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She looks into me and am all into her
In my mouth she melts like Ice cream and my eyes wrap her inch by inch
The glory of her smile waters my thirst
In her I find a digest of love

To her am driven
In her am lost
A whole sea to swim, a whole life to search in her
Her eyes are my favorite color and her skin glows like the melodies of abra kadabra
She is a threat of me living but best i die in her embrace
Life is that you
The usual suspect when things go wrong
So mean to many in robbing them
If only you could give so much joy like the way you assemble problems in people's households
For you breed more trouble than benefit

If we had a chance to chance you
You wouldn't survive mob justice
At your pledge you take and break regardless strong or weak as you have no record of hurt. You hurt one as many times as you love a game you have mastered
But see we know God who made you and we are brewing armies against you

So pathetic with no drop of kindness
Watching over every living with jealousy on each step they make
You can never wish them peace but pain alone
To heal with you
We born victors and our purpose is winning
Take pride in shame for when the chariot of glory picks us we shall leave you ahide
I trust in God
....I have got
Prayers to say
Calls to answer
Goals to achieve
problems to solve
Appointments to keep
The jobs to finnish
Places to go
Kids to love
Deadlines to meet
Books to read
Parents to care for
People to assist
Journeys to travel

moving ahead with time
I feel so stressed out, disappointed
need no calls to answer
Goals lying far apart
More problems to solve
The feeling of moving no where
All books put to rest
No more appointments
And getting on lonely.
My dreams of everlasting hatred for you
Are buried in heights of love
I hated you because I was naïve and young.
And in all my life activities I would do anything to have you
Far away from me.

I truly detested you like snakes fear fire
Now not any more., that the love I bear is
Greater than the sand spread at the beach.
I give it all to you,

Remembering how I suffered interlia under your arms
With countless sleepless nights
In effort to match your standards.
Each time they assembled us to simply laugh at me,
I became certain of never catching up with you.

You didn’t stand being my subject but soon turned
Me into your subject.
I now Love you as much as I suffered for/with you
Always thought we are not compatible till
My patience delivered its promise.
Am an outstanding character for having
Mastered your ways.

You have taught me how to read with analysis
Since my regrets sound more prestigious and
Surprising than an engagement moment.
You are a true blessing in disguise.

They use you to find me, and when they find me,
I use you to keep them.
I see others laughing, in praise of a gift,
Some say your funny, while others Emotional,
One told me your lonely and the other said your lovely.
Then another said you’re complicated, while the rest
Congratulate me in your presence, and
Award me on your behalf even
To an extent of adopting your own name.

Hardly, can I do without you, though my phones
And gadgets don’t say a word but wonder why we
Always have to keep in contact.
For the sake of writing, I carry pens
Half of my time is spent on reading,
Memorizing in typing.
Together we rock, partners of eternity
With a bond as strong as fish in water.
I wished to have you a thousand of the millions of time
Like a day dreamer you being my one and only
Scared to be your lover if loves fails I could not without your portion
The abssesion alive a future sorted

Remind me of yesterday the smiles we had still ring like bells of a cathedral
Stain me with your affiliation am sick of lullabies
And when we see no tomorrow yesterday was ours
And if then it matters our friendship is thinker than love they saw, tears intercepted and tales of storming mistletoe
The one whom I never loved at first
one that I never had an idea of
one outstanding in beauty
And her knowledge spoke.

The disappointment that caused you a smile
The coin paid to save my poverty
And the pain that took away my joy
one I have to bare at times
An achievement never dreamt of
The old days lapsed in respect, parents and elders enjoyed no talk back policy from their juniors before the coming of the 21 Century where youngsters bury your words before they are spoken.

