Tortured soul
He walks this earth alone
Crying out to be saved
His heart has turned to stone
He’s soul now aimlessly roams
Searching for the light to his darkness
He finds that no one’s home
He put his pen to paper
His savior has become his poems
Capturing all eternal heartache, that life to him has thrown
It brought him sadness
His scarred
Which for he alone atones
For the words he captures
When he gets lost in the zone
Writing from feelings
He will never truly disown
Giving it life, No one will ever condone
As he’s pen bleeds
Inscribing heartache of a tormented soul to these pages
His heart rages
His caged demons scream’s for him to release him from their cages
His inked pen becoming his soul Savior
A poet mask....hidden from the world
When only your ink give it life, unmask your true nature.