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19/Agender    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none
Ramin Ara
Sea ..., Dedicated To Ernest Hemingway (((The Old Man and the Sea))) A fish can learn The worth of the sea When it finds itself ...
Win Star
Philippines    Aspiring artist, photographer and writer.
Mohd Arshad
Phillip Knight
Valsa George
India    Spend my time reading and writing poems. Through poetry, one can establish soul connections with the right kind of people. Love of Nature is deeply ...
Franko The Christian Poet
Louisville, KY    I am The Christian Poet because I fight for the salvation of my OWN soul and the soul of MILLIONS and I own a private ...
The Mellon
21/M/USA    "A poet is a musician who can't sing." -Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind. Good thing I can't sing
In a Universal Web (IAUW)    LJ is also SassyJ Check out my other work at Poems inspired by my human experiences.
Melaka Jude
Colombo    Hi! I'm a teenager just starting out in the writing field. I love writing, it makes me feel so free and ecstatic. I like writing ...
BeAutiFul ConFuSion
Just Me R
Scotland    Just a few thoughts x
54/M/Cleveland, Ohio    Creator of the "Quantum Loop" poem. I study English, science, and mankind. Shemale and he-she. Asian/black/arab/white/americaN.
Christi Michaels MoonFlower
I hope that my writings touch others as Poetry and Timeless Prosodies have touched me. aka: MoonFlower "Fluer de Luna" Currently recovering from a traumatic ...
Mary Winslow
Oregon    "Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light..." Dylan Thomas I have put up a ...
Audrey Maday
Minnesota    A human on the cusp of being something more. Learning perhaps love is just a lie humans create to make themselves feel better. All my ...
Oklahoma    I'm just a lost traveler, trying to find my way
Tyler Houck
22/M/North Carolina    Hello!
Snehith Kumbla
M/Pune, India    Writer, poet, lyricist, traveler and blogger. Budding idler, swimmer, runner, photographer. (Poems by Snehith Kumbla: Copyright and all rights reserved.)
charlotte NC    "I'm un-orphaned in your northern lights" -Bon Iver; 10 d E A T h b R E a s T ⚄ ⚄ GET WET
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