The naked truth is times have changed. Knowledge then was widely acquired by books and experience unlike lately where puberty aged hunters have gadgets worth plots of land and investments.
The Techno-Generation is as fast a virus cutting through ages, people access internet as often they wish and so they get knowledge from a home bench and at a lesser cost.
The trends are sweet to follow as you learn how to plug into which socket of facts or lies to abide with in society.
People these days dont mind jumping into conclusion of a matter they have heard of for the very first time. Nail you and crucify you on a spot. The torns of tongue spat at issues burns down ideas like solid acid. In a twist of a minute a simple wishper from one person will can either tarnish your reputation or give you a climb over the mountain.
There is more nonsense said but once you get backup media bloggers, your cries of shame can be a hangover to somones tears.
What did you gain when the sun went down or maybe you lost it all.
Hyper to get unwilling to loose just like to get without giving
What is the worth of your smile, a pill of ****, a peace in hand.
Nay they know not, why the sun went west
Neither did they know the moon would be full but yes they are
Fools aside brave apart, we it was like it wasnt and when it will be like it has never
I see the pain in eye of he that shot them dead
Nay they live afar in another world
Come quick rescue the bones for the future they shall be told he lived but the sun found him gone.
I sigh longer to the day of hope
I seat them all like i did at fast and share the joy of its beauty telling how the sun shall be seduced to shine on us and dry off the worry
They so believe and wake up amidst the night to see the sun before the rise
Nay i sawed my seeds in the  future for i saw tomorrow will be too soon for me
I eat of starvation now though thy seeds are watered by deeds
Lets not see the sun of tomorrow lets plan for the cold of the night i told them of the bright day
Yes it was tomorrow but yesterday and better one of the next day not today.
They focus to have it soon my soon looks like my son to harvest
Ahem, the birds flew off to another day after they ate of the hidden seeds planned in mess.
Unpruted of my early fruit but the ground is safe to have another grow another day
It was a challenge in thick and forested thoughts
I couldn’t see what lay ahead of me
The fog of bitter memories had blind folded my sight
To see the glory of tomorrow in the bright stars high
In my life you stand as a rainbow
The last green leaf that gave life to a drying tree
A calyptus of hope in my thirsty times
I eat not of your fresh but have strength to carryon
So am believed to be a survivor of your trapping looks
A glowing worm of inspiration.
It was a challenge in thick and forested thoughts
I couldn’t see what lay ahead of me
The fog of bitter memories had blind folded my sight
To see the glory of tomorrow in the bright stars high
In my life you stand as a rainbow
The last green leaf that gave life to a drying tree
A calyptus of hope in my thirsty times
I eat not of your fresh but have strength to carryon
So am believed to be a survivor of your trapping looks
A glowing worm of inspiration.
She was in peace
In love
When he found her

She then sunk in into him
The embrace of the promise he made
She wasn’t driven only crazy she went nuts
Where was the lie to trust him
In hope she lived

Each day a piece of her dropped
From loosing herself to knowing him more
The catastrophe of feelings
The more they hurt her the more she loved
Desperately shining mama Senorita turned infinite faded

The buried dreams and hopes in pleasing the master
Submissive to the what she tamed and feeding on shame
For she failed to cut off the piece for she wasn’t left with any
Scattered pieces she was with a crown of promises
She was drunk in love to illusions and never ending punctures

Can she walk away
The fear of shame of loosing what you lost decades
No doctor has made a a successful attempt to heal her
She is broken beyond repair but her hope is burning like a flame
Destiny I can’t hear you I went blind to finding self and dump to the world
For I pray you find peace faster than the pieces of me lost
Never interested in my mistakes  but at all costs engaged
To see me survive.
Though a times I feel a giant over
A few achievements, never jealousy
But tasking to see more and better.
“Your bigger than this” is my reward in time
This has taught me to progress.
You’re great when am great
And great even when am greater
Through all that I encounter
Soon I stand out victorious
And paid a penny of respect.

