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If I haven't posted in a while don't think of me as gone. I remain here waiting for my inspiration to hit me in the ...
Christina Philipe
Portugal    Leakage from a hyperactive mind...
Paul Gilhooley
Wallasey    Proud dad first, shark loving marine conservationist second. Everything else is just a side show. I use poetry and photography as a way of coping ...
Space    "Art"
Carson Guy
Seattle - Washington    "It came unto him, life; it went out from him, truth." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
23/M/Denver, CO   
43/M/Springfield Illinois    Hopefull Poet This is the blog of a writer who is sussing out life through living, reading, thinking, and writing.
Akira Chinen
122/M/texas    "we put it all into a poem, to tell the universe who we were, and why we were here, and what we said and did ...
Cynthia Jean
Michigan, USA    All works are under the copywrited possession of Cynthia Jean, and may not be used, copied, reproduced, or distributed in any manner without the author's ...
m i a
20/F/m a r s    twenty. aquarius. lover of all things. i'm not here to impress, i just want my words to be heard nothing more, nothing less. ©
J B Moore
24/M/New England    I'm a lover and a fighter, A poet and a writer. For a lover always fights When his lover's life is on the line, And ...
Lou Morgan
Ohio    just an amateur with dreams i have no real intention of fulfilling. sometimes writing is all i know how to do. ig: hann.morg
Welcome to the scary glimpse into my inner mind :) Proud lover of a military man, trying to be strong every day he is away

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