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Tatiana Sep 2015
Never to forget.
  Sep 2015 Tatiana






(word sonnet)
all started with letter D
It's been a long time since I made my first word sonnet that was actually inspired by a fellow poets Kirti's sonnet #1
& Vi's brainchild (word sonnet) go check them out starting from letter A made by Kirti as followed by Vi's letter B. & I made the previous letter C and here you go the letter D.

I was actually stumble from my old poems so I'll probably write more word sonnets or something. It's really fun and enjoyed writing this one! :)

Sept 8, 2015

Kirti's word sonnet: (
Vi's Brainchild(word sonnet): (
Tatiana Sep 2015
My chest constricts for biological reasons
It has nothing to do with your charm.
My breath was taken from me today
but don't let that boost your ego.
My voice was hoarse and I was wheezing
see, this has nothing to do with lust.
My heart does not fill with love for you
it's my brain that tells me not to trust.
My threatening disease has not ended me
but my lungs still ache with each breath.

There is no point in romanticising a chronic illness
because it makes you think that this all means something else.
But it's funny because you caused this
and not in the way you thought you did.
So if you could please just put out the
because while you enjoy it,
it's killing me much faster than you
*and I don't want to die so violently.
Tatiana Sep 2015
I will never forget the people
on the other side of the screen.
Their names stay in my head
whenever I write.
Because I always think of how
they're a person too.
  Sep 2015 Tatiana
Nebulous the Poet
I went outside for a cigarette
Sat on the step and
I see myself down the street
forty years from now;

Burnt like an ember in an ash pile
Ground into a particle by
the street sweeper to be eaten
by the atmosphere's tangled black tongue.

Walking up and down the
battered stairs tires my weary legs
with every trip I make
Lungs crying for air like a newborn.

A tool for procrastination
A tobacco fascination can lead to
a disastrous situation. Kurt
Vonnegut once said, "Cigarettes

are a classy way to commit suicide"
He must have been stupefied making that statement.

Like taking a blade serrated 1000 times
and nudging one more notch through
his flesh with every caramel covered kiss.
But he was too scared to take it out.

Exhale and apologize to Earth
for his suffocated statement. Breathing in
snakes and rusted copper.

The man down the street probably wishes
to be my age back in his day again.
My eyes frozen in space like Walt Disney's
severed head.

He catches a  a cloud of smoke
and his lungs scream through stalagmites
that drip with unwashed tears
that never fell from Vonnegut's stone face.
Tatiana Sep 2015
I would
If I could
But I can't
So I won't
Do it

I would
If I could
And I can
So I will
Do it
  Sep 2015 Tatiana
Never mistake her silence
as words better left

She is merely strategising
with the demons inside
her head
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