Then I grow Eagle wings,
In many attempts to fly
I hopelessly return to the ground.
Get up and walk, further inspired
Even at the helm of my success
I oftenly bolt back for remedies
Standing prominent and brave
Known to many as the greatest
Though the porter stands great in all.
you are my hope in sight like christ is my daily hope
In many ways i look up to you
i wonder how many times i disappoint your appetite
then each morning you return to have more
Attimes i feel my inspiration to you much as i know it breaks your heart to hear facts all the time
yes i will always blend to give a diversity of digestion but cant change my personality of factual rapture
how i like those smiles in line of appreciation
other times you go silent with hopes of failed faith
see how we get along well, can i preach to you that you are great
And your inspiration too has inspired me to inspire you
fairwell those i go no where
i stand tall to type my minc out till you erupt into good progress
you are amazing and so are you hands
they keep scrolling for my awareness
and your eyes to read history in news
i thank your mind never tiring to analyse and bake you adhere
now i head back to where you always find me
my reading writing friends
my partners in love of mining words to meaning
April 28, 2014 turned out to be more than a beautiful day,
and yet more hilarious, I should say.
  After a long day of hard work, as usual I headed to
LDC to prepare for my evening lectures.
I majestically moved to my lecture room about 7;00
which was unusual because I always made it more earlier.
Upon reaching late, I looked so confused
and I grabbed a seat to keep me calm.
Trying to concentrate on the learning,
my mind was disrupted as I couldn't bear the noise
that came from the surrounding
this attracted my attention and I decided
to excuse my self for a moment.
As I moved gazing out;
I saw people had gathered near
the most influential department in every sector
(toilet) and to my mind I thought it would either be
mob justice or a strike.
Though this has never happened at LDC
because it would be news worldwide.
Ignoring that, I saw someone weeping like
“I need this money”; as I personally approached them.
Oh no...she cried; I have to do it again.
Lost in the confusion, As I turned back to go for my lecture,
someone shouted …it is true, they are out….
Obviously, by that time I was out of the lecture
and I didn’t mind the statement in motion,
but when I gave it a second thought;
I camouflaged without hesitation.
Then I decided to draw closer only to see,
there were sheets of paper.
This was really unusual as it caught me off guard.
Results..! My eyes almost
run out of the sockets through the spects.
Well for those who had failed,
I only thought of Fangil mande
who had just resigned 2 days back,
both situations stood painful I didn’t know
where I belonged at the moment.
I drew even closer only to be relaxed
by my name that appeared in M…showing
I hadn't passed, (but I had rather excelled).
My friends were all around as I turned
in excitement thinking about who I could tell first,
obviously whoever was around had known.
But this didn’t stop me from bearing a huge smile on my face,
only if people knew how my heart was dancing
the famous ‘calypso’ dance, and just by the side
there was a post indicating gowns on sale.

I immediately jumped into one gown
and moved gently like a lady walking down the Aisle,
while all my friends clapped and laughed excitedly
as if I was going to give them gifts, all for my achievements.
Then my buddy Jason taped me
and said ‘I have something to tell you’.
Oh no it wasn’t like I imagined,
It wasn’t graduation day, I was just taken up by the moment;
in shock of my excellence.
I smiled and moved away
‘Thank you Lord’ is what kept on my mind whispering
you are a genius and so I moved a way
in flames of happiness.
I woke up when days had changed
Day has sprout out and night no more
I wasn't to defend myself yet a victim.
Loosing what I had to times
Had I not slept, things would be different
maybe my life too be gone
We work for what we loose
Chase after dreams
Of which some hunt our success
I die to make the future the strungles me
The world that made me dance to it's tunes
I was born with nothing
Taught to earn it all in vain
When I cost things I loved
I didn't loose the brain that thought
Its true days change
It can never shine whole day
the heavy clouds gutted me
Stormy winds blow my bravery
my faith gave me warmth
My persistance lit up my confidence
my courage brought back the light
Am not of the dark meant to shine
And light all through
At one point a question arises
one that is hard to answer
quashes your reasoning
Beyond a future tense thought

you wish to have been there
maybe to have read the signs
Even following the small path.
The little voice keeps ringing
seize fire,the fight is out of range
my persistence aborted

