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kris 7h
It seems like a terrible peace,
How the waves drown and roar like a beast.

I imagine myself in its darkest depths
Taking all these deep, deep breaths.

Its creatures lie hidden to the naked eye
As if waiting for a reply.

But yet, I find in the treacherous sea-
A place called home, for you and me.
I got inspired by a poem about the ocean so I decided to write my own.
kris 11h
You try your best, you really do-
To be the friend anyone can run to.
But, it seems you are just a spare,
And no one is there to care.
When you are in a friend group, people have the tendency to leave you out and that is the worst feeling.  They will only go to you when they have something to cry about and then just leave.
kris 15h
When you look at me,
What do you see?

Someone calm and composed?
Who dares not speak ablaze.

No, 'tis false.
For deep inside of me,
is a anger so wild and deep.

It consumes my mind and thoughts,
I wish I didn't feel at all.

I do not want to give in to the fire
A prayer I lifted to Heaven at dawn,
"Save me from my wretched, wicked heart."
Anger is an ugly monster, destroying you slowly until you are gone.  
Don't let it consume you.
kris 1d
A stranger knocks at my door-
I opened it and saw,
Loneliness standing in front of me,
Saying, “Hello, old friend."
there are times when loneliness starts to sink in and sometimes we just accept it and greet it like an old friend.
kris 1d
I’m nothing but a dream;
Please don’t fall in love with me.
I’d just be your misery
Here to make you cry and weep.

We met under the midnight road,
Stars shining from up high.
You wanted to touch the sky,
But I said you couldn't fly.

You laughed, giving me those eyes—
Those eyes that told a million tales.
From that point on, I realized
You wanted me from afar.

I tried to tell you no,
But you were like a fly,
Drawing near to the light,
Until I said, “I'm not the one.”

“It’s for the best,” I told you,
Trying not to cry.
But you walked slowly up to me,
Looking into my eyes.

With a love so deep and true,
You said those three dreaded words.
I try to push away but alas,
How can I refuse?

— The End —