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 Nov 2024 Tark Wain
The ground was never solid
No shoulder to lean on or hand
to guide or help us understand
Just run to escape the quick sand
Such is the life of man
I'm tired of running
Through no man's land
Wading through a pile of mud
Dodging mosquitos and poison ivy
The rashes and bites make me bleed
Yet I believe someday that flowers will bud
By our blood
Then out of the crud the earth will be blessed
By the remnant seed all who confessed
That our sacrifice was not in vain
And those who heard them took heed
And forsook their lust and violence and greed
Then every man will live by the fruit of his deeds
 Nov 2024 Tark Wain
All the rage, sadness, numbness, and miserable feelings don't stop. They never stop. Through my whole essence, it will never be cast away. Forever leaking from my bones. Grief. Sorrow. Broken. Never restoring, Incessant. In my soul.
I will endlessly be Fragmented...
 Nov 2024 Tark Wain
Maryann I
She stands at the edge of the grove,
barefoot in the soft, damp earth.
The sky has darkened, an ink-stained veil,
and the air is heavy with whispers
of things not yet spoken.

He steps from the shadows,
the pomegranate cradled in his hand,
as if it were a heart still beating.
Its skin glints like polished blood,
each curve a promise she does not understand.

He smiles—not with his mouth, but his eyes,
the kind of smile that unravels secrets.
He holds out the fruit, the distance between them
as thin as a thread pulled taut.
“Try it,” he says. “It’s sweet as summer rain.”

She hesitates, her fingers trembling
above its smooth, red skin,
caught between the impulse to reach,
to know, to taste—and the warning,
some echo of a voice she barely remembers.

“Just a taste,” he breathes,
and his voice is the rustle of leaves,
the call of something deeper than words.
She presses her thumb into the fruit,
and it yields, a dark, red river
running down her wrist.

He watches as she lifts the seeds
to her mouth, her lips stained
in a shade she’s never worn before.
The burst of juice, sharp and sweet,
washes over her tongue—a flood, a fever.

And she feels it then, the shift—
the earth beneath her is no longer soft,
but hard and cold, like stone.
The taste of the pomegranate lingers,
the sweetness turning to ash,
something bitter lodged in her throat.

He steps closer, his hand on her cheek,
a gesture almost tender.
“You wanted this,” he says,
and she knows he’s right, though she cannot say why.

The grove is silent, the night deepening,
the stars like distant eyes watching.
She looks at him, and then at the empty husk
in her hand, the seeds scattered at her feet
like drops of blood on snow.

She does not speak.
There is nothing left to say.
Only the taste, the lingering memory
of sweetness, and the slow, heavy beat
of something lost.
 Nov 2024 Tark Wain
I still remember you, the fragment of you in my mind. Still laughing, still loving me. Our hearts still beating at the same pace. I have done wrong upon you. But please, remember my promise, my unconditional love. Still, boundless. My love.
I don't  care for the opinions of others,
I dress well but in attires I feel comfortable,
I eat when I want to,
I sleep when I want to.
I still coach a few students to keep me busy,
I love the feel of water,
So take my time in the shower.
I am not into meat,
I love fruits and nuts,
I must have an ice cold glass of coconut water everyday.
I keep in touch with my children, my sister, nieces, nephews and friends,
On the phone or WhatsApp,
My son and daughter ring me everyday sharing anecdotes and news of mundane things in our life.
Living alone is an advantage,
Nobody to nag you what to do.
its over
i know you love me
but this is broken
and strained
the distance too great

so its over
my objections held taught in my mouth
the whole world tipping over flipping south
our voices strained
the distance closed

its over
its over
its over
 Nov 2024 Tark Wain
I never think of life
As a wet on dry watercolor painting
Because its more similar
To wet on wet
You put a dash of color
And it spreads
Like a virus
But a good one
Life isnt realism.
Life is abstract.
So treat it like that.
But in the end?
नोकरी, छोकरी और शायरी
दो समय तो ये हर बार निखार पाते।
इसमें कभी भी पारंगत नहीं हो सकते
हमेशा ये सुधार की गुंजाइश ही रखते।
लफ्ज़ यहां बहुत महत्व रखते
बिगड़े लफ्ज़ तो ये नहीं बख्शते।
रात दिन का फेर नहीं समझते
जब लगे तलब  तभी जगा लेते।
व्यक्ति जब तक कुछ सोचता
तब तक तो ये मुंह बना लेते।
तीनों ही रत्न ये अद्भुत
एक दूसरे को पुष्ट करते।
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