To live but in a reign of doubt
And a face of sorry
For a closeness of an empty wall.
Absurd to take a walk
with one direction.
As I sit, my heart stands and my head goes roaming.
I am half lost in thought and dilemma of growth. The wishes of growing up getting intense on my nerves as I don’t wish to get any younger much as age keeps me on the advance.
Now, I count the mornings, days and the nights knowing it’s easy to slumber but not with the weight of my dreams. When I look at the mark of 100% and haven’t attained close to 50% I go weary. Midlife crisis has struck with its luggage of famous responsibilities.
I will not stay comfortable because my age mates aren’t where my focus is for I believe I need to set the bar for myself and my companions. The thought of it itches so bad so bad to bring me butterflies, and then goes insecurity, to loose what you already have grip on. Family, closet friends and your hustling grounds.
To this point the rhyme of Psalms 23 keep rolling on my lips as my eyes are close in meditation, every time I sit even when I go to bed. I want to raise my hand to admit it’s not easy being an adult, neither is it so hard. The difference comes when we fail to strike a balance to know WHAT GOES ON AND WHAT WE MUST LET GO?
In the end I come to appreciate Life, Life God has given me and has given us. Something I have as the biggest asset I run to the third floor.
I am not concerning about who went there first; I am in contemplation of the uniqueness I will bring to the table. We nearly live half of our lives in 20’s as it’s believed to be a time of adventure. Well I can’t regret want I went through for these lessons I am ready to carry to the third floor and a warning to myself that I won’t tolerate anything or even myself for standing in my way. To those who choose us and set to battle and see us better, cheers and to blood suckers against our progress talk to the hand.
I prefer the you
The sweat of your face,
You the finest of God's molds
The best of sand he used
Best of fraction in height
Bit of high and bit lowest
Best of structure wide and composed
No extras needed to define you
The voice weaved of tonned sounds
The ***** in thy sockets - thy eyes so calm
Never to wish to see of their tears.

The wrap up of lips - a ready burger for feast
I wish i would define you, your smile speaks to my silence
No rather i would calculate the reason you are pretty as a rose.
I would then wish to pick the rose but thy thorns would prik my humble walks to thee
I am walking farewell to your shadow
Calling for the luck of the wind to blow you by side.
Sometimes am happy, sometimes I am scared not of what happens but uncertainties. Sometimes I feel lucky, sometimes so blessed. Then the wind soothes my ears and I am driven into lamentations. The tongue speaks with promise but the eyes look in wonder, it’s savage not to fear rather worthless not try and hold to the moment. What you can’t see you can’t know let’s dance to the Melodie’s of hope.
weird standing raw in my mouth
Adding up sugar, a taste unknown
Fresh From the garden
The hungry teeth bite
A better through to the pan laters
Down to soup now tasty
Thanks to the heat; we'll made soft
Sweetness bettered after salt
Why not plant salt in tomato seeds
I see how comfortably you sit with the curved body
I wish I could say something to you but rejection buzzes in my ears
The chair is so lucky to hold on to soft back seaters
The way you look makes your enemies blush away for you have toppled my thoughts to side with you alone
I feel entitled to say a word to you for I can’t see such beauty smashed in my face at an away cost.
How could you stand ****! you amaze us the beneficiaries of eye feeders, and here us carelessly chanting with claps.

Hello and hi for tomorrow
I couldn’t say much since I am boiling
Don’t say a thing for I read your lips and you are in for what I am not
Take me back to not meeting you
The feverish drums hold me captive

