayed as they soar-
Entangling feathers in clouds
In song and observant stares,
I watch their motions in hopes of learning the freedom of each individual form

Intent on feeling the airs pressure through my limbs
like wings

Flight of freedom

A flight that does not search but instead claims it with the knowledge
That it is beautiful
That it is capable

I wonder how it is to be a bird
Soaring above all

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
May 2014 · 581
Negative distance
So close
I can feel the tips of your toes touching mine
So close
I can hear the rising in your chest
So close
Yet the only thing that is met
Are your eyes upon mine

Too close
to be held so terribly far

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
May 2014 · 957
Alien love
like every great collaboration
We clash in all the right ways
While still seemingly caressing the parts of our minds of which depths are exhausting for any other to reach

A force
Abided by the simplicity in the complex-
We shatter realms-
Surpass boundaries-
Outstretch galaxies  

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
May 2014 · 451
A sweet face and a delightful frame is always a treat to be desired
But what I really treasure is a mind with such character that I'm enlightened to the point of gravitation-
Continuously interested by its design
A feeling that no other could even attempt to replicate inside of me

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Apr 2014 · 393
At the end of a storm
When a storm nears its end
And the rain begins to trickle away
The birds emerge from where they took shelter-
Eager to collide into the wind
And when they do
The young appear flourished
And the old appear young
They seem renewed-
Almost as if they carried a piece of the sun upon their backs

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Apr 2014 · 511
The eye of the storm
I sit out on the covered porch as the rain falls fearlessly
Constantly hurdling down around me
I listen to the cracking of thunder
Vicious outbursts-
A lions roar
Then as it echoes faintly-

I close my eyes
Inhale the storms dewy scent-
Capturing the particles in the expansion of my lungs
And with the world centered in me
The elements and I are light-

A mist in the atmosphere-
I wash away

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Apr 2014 · 899
To me
when used wisely and with great conviction
Are the epitome of passion and life
They will never cease to flow through my veins
Words will stay with me to help ease the trouble in my mind-
The stinging ache-
Purging them onto paper when the rest of the silhouettes have proven to be misleading and entirely imprudent

To me
They will always be
The essential ingredient to my life

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Apr 2014 · 404
Silent Night
Pinching out the flames ignited in my hearts beat
I've been standing on the rooftops over this city-
Above the altitudes of normalcy-
Bringing light to the night
And this entire time I've been the only one in flames

But tonight the light will fade
And the city will rest in silence
With the words that escaped the identity of my core-
shinning past the stars-
down into the minds which continue to accumulate
And the lingering of life touching the ones who wonder through both the rise and fall of days

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Apr 2014 · 536
I am a frame
An empty mind
Upon an empty stomach
Upon a frame of which it's proportions  
Are damning in a world where standards outweigh the core of the being inside

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
More will be added to this.
Apr 2014 · 374
All I need
The only light I need in this universe
is a warm heart cuddled up next to mine
Awaiting to discover the mysteries along side all the doubt that fills my head

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
If only...
Mar 2014 · 829
Condition your mind
Condition your mind to stay open and become higher than the skyscrapers that cage our society.

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
My mind never sleeps. Thought of the day while driving to a very early
Mar 2014 · 448
Curtain fall
As the lights from the stage seared my eyes
The curtain fell on my heart
If you could hear the music in my head
You'd know the timing was never quite as right
Because where love is blind
You will find
It is deaf as well
And fairly inept

Though with certainty-
All it needs to be
Is buried inside

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Mar 2014 · 268
Take my words and carry them out into the world
Make them the home inside of another that I could never create

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Mar 2014 · 489
Holding on
The simplest things keep me holding on
The sound of your breath
The rise and fall of your chest
But by day break you begin to push me away again
I crave the touch-
Nothing fancy
Just soft skin pressed against mine
I need to catch a grip of the surface beneath my feet
Before I stumble over you
And lose myself again

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Mar 2014 · 480
At last
Alright, alright, alright-
She's muttering
Playing on repeat
Searching for a hopeless fight-
Questioning her life
Each syllable slower than the last-
As she melts

At last

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Mar 2014 · 894
The trembling in my mind
The dates are rolling over
Just as the pages in a novel-
A novel of my life
And I am folded into the spine
With you
And him
And her
And even the willow tree from my days as a child
Stuck inside a book
Kept far away from the world outside
The world which howls and leaves a ringing in my ears-
A taunting that makes me ache-
Fractures my fragile bones
And drives shivers that even my finger tips recall each time the moon cycles in the deep blues of night

I hide away
Fears kept in bundles-
Racing in figure eights in my never resting brain
As much as I inch my extremities out-
As much as I struggle for a forward motion
I am held
Here inside of the pages of a novel
Inside the creases of its spine
Where I lay my trembling mind

It is here you can find the things that I could never let pass my lips
When I have lost all of my breathe
And the trembling has finished digesting my mind

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
May revise at a later time. Hmmmmm.
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