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 Sep 2015 Tia Jane
raine cooper
how do you stand it?
to be not known or understood by all who surround you
i imagine it's like living in a cage, and not a single one of them realizing you are trapped
 Sep 2015 Tia Jane
raine cooper
you wrote a story
of a girl and a boy
they fell in love with old books
and each other
but the pen wasn't real
and sadly,
neither were you
#boy #girl #books #pen #story
 Jul 2015 Tia Jane
Jack Thompson
I meet the love of my life everyday. She's that girl I met at the shops; at the bar ordering a cocktail for three; on the street giving change to a homeless man. Last week I met her filling up that Diahatsu. It might as well have been a Lamborghini or a rocketship. None of it made sense but her.

She's nothing special wrapped inside everything I've ever dreamed of. She's the vision I catch a glimpse of when I imagine what it's like to be happy. The endless collapsing of short lived memories. Voids filling with the putty of a tender fantasy. If I could grab you and share my reality. If I could explain my mind in words that made me sound sane. If only that worked.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
Humans revere Gods
Especially God's message of LOVE
Being kind, caring & compassionate
Humans are taught this as children
'The virtues of Good living"
Every parent is a mentor
Every teacher is a guide
"LOVE one another"
Is the teaching
Yet, when children grow
It is also taught - Be careful
LOVE is painful as DEATH
So most people hesitant to LOVE

So, here is LOVE
Irrespective of our teachings
That waits outside our life's arena

LOVE only attaches with us
When the appropriate time comes
When fate decides
No one can decide the
Moment and time of LOVE

When embraces humans
Introduces FREEDOM & liberty
It is either
You decide to break
All the chains of LIFE
And fall in LOVE
Knowing it will be painful as Death
Live the remainder of the life
in grotto of life
Which is actually - Worse than Death

LOVE's path
Takes you to joy

Life's path
Takes you to drudgery

You Decide
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