Go in peace, leave me in my pieces
This was set to abide
The furtherness conversion of intimacy
As i climb to run off still ran into her
More appealing she received me
Her kindness tringered me off for it turned into a burden of politeness
Measure your audocity coward of infridgent
Your bad luck set a blaze by her portion of devine touch
Thy actions melted my eager, now a baby lotioned by her love
"Who can pretend to eat yet they swallow what they eateth"
Am made a lazy born of her works as she pampers me better than born ninjer
The more i roar the closer she comes taming my canine to smiles than bites.
As my heart skips beats, i decend.
A wave humour carries me
I scorch more than the sun does
A rover of salute to the eyes that i encounter
First enough i close my eyes cant hold to the flash from her eyes
Then i knew am doomed, her beam is my way of focus i stand by thee for flies
Am banned from worries all under her palms
Tension nor obstruct am stiffly aliegned
This was set to abide
The furtherness conversion of intimacy
As i climb to run off still ran into her
More appealing she received me
Her kindness tringered me off for it turned into a burden of politeness
Measure your audocity coward of infridgent
Your bad luck set a blaze by her portion of devine touch
Thy actions melted my eager, now a baby lotioned by her love
"Who can pretend to eat yet they swallow what they eateth"
Am made a lazy born of her works as she pampers me better than born ninjer
The more i roar the closer she comes taming my canine to smiles than bites.
As my heart skips beats, i decend.
A wave humour carries me
I scorch more than the sun does
A rover of salute to the eyes that i encounter
First enough i close my eyes cant hold to the flash from her eyes
Then i knew am doomed, her beam is my way of focus i stand by thee for flies
Am banned from worries all under her palms
Tension nor obstruct am stiffly aliegned
Life is a miracle. Don’t let it slip away
Open your heart to others & give yourself each day
See the beauty in everyone regardless of where they have been
Share your gifts, your talents & listen with your heart
Do things you dream while you still have time
Pick a bouquet of flowers & show someone you still care
Be gracious & forgiving, Life is not always fair
Hold fast to your courage, you may need it down the road
We all have a cross to bear which only a caring heart can make lighter
For nothing can erase the good deeds we do-not even fire or death
And if you practice all these things
No matter where you roam
You’ll find both the sun & rain but you’ll never feel alone
History will judge us not based on what we believe but how that which we claim to believe translates into the common good of human kind.
Happy End of the very first beginning of our Path to Greatness-to being Re-Known & Remarkable Lawyers of 2moro. May the Lord God Your Creator Enlarge your store houses not only as individuals but as an entire family. May He Jealousy Guard and keep watch over you. May He (Your Lord   & Creator) Bless you & make his continence shine upon you and be gracious to you. May He turn his face towards you and give you peace as you sojourn as GOD’s Ambassador in this Evil Stricken World.

But when she wears the white gown all will stand in awww
And as down she will trek an embrace in her will shine
For the Emblem of loyalty she is
Nothing will matter not her worries just her beautiful heart  and spark of closeness to merge her victory to her lover
For all has grown before her now she will blossom her man
He will lik fingers to her food and carry joy from her womb
So she waited this long the payment of pain and time has reversed to glory
Crown mother and queen to the forever thrown
Time taken to tell facts
Lost in despair
Your disbelief over words
Makes you a fan of deceit

If you don't listen to wisdom you drown in you story

The cover page of truth
Buried in the book of mischief
You only unleash your safety
As you bury the whole within
Here i come once again
A culprit of my own trap
slender to slender
I observe possibilitie in vain
Replacing a burger for an omlete
Dear me,
This bridge so deadly yet i carry massive weights of preciousness
The water lays deep down
But my soul worries for the body
And the hearts trouble foreseen.
Clinging on a slippery rope
By the sides of a tamefull nature
i love not to fall
since beauties of the rocks
capture only the sight of the eyes
And renders the heart restless
Trying it out doesnt mean i own it
All far fetched
A development from illusionsto
Sky diving, this stands worse than
the mares in reality.
Thickness and thinness in despair.
The sun is up and so is she
She has glazed and it has shone
Must she smile to break the curse of the day
Her fairly twinkle eyes drown my understanding
She is the favorite air to breathe
The peace in her flows speaks
No wonder I wonder
The crime to know you is forever love
Your Ugly its final
Its ok though not good
No you didnt choose to but it happen
Do you scare, that i wont say and yes you have value
The mirrors have confessed and darkness delights in you
surgical blades await by your pockets with good news of change
Lame by looks and pure by heart
Short in looks but heighted in thinking
Strange at working comparable to strength
So why are you Ugly, did they mix a wrong formula of you
Alittle far to be approached though to the same breathe air is breathed
Same light day moves
Your cells must have gone insane, a strike of late appearance for even bombers stand great in beauty
You mean you mind them because you look different
Then dig through talent walk high in mayhem of focus
Smile halleluia talk maturity it never meant to happen am sure you took a wrong face in a hurry thus return it, assemble all men and women alike return their property and claim yours, choose one you feel comfortable with at your cost
Dont look suspicious for you may never get a chance to win and a chance to live as free opportuned by nature
A place for old lovers and singles
for a condition no man has tamed
it bears difficult at times
We all desire to reach there in a day
Sitting or scouting
Public or private
We honor to seat
A plan where we all VIPs
No communual followers
Just one at a time.
The utmost privacy, the fattu-toil
A system in built for living being
one route for safety
And no return for the executed
Leaders or servants pay respect
Big or small need the service
from ancient to modernity
An offer of relief used.
You never push for it
It only comes by it's timing
it's weight and speed determines your comfort
to let ,too late
My heart is hanging far from sight
Am dozing off the wheel of complaint, its a lesson well mastered
A journey travelled so long.
Who am I, not to branch and why not keep the track.
Ooops maybe was led by one's blindness
And what happens I didn't realize it was only the small light at hand
I wont blow it for you to loose sight
Am going to build a better ray of light to guide you with your nature
Prune the plants you let to fade
Water the seeds you left to dry
And your reward will be written in catastrophe.
you offer me a glass, I dare to return it with juice
You leap my run, I still run your race.
Am truly grateful for hosting you
In my life you lived like a superstar
More popular than the TV soaps.

In the Hollywood of my friends you shinned,
Before disaster was born to us
We made thousands of decisions
But Never was fate included.
Many had made glorious entries
But  unbearable departure.
It was intended to love and never to hate
To have and never to loose.

What would you do if one morning
All joy turned to fear (dreams to past)
Hopes into sorrow
To chase so shortly
And gone too soon
I presumed I was preventive
But it happened; like death steals the living.
A disease undiagnosed
With no announcement to make.

Have got no more to chase
Cause the choice isn’t mine to make.
The beauty and fantasies
Now buried in disappointment .

Your face smiles with hatred and shame
………..Shalom to you
Who crippled the Love that I had
And washed my efforts to dust
Nothing left to protect
Rather all left to the blowing wind
To determine its direction and destiny.
Only known to the one who cares
The one who cares about the cold mornings and nights?
Prepares breakfast, a cool shower and a warm bed for it
Seen as a burden to the one who created.

Standing in hope of making moneys
For its beautiful future
Though hard for it to understand
Because all it needs is time not money
But love

That loves, healing all its sicknesses
Unknown temperatures and worries
How shameful…
The love of the bearer is far from it,
Further than the sky from the ground.
In growing up, all smiles and pains
Attributed to the comforter of moments
And not the proprietor.

‘Am to Pm’ schedule for a day(Mon…Fri)
Lasting meetings and functions for the weekends,
All this keeps it in vain of blood loneliness.
They find carrying it is unbearable
Taking their own joy as pain in the ***
A great gift taken as a disturbance of peace,
Who knows how terrible you were by that age?
I consider you a coward of your own creation.

See no further, but rather think closer to reconciliation
Care takers turning out as mummy!!!
Which ought to be a sweet name for the Author.
They still carry on with no guilt
Money is what they call responsibility
Yet the poor groom brains with no cash.
It only mattered for a moment since i wished not
to carry such a lame idea in me
How scarly my face looked
That it caused your stomach to tumble
Granting you a day of mystery
And makes you loose your touch of romance.
Could really be that ugly that my looks
make warm food go bad, and melting ice
That i looked worse than suicide bombers
i couldnt be the reason why the sun rises late
Soon my face dropped with colorless wrinkles
By i knew a wise man always finds away

The bright one appeared
radiant as the sun
i didnt want to close my eyes to facts, to learn from
By and by the time my calvary went to rest
strange and innocent,
spoke with eloquence
Her words got me drunk like a shot of the
favourite John Walker
She lamented as she spoke words of light
to my face,
A smile blossomed to the lips
The teeth re-jointed in happiness,
You must be a bio-chemical reaction
start brings about new life.
what got in me?
in every thousand of seconds I walk
My eyes follow the back
taken by the moments
Everything seems good
My eyes keep in lamentation
judging which one is better

kind and bouncing very innocent
am sure eyes subscribed to the behinds
they really terrorised my mind
A better half I have
I seem though looking for another
The search I have never found
Because I don't know what it is!
To you
Who is well known to my heart?
Close to me like my skin
And attached to me like my nails

You drain in me like blood,
I no longer like you
but now crazy for you.
Though not yet sure of
My medical mental status
Am not worried being
diagnosed with your love.
For I have tasted it
Sweet and bitter at the same time

I can’t count how many times
You patrol my brain nerves
Disconnecting my senses
And planting there
Endless illusions and dreams
About my (future with you).

I see colors of love
In your smile; And your shinning face
Gives me hope to work out my fears
And overcome my worries

It may take me long
Getting closer to you
But it will be more
Than forever me letting you go
Not even the rain can stand our way
Neither can the scorching sun,
The wind blows us but we not shaken
The winter freezes our bodies
But thoughts for each other never go.
Memories blown away by west winds
And east winds return them by morning.
For the years i have lived.
Only God stands a witness and
Then you bear the question to
what goes on in your life.
If life goes worse, it doesnt
mean you do bad.
Couple hope with all you do
Have faith not doubt
Replace fear with strength
And make God your source to everything
Why do you wish to receive
when you don't wish to give
Just like you can't buy a miracle.
Keep your fingures crossed and walk
a path of passion in the Lord
For each day the birds in the air eat,
sleep and reproduce with no
single penny.
Widely open eyes to a growth
in status of your personality
all courtessy of believing the most high
raise the flags to all and
make compassion part of
your life experience.
He provides in abundance to overflow
Our expectations, sleep not to
purchase but have in bounty.
There are many stories know to my hero
My mum, know to many but not too infinitely

She loved many as her own and grew many by her hands
She fed and clothed thousands with literally no seeds and expecting no returns
She brushed the dirt of the country and cleaned many households to their happiness

She nursed whoever came her way and dug opportunities for whoever needed it
As for that truth she did more for me than we all knew.

She led the way all the way
Sacrificed what she had for what I didn’t
She bent knees for reach of my comfort and betterment
While she was sweating, dust was her feed and scorches were her reward.
My unsung hero
I praise God for you
May you find a peaceful life over the peace you sacrificed for me for us
And Dear Lord, may she receive my letter and prayer and the rewards of gratitude she held of earth
May Angels not receive you alone but accompany your heavenly journey
May our hearts bleed with comfort and love that you reach the Glory of our father
Never to be forgotten never lost from sight eternally missed
You see it coming and keep waiting
In thought of survival.
Crossing over your imagination
And in your face stands misfortune
Watch from a distance
Don't run hidding never lasts
Even when you climb high
Soon you will return
All vanguishes like air gases
You're either a solvent or vapour
You see it coming and keep watching
In thought that you may survive.
Crossing over your imaginations
And in your face; a present of misfortune.
It's better to stay but rather watch from afar
And better not to run...
......Never hide forever.

Even when you climb high, nature
Commands you to the flow
To be safe is to be on standby
The sooner it comes, the earlier the better
It later goes in the air invisible to human sight
You're a solvent/ vapour
The one you love found so far from you The dream you have And the future you see
The little for more Spoken in quietness The way I love you in silence Remember what I told in my heart
The doors I closed to have you in Tables I jumped for your sake I ask for no repay I paint you with memory of us
The two of us whose love hangs in hope Unseen though noticed in me You don't know yet but my heart does Forever or not I behold the heart
squeeze the water out of cactus
             drain it's air too
make a paper from when it dries
for there I will send my message of love to her
like I thirsted for the liquid I drew
What on Earth is Easy.

The fact that we are made in the womb but no one has ever returned there or even give a thank you to it.
We grow to win-win situations. Even parents encourage you to be the best in all. Surely you cant, you can always master a few things and be knowledgable about the rest. You can never cheat life, whoever serious you could be or have all kind of possessions, there comes a time when day seems to be night. If a child can **** the person who brought him/her to the world then how about another kind you meet. Among the punishments given to Adam,Eve and the serpent where who ever sees the other fast should strike them. The tension we under live, when you are healthy you never know the hardship of eating food, the children cry out to hard books as parents toil for their fees, men cry tired of walking while the lame cant help crawling, they complain having the same meal else where its not seen, millions aint enough for shopping another cant have a dollar in a week. I can tell best story of a toilet when the stomach decides to throw back the anger then shall you learn to scott for hours in vain.
Still many will blame God. Some days the sun wakes up on the wrong side and it decides not to shine half or full day, just like a crazy day you may wake up to troubles all through, doesnt mean its over, means change the plan. People work painfully to earn a penny and those that pay feel the pinch to release money even when non is made.
All goes hard, like a man strangles him self but dies crying yet it was his decission, its a world of benefit though in all not each day is for gaining, there are days for learning where no pen, no books, no degree, no money is required most times its SIMPLICITY to learn, humanity, patience, Love, courage, forgiveness, giving, & prayer.
I can not thank the womb that bore you
I cant thank the village that raised you
I see how you are a star in their eyes and a moon to mine
A friend can be so beautiful that makes all carbondioxide smell like Oxygen
Though i may not thank all
I thank the path i took when i came across you
They were good
In the beginning
But changed sides
when they tasted the Dollar.

The things took their thoughts
they don't support the truth
They stand for benefits.

They aren't evil, corrupt
Living by the moment
And you will be remembered
when its time for thumbs up.
Am rendered helpless in a battle to save the restless.
Upon them i cry as my strength wiggles the chains curfing them
Desparate for their freedom u stood in the agony of self sacrifice
I have much more to gain than loose
They are jailed to insanity of hopelessness,i save them in a confussion of passioned hope of possibility
Who will apart from me, one with a heart baked by an incubator, the one big one that carrys carries pains and joys for all met and amended.
Am not from here neither from within,am from afar the place you know closest. The highest of peaks to the far of east in echos and north to never return to misery
The cable of transmission for a life you hope for, the road for those who choose the paths guided from above.
our likes and tastes are quite different, ladies loving ****** and other die-hards for gents. Men for thigh exposure and others for descence, though all for a reason. We fancy scents, clothings, height, rides, the wallet size and most definitely the LOOKS, before all is gone some sense. Everyone needs a person to look up to for inspiration, in work, sociality, design and so forth. It costs you nothing to admire positively, many there look Upto you though you don't know, just keep it up-take yourself very important, for it's the beginning of hope for others that believe in you. Not necessary to forge a life #be you #be real.
I will stand far but you will feel me
I wont call you but you will come
you will scream when am gone
but you find me when I came for you
While in war, target is enemy down
Gathering men to the frontline
After war you accrete alot and advance for expansion
In your flock include; captives and dreamers
Maximum loyalty an initio
But a gun resolution is sound track of history.
Your greed in recruite to quash loyalty for abeyance
Are the back stabs you will receive later
Time comes ancillary dogs set loose and out of command.
With much more anger to claim identify, it was your own favor to groom a fellow thinker that will break your own toes
It's then when you will see the bullet released can't be retrieved
Fast as you can it's all axiom.
You didn't hurt yourself alone, your family falls suit
Now that the bees are out of the hive you can celebrate the stings you're to receive.
"Country men hands together for a better, hope is sooner than soon. I smell the winds of CHANGE
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